The future of AppML cases
The following introduces php Chinese online dictionary versionrelated future Web application.
Executables will die, JavaScript will survive
Compiled executables (such as C or Java language compilations) cannot run on different hardware.
Executable files (EXE files, ActiveX and COM objects, DLL files) are components that prevent the development of applications running on the Internet.
Future applications will not be able to use, or rely on, components installed on the client computer.
Our advice:
Use only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to write your future applications.
Ensure your future applications will run in any web browser.
Web applications will become Internet services
The applications of the past were large, purpose-built applications. Most of them will soon die out because they cannot provide services as demand changes.
Applications should be flexible, versatile, and able to adapt well to changes in requirements without being broken.
The application should be able to scale from supporting millions of requests per day.
Applications should be able to be spread and moved between multiple servers without being compromised.
Applications should be able to be used with other applications.
Applications should not contain large amounts of code. Applications should be broken down into smaller services so that they are easy to create and easy to maintain.
Applications are a series of Internet services that return data to submitted Internet requests.
Applications should request services over standard Internet protocols without maintaining a permanent connection to the server.
Our advice:
Use the Internet based on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) to write your future applications.
Make your application services more versatile, more flexible, and able to serve different types of requests.
Future applications will be easy to create and edit
Client and server side will exchange data in an easy to understand way.
The application will not be encoded if this can be avoided.
Applications will be created and modified by editing the model instead of editing code.
The application description will be human readable.
The application description will be self-descriptive.
Applications will be written by users, not programmers.
Our recommendation:
Use human-readable text files to describe services and execute these descriptions to provide services.
Use text files (such as XML files) to describe applications.
Use text files (such as XML files) for data exchange.
Use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to execute the application.
Three Small Web Developers...
A long time ago, there were three small Web developers developing a new Web site.
1. The first web developers used <AppML>.
2. The second web developer uses his favorite server-side programming language.
3. The third is to use a professional enterprise web development framework.
The first web developer completed the demo in two days. After working with users, a preliminary prototype was completed within a week. After two weeks of testing, a smart, fast and easy-to-use website is ready for launch.
After 6 months, the second web developer had his website ready. But the WWW had changed its needs and was not happy with his site. This web developer was unable to make significant changes to his project because it contained too much code. So, he started the development of version 2.
The third web developer never successfully completed his job. That professional web development framework is difficult to use, difficult to understand, and almost impossible to test.
Look at how the first developer did it.