Scan the error code
Scan the error code

Error code | Description |
-1 | The system is busy, please try again later |
40001 | AppSecret error when obtaining access_token, or access_token is invalid |
47001 | Parse JSON/XML Content error |
48001 | The interface function is not authorized, please confirm that the official account has obtained the permission |
61300 | Illegal basic information (base_info) |
61301 | Illegal detailed information (detail_info) |
61302 | Illegal product promotion area information (action_info) |
61303 | The product information does not exist |
61304 | The product in the promotion service area (action_info) is illegal |
61305 | Illegal keystand or keystr.Under the ean13 standard, the encoding content must meet the merchant number segment. |
61306 | The appid in the promotion service area (action_info) is illegal |
61307 | Promotion The cardid in the service area (action_info) is illegal |
61308 | The basic information (base_info) does not exist |
61309 | Detailed information (detail_info) does not exist |
61310 | Promotion service area (action_info) does not exist |
61311 | The media in the promotion service area (action_info) is illegal |
61312 | The image size exceeds the limit |
61313 | The image content is illegal or not Base64 encoded |
61314 | Illegal ExtInfo |
61316 | Barcode conflict, another barcode in use was created |
61317 | Invalid ticket |
61319 | The merchant category ID is invalid |
61320 | The merchant global information does not exist |
61322 | The merchant does not have permission for this product category |
61323 | The merchant does not have permission for this barcode |
61324 | The number of service columns in the promotion service area exceeds the limit |
61334 | The product information does not exist |
61337 | Product information already exists |
61341 | The number of people in the whitelist exceeds the limit |
61342 | Keystandard does not match what was filled in during creation |
61343 | Keystandard is illegal |
61345 | The code in the promotion service area (action_info) is illegal |
61346 | The store in the promotion service area (action_info) is illegal |
61347 | The media in the promotion service area (action_info) is illegal |
61348 | Promotion The text in the service area (action_info) is illegal |
63154 | Illegal product status |
63155 | Illegal homepage color |
63156 | Illegal brand tag |
63157 | Illegal recommended product settings. The recommended products must also come from this account and be in a publishing state. |
63158 | The total number of products exceeds the limit, the upper limit is 100,000. |
63159 | The recommended retail price of the product is empty. When the purchase channel (including WeChat store and e-commerce link) is not set, the recommended retail price is required. |
63160 | The price information is illegal.The retail_price and sale_price parameter contents should be numbers |
63161 | The number of components in the component area exceeds the limit, and only one of the same component can be set |
63162 | The native_show setting in the anti-counterfeiting component is illegal |
63163 | The anti_fake_url in the anti-counterfeiting component does not exist |
63164 | The component type setting in the component area is illegal |
63166 | While the product is under review, updates, unpublishing, and deletion of products are not allowed. Operation |
63167 | The product has not been published, and the unpublishing operation cannot be performed |
63168 | Product review If it fails, the unpublishing operation cannot be performed |
63169 | The product is in the publishing state and cannot be published again |
63170 | The banner and media types cannot be set at the same time in the promotion service area (action_info) |
63171 | There can only be one card type in the promotion service area (action_info) |
63172 | There can only be one user type in the promotion service area (action_info) |
63173 | There can only be one text type in the promotion service area (action_info) |
63174 | In the promotion service area (action_info), a maximum of 3 types of link, card, and user can be set in total |
63175 | The product information and graphic details on the product details page must have at least one |