Python3 examples

The following example was tested under Python3.4.3 version:

  • Python Hello World Example

  • Python Number Sum

  • Python square root

  • Python quadratic equation

  • Python calculates the area of ​​a triangle

  • Python random number generation

  • Python Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit temperature

  • Python exchange variables

  • Python if statement

  • Python determines whether a string is a number

  • Python determines odd and even numbers

  • Python determines leap years

  • Python obtains the maximum value function

  • Python determines prime numbers

  • Python factorial example

  • Python multiplication table

  • Python Fibonacci sequence

  • Python Armstrong Number

  • Python decimal to binary, octal, hexadecimal

  • Python ASCII code and character conversion

  • Python greatest common divisor algorithm

  • Python least common multiple algorithm

  • Python simple calculator implementation

  • Python generates calendar

  • Python uses recursive Fibonacci numbers

  • Python file IO

  • Python string judgment

  • Python string case conversion

  • Python calculation for each month Number of days

  • Python Get yesterday’s date

  • Python list Common operations