Template message operation specifications

Template message operation specifications

Template messages are used to help public accounts conduct business notifications. Developers set parameters in the template content (parameters must start with "{ {" starting with ".DATA} }"), and assigning values ​​to these parameters and sending messages when called. The template message is positioned as a notification message after the user triggers it. It is not allowed to proactively send messages to the user without the user taking any action or receiving the user's consent. Currently, the only messages that are allowed to be proactively distributed under special circumstances are fault and disaster warning notifications. In addition, template messages must be issued with the user's consent or the user's triggering behavior. Official accounts can only choose templates according to their own industry in the template library. If the template you want is not currently in the template library, please read the following content carefully. If you meet the requirements, you can contribute new templates to your industry to help enrich the template library.

A template message that is currently allowed to be sent

The template message that is allowed to be sent must be one that the user has accepted the service provided by the account subject. It is strictly prohibited for the user to send it to the user without accepting the service. Push template messages. The prerequisite for sending template messages is that the content does not involve advertising and marketing harassment. Once the content is found to involve marketing harassment, severe penalties will be.

1. Service instant notification message template

This type of template message is instant. After the user triggers an event activity, a template message will be pushed to the user immediately and informed. User corresponding content. Examples of such template messages are as follows:


2. No immediate notification message template after service

This type of template message has a delay. After the user triggers an event or activity, the results may not be pushed to the user immediately, and it will take a certain amount of time. Only after processing can the user be replied and informed of the content of the corresponding results. The key to this type of template message is frequency control. We will strictly monitor the frequency of message push. If the frequency is found to be too high, which may harass users, or receive complaints from users, we will severely punish them. Examples of such template messages are as follows:

2.1 Template messages with a fixed frequency pushed every month


2.2 Template messages pushed with an irregular frequency


Note: This Class notifications must be information that is very important and beneficial to users from the user's perspective. Event announcements or irrelevant information are not allowed to be sent. Special emphasis should be placed on the frequency and usage scenarios of due reminders; on the content of to-do task reminders, attention should be paid not to marketing harassment.

2.3 General Delayed Notice


Attached is a template example download that is currently allowed to be sent: click to download

2 Template messages that are currently not allowed to be sent

1. Templates whose content is inconsistent with the service scenario (including titles and keywords)

The content of such template messages is inconsistent with the service scenario and is an abuse of template messages , is not allowed to be posted, and will be severely punished if found.

2. Suspected advertising and marketing message templates

Such template messages are of an advertising and marketing nature and have the intention of inducing users to consume. Once discovered, they will be severely punished, with the interface blocked at the least. Handled, or even banned. Examples of such template messages are as follows:


3. Message templates that are sent too frequently and tend to harass users

This type of template message has the nature of harassing users and making them disgusted. We will Supervision of this type of template messages will be carried out. Once the frequency is found to be too high to harass users, or complaints from users are received, severe penalties will be imposed, ranging from interface closure to account ban. Examples of such template messages are as follows:


4. Message templates involving red envelopes, cards, coupons, vouchers, and membership cards

Since this type of template message is easy to use for marketing, in the future Will not be allowed to send, and applications for such templates will not be approved. Templates currently in the library will not be processed for the time being, and subsequent processing specifications will be released. Please access WeChat Card Coupon to realize coupon and card related functions.

Note: If there are templates in the current template library that violate the specifications, please refer to this specification. In the future, templates that do not meet the specifications will be strictly reviewed and cannot be included in the database. If you are still using the non-compliant templates in the library, please cancel the use as soon as possible and delete the templates. We will clean up the non-compliant templates in the template library and will not allow non-compliant templates to appear in the future.

Attached is a sample template download that is currently not allowed: click to download

Three template review standards

  { {first.DATA} }
  关键词1:{ {keyword1.DATA} }           
  关键词2:{ {keyword2.DATA} }
  关键词3:{ {keyword3.DATA} }                       
  { {remark.DATA} }
包括但不限于 :更新类通知、回复类通知、互动类通知
包括但不限于 :红包类通知、优惠券类通知、活动类通知、积分类通知、奖励类通知

Four filling rules

When filling in the template message, you must strictly abide by the following rules, otherwise it will not pass the review:

 2、模版内容中,参数是可以在发送时赋值的,参数必须以“{ {”开头,以“.DATA} }”结尾)
 5、模版内容中,第一句话需要为礼貌性、称谓性的用语,这句话统一用{ {first.DATA} }参数来概括,以免此后称谓习惯等修改后,需修改模版。
 7、模版内容中,末尾必须有{ {remark.DATA} }参数,该参数的作用是,用户可以自行添加多行需要的内容。例如,模版中有姓名、时间这2个关键词,但你需要姓名、时间、地点3个,则可以将地点这个关键词的内容放入remark参数中(需要时可通过\n来换行)。这样就达到了用remark参数来扩充关键词的作用,极大增强了模版的通用性。

Five Penalty Rules

Principles for Determining Violations

1 .The behavior of sending a template:


2.The content of the template:


Based on the above two principles, it is judged that active distribution, content involving malicious marketing, excessive frequency of malicious harassment, and arbitrary filling of template parameter content will be punished by blocking the interface for 7 days for the first time and 30 days for the second time. Third permanent ban. Penalties for violations will be notified to the operator via an in-site message on the WeChat public platform.
