Using QueryList3 in ThinkPHP

Note: This article is based on ThinkPHP3.2.3

Method 1: Automatically install through composer

Execute the command directly in the ThinkPHP root directory:

 composer require jaeger/querylist

QueryList is installed, and then introduce composer’s automatic loading file in index.php:

// 应用入口文件
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// 引入ThinkPHP入口文件
require './ThinkPHP/ThinkPHP.php';
// 亲^_^ 后面不需要任何代码了 就是如此简单

You can use QueryList in your framework in just these two steps:

namespace Home\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
use QL\QueryList;
class IndexController extends Controller {
    public function index(){
        $data = QueryList::Query('',['image' => ['img','src']])->data;

thinkphp3.2.3 integrates QueryList3 and all plug-in packaging

Package download:

Method Two: Manual installation

1. Download

QueryList download address:

phpQuery download address:

2. Installation

According to TP official tutorial:

Assume that the root directory of your website is www

List the installation first The finished directory structure:

└── ThinkPHP
    ├── Library
    │   ├── QL
    │   │   ├── phpQuery.php
    │   │   └── QueryList.class.php
2.在` www/ThinkPHP/Library`下新建`QL`目录。
3.将下载好的`QueryList.php`和`phpQuery.php`这两个文件复制到` www/ThinkPHP/Library/QL`目录。

Then you can use QueryList arbitrarily in your framework, but when you run it, you will find that phpQuery is not found. At this time, there are two solutions:

Option one:Manually introduce phpQuery before each use of QueryList

##Option two:Modify the QueryList source code and add the following In a sentence:

require 'phpQuery.php';

This way you don’t have to manually introduce

phpQuery every time

3. Use case
namespace Home\Controller;
use Think\Controller;
use QL\QueryList;
class IndexController extends Controller {
    public function index(){
        $data = QueryList::Query('',['link' => ['a','href']])->data;
4. Attached is the compressed package of QueryList manually installed by ThinkPHP

If you still don’t understand after reading the tutorial, you can download the compressed package I packaged, unzip it and take a look:

Download address :