Get temporary assets

Get temporary materials

## Public accounts can use this interface to obtain temporary materials (i.e. download temporary multimedia files). Please note that video files do not support https downloading, and http protocol is required to call this interface.

This interface is the original "Download Multimedia Files" interface.

Interface call request description

http request method: GET, https call

Request example ( The example is to obtain multimedia files through the curl command)

curl -I -G " =MEDIA_ID"

Parameter Description

ParameterIs it requiredDescription
access_token is the calling interface credential
media_id is media file ID

Return instructions

The returned HTTP header in the correct case is as follows:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Connection: close

Content-Type: image/ jpeg

##Content-disposition: attachment; filename="MEDIA_ID.jpg"

##Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2013 10:20:18 GMT

Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate

Content-Length: 339721

curl -G ""

The example of the returned JSON data packet in the error case is as follows (the example is the invalid media ID error):

{"errcode":40007,"errmsg" :"invalid media_id"}

##Use web debugging tools to debug this interface
