RSS <channel> Element
Please click on the specific element in the element column to get more detailed information.
Element | Description |
<category> | Optional. Defines one or more categories for the feed. |
<cloud> | Optional. Register a process to get immediate notification of feed updates. |
<copyright> | Optional. Notify copyrighted material. |
<description> | Required. Describe the channel. |
<docs> | Optional. Specifies the URL pointing to the format description used by the current RSS file. |
<generator> | Optional. Specifies the program used to generate the feed. |
<image> | Optional. Display an image when the aggregator renders a feed. |
<language> | Optional. Specifies the language in which the feed is written. |
<lastBuildDate> | Optional. Defines the date the feed content was last modified. |
<link> | Required. Defines the hyperlink to the channel. |
<managingEditor> | Optional. Defines the email address of the feed content editor. |
<pubDate> | Optional. Defines the last published date for the feed's content. |
<rating> | Optional. The PICS level of the feed. |
<skipDays> | Optional. Specifies days to ignore feed updates. |
<skipHours> | Optional. Specifies the hours to ignore feed updates. |
<textInput> | Optional. Specifies the text input field that should be displayed with the feed. |
<title> | Required. Defines the title of the channel. |
<ttl> | Optional. Specifies the number of minutes the feed can be cached before this feed is updated from the feed source. |
<webMaster> | Optional. Defines the email address of the web administrator of this feed. |
RSS <item> Element
Element | Description |
##<author> | Optional. Specifies the email address of the project author. |
<category> | Optional. Define one or more categories to which the item belongs. |
<comments> | Optional. Allows projects to connect to comments (files) about this project. |
<description> | Required. Describe this project. |
<enclosure> | Optional. Allows importing a media file into an item. |
<guid> | Optional. Define a unique identifier for the project. |
<link> | Required. Defines a hyperlink to this item. |
<pubDate> | Optional. Defines the last release date for this project. |
<source> | Optional. Designate a third-party source for this project. |
<title> | Required. Defines the title of this project. |