Swift class

Swift class is a general and flexible construct for building code.

We can define properties (constants, variables) and methods for classes.

Different from other programming languages, Swift does not require you to create independent interface and implementation files for custom classes. All you have to do is define a class in a single file, and the system automatically generates external interfaces to other code.

Comparison of classes and structures

Classes and structures in Swift have a lot in common. The common points are:

  • Define properties to store values

  • Define methods to provide functions

  • Define ancillary scripts for accessing values

  • Define constructors for generating initialization values

  • Extend to increase the functionality of the default implementation

  • Conform to the protocol to provide standard functions for a certain class

Compared with structures, classes have the following additional functions:

  • Inheritance allows one class to inherit characteristics of another class

  • Type conversion allows the type of a class instance to be inspected and interpreted at runtime

  • Destructor allows a class instance to release any allocated resources

  • Reference counting allows multiple references to a class


Class classname {
   Definition 1
   Definition 2
   Definition N

Class definition

class student{
   var studname: String
   var mark: Int 
   var mark2: Int 

Instantiation class:

let studrecord = student()


import Cocoa

class MarksStruct {
    var mark: Int
    init(mark: Int) {
        self.mark = mark

class studentMarks {
    var mark = 300
let marks = studentMarks()
print("成绩为 \(marks.mark)")

The output result of the execution of the above program is:

成绩为 300

Accessing class attributes as reference types

The attributes of the class can be accessed through .. The format is: Instanced class name.Attribute name:

import Cocoa

class MarksStruct {
   var mark: Int
   init(mark: Int) {
      self.mark = mark

class studentMarks {
   var mark1 = 300
   var mark2 = 400
   var mark3 = 900
let marks = studentMarks()
print("Mark1 is \(marks.mark1)")
print("Mark2 is \(marks.mark2)")
print("Mark3 is \(marks.mark3)")

The execution output of the above program is:

Mark1 is 300
Mark2 is 400
Mark3 is 900

Identity operator

Because classes are reference types, there may be multiple constants and variables referencing a certain class instance in the background at the same time.

In order to determine whether two constants or variables refer to the same class instance, Swift has two built-in identity operators:

##The operator is: ===Operation The symbol is: !==If two constants or variables refer to the same class instance, return trueIf the two constants or variables refer to different class instances, then Return true
Identity operatorIdentity operator

import Cocoa

class SampleClass: Equatable {
    let myProperty: String
    init(s: String) {
        myProperty = s
func ==(lhs: SampleClass, rhs: SampleClass) -> Bool {
    return lhs.myProperty == rhs.myProperty

let spClass1 = SampleClass(s: "Hello")
let spClass2 = SampleClass(s: "Hello")

if spClass1 === spClass2 {// false
    print("引用相同的类实例 \(spClass1)")

if spClass1 !== spClass2 {// true
    print("引用不相同的类实例 \(spClass2)")

The above program execution output result is:

引用不相同的类实例 SampleClass