Custom menu creation interface
Custom menu creation interface
Custom menus can help public accounts enrich their interfaces and allow users to understand the functions of public accounts better and faster. After turning on the custom menu, the official account interface is as shown in the figure:
Please note:
1、自定义菜单最多包括3个一级菜单,每个一级菜单最多包含5个二级菜单。 2、一级菜单最多4个汉字,二级菜单最多7个汉字,多出来的部分将会以“...”代替。 3、创建自定义菜单后,菜单的刷新策略是,在用户进入公众号会话页或公众号profile页时,如果发现上一次拉取菜单的请求在5分钟以前,就会拉取一下菜单,如果菜单有更新,就会刷新客户端的菜单。测试时可以尝试取消关注公众账号后再次关注,则可以看到创建后的效果。
The custom menu interface can implement a variety of Type button, as follows:
1、click:点击推事件用户点击click类型按钮后,微信服务器会通过消息接口推送消息类型为event的结构给开发者(参考消息接口指南),并且带上按钮中开发者填写的key值,开发者可以通过自定义的key值与用户进行交互; 2、view:跳转URL用户点击view类型按钮后,微信客户端将会打开开发者在按钮中填写的网页URL,可与网页授权获取用户基本信息接口结合,获得用户基本信息。 3、scancode_push:扫码推事件用户点击按钮后,微信客户端将调起扫一扫工具,完成扫码操作后显示扫描结果(如果是URL,将进入URL),且会将扫码的结果传给开发者,开发者可以下发消息。 4、scancode_waitmsg:扫码推事件且弹出“消息接收中”提示框用户点击按钮后,微信客户端将调起扫一扫工具,完成扫码操作后,将扫码的结果传给开发者,同时收起扫一扫工具,然后弹出“消息接收中”提示框,随后可能会收到开发者下发的消息。 5、pic_sysphoto:弹出系统拍照发图用户点击按钮后,微信客户端将调起系统相机,完成拍照操作后,会将拍摄的相片发送给开发者,并推送事件给开发者,同时收起系统相机,随后可能会收到开发者下发的消息。 6、pic_photo_or_album:弹出拍照或者相册发图用户点击按钮后,微信客户端将弹出选择器供用户选择“拍照”或者“从手机相册选择”。用户选择后即走其他两种流程。 7、pic_weixin:弹出微信相册发图器用户点击按钮后,微信客户端将调起微信相册,完成选择操作后,将选择的相片发送给开发者的服务器,并推送事件给开发者,同时收起相册,随后可能会收到开发者下发的消息。 8、location_select:弹出地理位置选择器用户点击按钮后,微信客户端将调起地理位置选择工具,完成选择操作后,将选择的地理位置发送给开发者的服务器,同时收起位置选择工具,随后可能会收到开发者下发的消息。 9、media_id:下发消息(除文本消息)用户点击media_id类型按钮后,微信服务器会将开发者填写的永久素材id对应的素材下发给用户,永久素材类型可以是图片、音频、视频、图文消息。请注意:永久素材id必须是在“素材管理/新增永久素材”接口上传后获得的合法id。 10、view_limited:跳转图文消息URL用户点击view_limited类型按钮后,微信客户端将打开开发者在按钮中填写的永久素材id对应的图文消息URL,永久素材类型只支持图文消息。请注意:永久素材id必须是在“素材管理/新增永久素材”接口上传后获得的合法id。
Please note that all events from 3 to 8 only support WeChat iPhone 5.4.1 or above, and Android 5.4 or above WeChat users. There will be no response after clicking on WeChat users of older versions. , developers cannot receive event push normally. 9 and 10 are event types specially prepared for subscription accounts of third-party platforms that have not been certified by WeChat (specifically, those that have not passed the qualification certification). They do not have event push and their capabilities are relatively limited. Other types of public accounts No need to use.
Interface call request description
http request method: POST (please use https protocol) access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
Click and view request examples
{ "button":[ { "type":"click", "name":"今日歌曲", "key":"V1001_TODAY_MUSIC" }, { "name":"菜单", "sub_button":[ { "type":"view", "name":"搜索", "url":"" }, { "type":"view", "name":"视频", "url":"" }, { "type":"click", "name":"赞一下我们", "key":"V1001_GOOD" }] }] }
Request examples for other new button types
{ "button": [ { "name": "扫码", "sub_button": [ { "type": "scancode_waitmsg", "name": "扫码带提示", "key": "rselfmenu_0_0", "sub_button": [ ] }, { "type": "scancode_push", "name": "扫码推事件", "key": "rselfmenu_0_1", "sub_button": [ ] } ] }, { "name": "发图", "sub_button": [ { "type": "pic_sysphoto", "name": "系统拍照发图", "key": "rselfmenu_1_0", "sub_button": [ ] }, { "type": "pic_photo_or_album", "name": "拍照或者相册发图", "key": "rselfmenu_1_1", "sub_button": [ ] }, { "type": "pic_weixin", "name": "微信相册发图", "key": "rselfmenu_1_2", "sub_button": [ ] } ] }, { "name": "发送位置", "type": "location_select", "key": "rselfmenu_2_0" }, { "type": "media_id", "name": "图片", "media_id": "MEDIA_ID1" }, { "type": "view_limited", "name": "图文消息", "media_id": "MEDIA_ID2" } ] }
Parameter description
Return results
The returned JSON data packet when correct is as follows:
The returned JSON data packet when incorrect is as follows (an example is invalid menu name length):
{"errcode":40018,"errmsg":"invalid button name size"}