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SQLite classic tutorial
author:php.cn  update time:2022-04-13 17:05:02

SQLite Alter command

SQLite's ALTER TABLE command does not modify an existing table by performing a complete dump and reload of the data. You can use the ALTER TABLE statement to rename a table and to add additional columns to an existing table.

In SQLite, the ALTER TABLE command does not support other operations except renaming tables and adding columns to existing tables.


The basic syntax of ALTER TABLE used to rename an existing table is as follows:

ALTER TABLE database_name.table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;

Used to rename an existing table The basic syntax of ALTER TABLE to add a new column to the table is as follows:

ALTER TABLE database_name.table_name ADD COLUMN column_def...;


Suppose our COMPANY table has the following records:

ID          NAME        AGE         ADDRESS     SALARY
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
1           Paul        32          California  20000.0
2           Allen       25          Texas       15000.0
3           Teddy       23          Norway      20000.0
4           Mark        25          Rich-Mond   65000.0
5           David       27          Texas       85000.0
6           Kim         22          South-Hall  45000.0
7           James       24          Houston     10000.0

Now, let us try to rename the table using ALTER TABLE statement as shown below:


The above SQLite statement will rename the COMPANY table to OLD_COMPANY. Now, let us try to add a new column in the OLD_COMPANY table as shown below:


Now, the COMPANY table has been changed and the output using the SELECT statement is as follows:

ID          NAME        AGE         ADDRESS     SALARY      SEX
----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---
1           Paul        32          California  20000.0
2           Allen       25          Texas       15000.0
3           Teddy       23          Norway      20000.0
4           Mark        25          Rich-Mond   65000.0
5           David       27          Texas       85000.0
6           Kim         22          South-Hall  45000.0
7           James       24          Houston     10000.0

Please note that the new The added columns are filled with NULL values.
