ThinkPHP6.0 database chain operation

ThinkPHP6 database chain operation

  • The chain operation method provided by the database can effectively improve data access code clarity and development efficiency, and supports all CURD operations

  • marked with *, it supports multiple calls

Continuous operation Function Supported parameter types
where*For AND queriesStrings, arrays and objects
table Used to define the name of the data table to be operated Strings and arrays
name Used to define the name of the data table to be operated NameString
field* is used to define the field to be queried (supports field exclusion)String and Array
order* is used to sort the resultsString and array
limit Used to limit the number of query resultsStrings and numbers
page Used for query paging (will be converted to limit internally )Strings and numbers

1. Expression query

  • The expression is the condition of the SQL statement

  • Expressions are not case-sensitive

  • Expression is written in where

##ExpressionMeaningQuery Method = is equal to ##<>#> is greater than greater than or equal toless than##<=whereLike/whereNotLike

is not equal to


less than or equal to
##[ NOT] LIKEFuzzy query
##[NOT] BETWEEN(Not)Interval query whereBetween/whereNotBetween
[NOT] IN(Not in)IN query whereIn/whereNotIn
[NOT] NULLQuery whether the field is (not) NULLwhereNull/whereNotNull


  • The where method is the most commonly used method in the chain operation method. It can complete normal query, expression query, quick query, Conditional query operations including interval query and combined query

# Equal to (=)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')- >where('id','=','1')->select();


# Not equal to (<>)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('id','<>',' 2')->select();


Greater than (>)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('id','>','3')->select();

print_r( $select->toArray());

# Greater than or equal to (>=)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods' )->where('id','>=','4')->select();


# Less than (<)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('id','<','5 ')->select();


Less than or equal to (<=)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('id','<=','6')->select();


# where

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')






$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('title','like','%dress%')->select();

print_r($select-> ;toArray());


$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('title' ,'not like','%dress%')->select();



$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('id','between','6,10')->select();



$select = Db::table('shop_goods ')->where('id','not between',[6,10])->select();


# IN

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('id','in','4,7, 10')->select();



$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('id','not in',[4,7,10])->select();


2. Data table

1, table and name

# must be the complete database name

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->where('id','10')->select();

print_r($select-> ;toArray());

# The database does not set the prefix

$select = Db::name('shop_goods')->where('id','11')-> ;select();


# Database setting prefix, no prefix access

$select = Db::name ('list')->where('id','12')->select();


2. Database prefix

Database configurationdatabase.php

return [

'connections' => [


## ]



3. Return value



The main function of the field method is to identify the fields to be returned or operated. It can be used for query and write operations.

  • All query methods can be used Use field method

  • # String

  • $select = Db::table('shop_goods')
                    ->field( 'title,price,discount as d')



print_r($select ->toArray());


$select = Db::table('shop_goods')

- & gt; field ([

# Title ',

' Price ',

' Discount '= & GT

#                                                                                                                                                                                                           .

Add, only these fields can be added

# Multiple fields

$data = [

'title' = > 'New item',

'price' => 50,

'discount' => 8,

'add_time' => 1576080000


$insert = Db::table('shop_goods')

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      other ;field('add_time')



Query all fields, faster

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . ));



withoutField method is used to exclude fields in the data table



    fieldRaw method directly uses the mysql function
  • Db::table('shop_goods')->fieldRaw('id,sum(price)')->select();
4. Sorting

  • method is used to sort the results of the operation or limit the priority

Default positive order

asc forward order

desc reverse order

  • $select = Db::table ('shop_goods')
  •                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       . order('price','DESC')

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . $select->toArray());
  • 2,

  • Using the mysql function in the method

$select = Db::table( 'shop_goods')

-& GT; Field ('Title, Price, ID')

## -& GT; where ('Status', 1)

## -& GT; Orderraw; ("field(title,'price','discount','stock')")


print_r($select->toArray()) ;

5. Paging

limit method is mainly used to specify the number of queries and operations

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')


                  ->where(' status',1)


-& gt; limit (3)

& gt; select ();

## ($ select- & gt; toarray ())

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')




->select() ;



The method is mainly used for paging queries

  • $select = Db::table('shop_goods')         ->field('title,price,id')

  •           - & gt; where ('status', 1)
& gt; order ('price', 'desc')

-& gt (1,5)



6. Aggregation query

If there is no data in the aggregation method, the default value is 0. Aggregation queries can be matched with other query conditions

  • Method
Functioncount The number of statistics, the parameter is the field name to be counted (optional) max Get the maximum value. The parameter is the name of the field to be counted (required) min Get the minimum value. The parameter is the name of the field to be counted (required) avg Get the average value, the parameter is the field name to be counted (required) sumGet Total number, the parameter is the field name to be counted (required)

// Count the quantity, the parameter is the field name to be counted (optional)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->count();


// Get the maximum value, the parameter is the field name to be counted (required)

$select = Db ::table('shop_goods')->max('id');


// Get the minimum value , the parameter is the field name to be counted (required)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->min('id');

print_r($select) ;

// Get the average value, the parameter is the field name to be counted (required)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods') ->avg('id');


// Get the total number, the parameter is the field name to be counted ( Required)

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->sum('id');


7. Search and sorting examples

controller code

public function index(){

$title = 'Mall';

$ login = 'Ouyang Ke';

# Left menu

$menu = Db::table('shop_menu')->where('fid',0)->select ();

$left = $menu->toArray();

foreach($left as &$left_v){

$left_v['lists'] = Db::table('shop_menu')->where('fid',$left_v['id'])->select();


# Right side List

$param = Request::param();

if(isset($param['status']) && $param['status'] == 1){

$where['status'] = 1;

}else if(isset($param['status']) && $param['status'] == 2){

$where['status'] = 2;


$where = true;


$list = Db :: table ('shop_goods')

& GT; where ($ where)

## -& gtr ('add_time desc'

## -& gter ('' id desc ')

-& gt; select ();

## $ right = $ list -& gt; toarray ();

## Foreach ($ right as & $ right_v) {

$right_v['cat'] = Db::table('shop_cat')->where('id',$right_v['cat'])->value('name') ;



'title' => $title,

'login' => $login,

        'left' => $left,

        'right' => $right,

        'status' => isset($param['status']) ? $param['status'] : null


    return View::fetch();



<form class="layui-form" method="post">

    <div class="layui-form-item" style="margin-top:10px;">

        <div class="layui-input-inline">

            <select name="status">

                <option value="0" {if $status==0}selected{/if}>全部</option>

                <option value="1" {if $status==1}selected{/if}>开启</option>

                <option value="2" {if $status==2}selected{/if}>关闭</option>



        <button class="layui-btn layui-btn-primary"><i class="layui-icon"></i>搜索</button>



8. Paging example

controller code

public function index(){

$title = 'Mall';

$login = 'Ouyang Ke';

# Left menu

$menu = Db::table(' shop_menu')->where('fid',0)->select();

$left = $menu->toArray();

foreach($left as &$left_v){

$left_v['lists'] = Db::table('shop_menu')->where('fid',$left_v['id'])->select( );


# Right list

$param = Request::param();

if(isset($param['status ']) && $param['status'] == 1){

$where['status'] = 1;

}else if(isset($param['status' ]) && $param['status'] == 2){

$where['status'] = 2;


$where = true ;


$p = isset($param['p']) ? $param['p'] : 1;

// Total statistics

$count = Db::table('shop_goods')->where($where)->count();

$list = Db::table('shop_goods')

-& gt;; $ when)

-& gt; order ('add_time desc')

## -& gt ('ID desc')

# #                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       through $right as &$right_v){

$right_v['cat'] = Db::table('shop_cat')->where('id',$right_v['cat'])-> ;value('name');



'title' => $title,

'login ' => $login,

'left' => $left,

'right' => $right,

'count' => ceil ($count/10),

'p' => $p,

'status' => isset($param['status']) ? $param['status '] : 0


return View::fetch();


view code

<div class="layui-box layui-laypage layui-laypage-default">

<a href="/index.php/Index/index?p={$p-1}&status={$status}" class="layui-laypage-prev {if $p<=1}layui -disabled{/if}">Previous page</a>

{for start="0" end="$count"}

{if $p == $ i 1)

#                                                                                                                                                "/index.php/Index/index?p={$i 1}&status={$status}">{$i 1}</a>

                                                                          ## {/for}

<a href="/index.php/Index/index?p={$p 1}&status={$status}" class="layui-laypage-next { if $p>=$count}layui-disabled{/if}">Next page</a>


9. Template paging


Built-in paging implementation, it is very simple to add pagination output function to data


Get the page turning html code
  • ##total Get the total quantity

  • controller code

    $select = Db::table('shop_goods')->paginate(10);
  • print_r($select);echo '<hr>';

    foreach($select as $v){

    print_r($v);echo '<hr>';

print_r($select->render ());echo '<hr>';

print_r('Total:'.$select->total());echo '<hr>';

View ::assign([

'select' => $select


return View::fetch();




.pagination {

    display: inline-block;

    padding-left: 0;

    margin: 20px 0;

    border-radius: 4px;


.pagination > li {

    display: inline;


.pagination > li > a,

.pagination > li > span {

    position: relative;

    float: left;

    padding: 6px 12px;

    margin-left: -1px;

    line-height: 1.42857143;

    color: #337ab7;

    text-decoration: none;

    background-color: #fff;

    border: 1px solid #ddd;


.pagination > li:first-child > a,

.pagination > li:first-child > span {

    margin-left: 0;

    border-top-left-radius: 4px;

    border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;


.pagination > li:last-child > a,

.pagination > li:last-child > span {

    border-top-right-radius: 4px;

    border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;


.pagination > li > a:hover,

.pagination > li > span:hover,

.pagination > li > a:focus,

.pagination > li > span:focus {

    z-index: 2;

    color: #23527c;

    background-color: #eee;

    border-color: #ddd;


.pagination > .active > a,

.pagination > .active > span,

.pagination > .active > a:hover,

.pagination > .active > span:hover,

.pagination > .active > a:focus,

.pagination > .active > span:focus {

    z-index: 3;

    color: #fff;

    cursor: default;

    background-color: #337ab7;

    border-color: #337ab7;


.pagination > .disabled > span,

.pagination > .disabled > span:hover,

.pagination > .disabled > span:focus,

.pagination > .disabled > a,

.pagination > .disabled > a:hover,

.pagination > .disabled > a:focus {

    color: #777;

    cursor: not-allowed;

    background-color: #fff;

    border-color: #ddd;


10. Template paging example

##list_rows Number per pagepage Current pagepathurl pathquery url extra parametersfragment url anchorvar_page Page variable

controller code

public function index(){

$title = 'Mall';

$login = 'Ouyang Ke';

# Left menu

$menu = Db::table('shop_menu')->where('fid',0)->select();

$ left = $menu->toArray();

foreach($left as &$left_v){

$left_v['lists'] = Db::table('shop_menu') ->where('fid',$left_v['id'])->select();


# Right list

$param = Request::param();

if(isset($param['status']) && $param['status'] == 1){

$where['status' ] = 1;

}else if(isset($param['status']) && $param['status'] == 2){

        $where['status'] = 2;


      $where = true;


    $p = isset($param['p']) ? $param['p'] : 1;

# thinkphp comes with paging

$list = Db::table('shop_goods')

- ->where( $where)

              ->order('add_time DESC')

                        ->order('id DESC')


              'list_rows'=> 10,

                  'query' => Request::param()


foreach($right as &$right_v){

$right_v['cat'] = Db::table('shop_cat')->where( 'id',$right_v['cat'])->value('name');



'title' => $title,

'login' => $login,

'left' => $left,

'right' => $right ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   'list' =>

# ]);

return View::fetch();



< div>{$paginate|raw}</div>

11. SQL debugging

  • getLastSql Output the last executed sql statement

  • getLastSql The method can only get the last executed SQL record

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->select();
echo Db::getLastSql();
  • fetchSql The method directly returns the current SQL without executing

$select = Db::table('shop_goods')->fetchSql()->select();
echo $select;

12. Dynamic configuration database

  • config directory database.php file

return [

'connections' =>

                                                                                                                                                                                                               => get('database.hostname', ''),

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  . Name

            'username'                                         => Env::get('database.username', 'root'),

##                                  Env::get('database.password', 'root'),

                                                                                                   'hostport'                                        '),

// The database connection parameter

' Params '= & gt; [],

## // Database coding defaults UTF8

' Charset '= & Gt; env :: get (' database.charset ',' utf8 '),

## // Database table prefix

' prefix '= & gt; env :: GET (' database .prefix ',' shop _ '),

// Database deployment method: 0 concentrated (single server), 1 distributed (main server)

' deploy '= & gt; 0 ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               master_num' => 1,

// Specify the slave server serial number


                                                                                                                                                                                                    to                   ’ ’ s to ’ s ’   ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ to ​


shop_user table in ouyangke database

CREATE TABLE `shop_user` (

`uid ` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'User ID',

`account` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Account',

`password` char(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Password',

`name` varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Name',

`status` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'Status 1 is on 2Close',

`add_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'Add time',



  • ##connect

    Method to dynamically configure database connection information



method is required Called at the beginning of the query, and must be followed by the query method, otherwise some queries may fail or the default database connection may still be used

13. WHRER chain operation (not commonly used)

  • The same function as query expressions, ThinkPHP provides the following quick query methods

## whereNotNull*Query whether the field is not NULLStringwhereExists*EXISTSQueryCharacter string##whereFindInSet*FIND_IN_SET queryStringwhereRaw* is used for direct query and operation of string conditionsString

14. Other chain operations (not commonly used)

Continuous operationFunctionSupported parameter types
whereOr *For OR queriesStrings, arrays and objects
whereLike*Fuzzy queriesString
whereNotLike*Fuzzy queryString
whereBetween* Interval queryString
whereNotBetween*Not in the interval query String
whereIn*IN queryString
whereNotIn*Not in IN query String
whereNull*Query whether the field is NULLString
whereNotExists* Not in EXISTS queryString
whereBetweenTime*Time interval comparisonString
whereTime*Quick query for time and dateString
whereExp* Expression query, supports SQL syntaxString
##having Used for having support for queries String join* Used to join queries to support Strings and arraysunion*Used to join queries to union supportsStrings, arrays and objectsdistinct Distinct support for queriesBoolean valueslock Lock mechanism for databaseBoolean valuecache Use For query cacheSupport multiple parameterscomment For SQL commentsString
Continuous operationsFunction Supported parameter types
alias Used to define aliases for the current data table String
strict Used to set whether to strictly detect whether the field name exists Boolean value
group Used to support group for queryString
force Forced indexing of the dataset String
partition For settings Partition informationArray string
failException Used to set whether to throw an exception if no data is queriedBoolean value
sequence Used to set the auto-increment sequence nameString
replace Used to set the REPLACE method to write Boolean value
extra Used to set additional query rules characters String
duplicate Used to set DUPLCATE informationArray string
procedure Used to set whether the current query is a stored procedure queryBoolean value
master Used to set the master server to read dataBoolean value
view*For view query String, array

15. Transaction operation

  • ##InnoDB The engine supports transaction processing, MyISAM does not support transaction processing

  • // 启动事务
    $data = ['cat'=>'1','title'=>'日系小浪漫与温暖羊毛针织拼接网纱百褶中长收腰连衣裙','price'=>'1598.35','add_time'=>1576080000];
    $insert = Db::table('shop_goods')->insert($data);
        // 回滚事务
        // 提交事务
  • transaction method operates database transactions. When an exception occurs in the code in the closure, it will automatically roll back

  • Db::transaction(function () {
        $data = ['cat'=>'1','title'=>'日系小浪漫与温暖羊毛针织拼接网纱百褶中长收腰连衣裙','price'=>'1598.35','add_time'=>1576080000];
        $insert = Db::table('shop_goods')->insert($data);
16. Data set

  • The database is queried through select, and the obtained data set object

  • The returned data set object is

    think\Collection, provides the same usage as arrays, and also encapsulates some additional methods

##1 isEmptyIs it empty2 toArray Convert to array3 all All data4 merge Merge other data5 diff Compare arrays and return the difference set6 flip Exchange the keys and values ​​in the data7 intersect Compare the arrays and return the intersection8 keys Return all key names in the data9 pop Delete the last element in the data##10 ##20 order Specify field sorting##27 whereIn IN query the elements in the filter array28 whereNotIn Not IN query the elements in the filter array 29whereBetween Between query filters the elements in the array30whereNotBetweenNot Between query elements in the filter array
$select = Db::table('shop_goods')
    echo '未查询到数据';

Preparation: Perform data set query in the model, all data set objects are returned, but the think\model\Collection class (inherited think\Collection) is used, but the usage is consistent.

shift Delete the first element in the data
11 unshift Insert an element at the beginning of the data
12 push Insert an element at the end
13 reduce Return the array as a string by using a user-defined function
14 reverse Reverse data rearrangement
15 chunk Data is separated into multiple data blocks
16 each Execute callbacks for each element of the data
17 filter Use callback function to filter elements in the data
18 column Return the specified column in the data
19sortSort the data
21 shuffle Shuffle the data
22 slice Intercept a part of the data
23 mapUse the callback function to process the elements in the array
24 where Filter elements in the array based on field conditions
25 whereLikeLike Query filter element
26 whereNotLike Not Like filter element