A first look at Python module files
What is a module?
Each .py file is a module, and other files can import a module Reading the contents of this module is equivalent to include in C... A large program often takes the form of multiple modules. One of the module files is designed as the main file (or top-level file).
Module import:
Here we make the simplest example, more More on this later. Here, put the script1 you just wrote in the location where we installed Python:

Then start-run-python:

10. import, from and reload
- Modules can only be imported once
Importing is such an expensive operation that it can only be imported once per program run. You want to run it again unless you call the built-in reload function:

The difference between import and reload is that import does not require parentheses, it is a statement, and reload is a function whose return value is a python module object.
- Modules play the role of tool libraries: modules are often encapsulations of variable names and can be regarded as namespaces; variable names in a package are attributes, or in other words, attributes are bound to Variable name on a specific object. A module can usually have two Python statements to read in: import and from, and the use of the reload function
- The import statement references the module as a whole, which is equivalent to introducing a class. object. You will understand by looking at the effect below. myfile is referenced as a module, and then script1 can use the properties of myfile.

- Another citation method:
As shown in the figure, from and import are very similar, except that the latter adds an additional assignment to the variable name, which is to copy the attributes of the module, so it can be imported with title instead of the myfile object.
- We will talk about the knowledge of modules in detail in the following chapters. Here is another import example. Some friends asked, why is the import not like #include in C, which can subsequently call the methods and properties of this module, but is it executed directly? Here is an explanation. It is not that methods of this module cannot be called, but that the above example is relatively simple. It does not involve class encapsulation and only has a few execution statements. The example given below is a simple module example. In this example, Worker.py defines the Worker class, and the external module is imported through import Worker to perform related operations.

- #import&fromSummary version:

## dir(myfile) is to get all the attributes in myfile, where the underline in front is Python’s predefined built-in variable name
Other concepts of modules:
- Each module file is an independent and complete variable package, that is, a namespace
- execfile('myfile.py') is another way to execute a program, but essentially it does not import the module
- difflib python diff comparison module
- datetime python module for processing date and time
- chardet string/ File encoding detection (very useful)
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