RSS publish your feed
Your RSS document is only useful if others can find it.
Publish your RSS to the Web
Now it's time to upload your RSS file to the Web. Here are the specific steps:
1. Name your RSS. Please note that the file must have an .xml suffix.
2. Verify your RSS file. (A good validator can be found at
3. Upload the RSS file to the web directory on your web server.
4. Put this little orange button or
Copy to your web directory.
5. Place this little button on the page where you want to provide RSS to the outside world. Then add a link to the RSS file to this button. The code should look like this:
<a href="">
<img src="../style/images/rss. gif" width="36" height="14">
6. 6. Submit your RSS feed to the RSS Feed directory. pay attention! The URL of the feed is not your page, but the URL pointing to your feed, such as "". Here are some free RSS syndication services:
7. Register your feed with important search engines:
8. Update your feed - Now you have RSS feed buttons from Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Please be sure to update your content frequently and keep your RSS feed available over time.
Can I maintain the RSS feed myself?
The best way to ensure that your RSS feed works the way you expect is to maintain it yourself.
However, this is very time-consuming, especially for a large number of updates.
The alternative is to use a third-party automated RSS.
Automatic RSS
If you don’t want to update the RSS feed yourself, there are tools and services that can do the job automatically for you, such as:
MyRSSCreator - Provide automatic, reliable RSS service within 10 minutes
FeedFire - Providing free RSS feed creation and distribution
For those users who just need an RSS feed for their personal website, some popular blog (Web Log) managers can provide Built RSS service: