Directory structure introduction
tmt-workflow/ │ ├── _tasks //Gulp 任务定义├── package.json ├── .tmtworkflowrc //工作流配置文件└── project //项目目录 ├── gulpfile.js //任务配置,每个项目必需 ├── dev //开发目录,由 build_dev 任务自动生成 │ ├── css │ ├── html │ ├── img │ └── slice ├── dist //生产目录(存放最终可发布上线的文件),由 build_dist 任务自动生成 │ ├── css │ ├── html │ ├── img │ └── sprite //雪碧图合并自 src/slice,文件名与 css 文件名一致 │ ├── style-index.png │ └── style-index@2x.png └── src //源文件目录,此目录会被监听变化并重新编译->dev ├── css //样式表目录,使用 Less,只有 style-*.less 的文件名会被编译 ├── html ├── img └── slice //图片素材,雪碧图合并,同名的 @2x 图片会被识别并进行合并 ├── icon-dribbble.png ├── icon-dribbble@2x.png
As above, in our daily development, all projects are stored in one directory, for example, it can be called tmt-workflow
, and the fixed directory is _tasks
Directory, package.json
and .tmtworkflowrc
, these are required for workflow.
- _tasks: Directory to store Gulp code
- package.json: Module dependency file, used for
npm install
- .tmtworkflowrc : Workflow global configuration file. If you want to specialize a project, you can create another file with the same name in the project to cover it. View it in more detail ⒊ Configuration file
Then there are each project (project), a standard project structure is as follows:
── project //项目目录 ├── gulpfile.js //任务配置,每个项目必需 └── src //源文件目录,此目录会被监听变化并重新编译->dev ├── css //样式表目录,使用 Less,只有 style-*.less 的文件名会被编译 ├── html ├── img └── slice //图片素材,雪碧图合并,同名的 @2x 图片会被识别并进行合并 ├── icon-dribbble.png ├── icon-dribbble@2x.png
Note: The standard project structure is only as shown above,
are programs Automatic generated.