View Query (Query Builder 10)

View query can realize multi-table query that does not rely on database views, and does not require the database to support views. It is a recommended alternative to the JOIN method, for example:

Db::view('User', 'id,name')
    ->view('Profile', 'truename,phone,email', '')
    ->view('Score', 'score', '')
    ->where('score', '>', 80)

Generated SQL statement Similar to:

SELECT,,Profile.truename,,,Score.score FROM think_user User INNER JOIN think_profile Profile ON INNER JOIN think_socre Score ON WHERE Score.score > 80

Note that the view query does not need to call the table and join methods, and when calling the where and order methods, you only need to use the field name without adding the table name.

INNER join query is used by default. If you need to change it, you can use:

Db::view('User', 'id,name')
    ->view('Profile', 'truename,phone,email', '', 'LEFT')
    ->view('Score', 'score', '', 'RIGHT')
    ->where('score', '>', 80)

The generated SQL statement is similar to:

SELECT,,Profile.truename,,,Score.score FROM think_user User LEFT JOIN think_profile Profile ON RIGHT JOIN think_socre Score ON WHERE Score.score > 80

You can use an alias:

Db::view('User', ['id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'account'])
    ->view('Profile', 'truename,phone,email', '')
    ->view('Score', 'score', '')
    ->where('score', '>', 80)

The generated SQL statement becomes:

SELECT AS uid, AS account,Profile.truename,,,Score.score FROM think_user User INNER JOIN think_profile Profile ON INNER JOIN think_socre Score ON WHERE Score.score > 80

You can use arrays to define table names and aliases, for example:

Db::view(['think_user' => 'member'], ['id' => 'uid', 'name' => 'account'])
    ->view('Profile', 'truename,phone,email', '')
    ->view('Score', 'score', '')
    ->where('score', '>', 80)

The generated SQL statement becomes:

SELECT AS uid, AS account,Profile.truename,,,Score.score FROM think_user member INNER JOIN think_profile Profile ON INNER JOIN think_socre Score ON WHERE Score.score > 80