Plug-in development guidance
QueryList plug-in development guide
List the last before explaining Overall directory structure, assuming that the www
directory is the current project directory:
www ├── querylist │ ├── Ext │ │ └── Hello.php │ ├── QueryList.php │ └── vendor │ └── testHello.php
All source code for the demonstration is packaged and downloaded: Full download
1. Download the QueryList project to the local
Install querylist
composer create-project jaeger/querylist
Then go to the querylist
directory and execute the following command to install AQuery
is the base class of all plug-ins. The plug-in must inherit AQuery
and implement the run()
composer require jaeger/querylist-ext-aquery
2. Create a new Ext directory under the querylist
directory can be used to store QueryList
3. Create a new extension file Hello.php<?php
* QueryList的Hello扩展演示
namespace QL\Ext;
class Hello extends AQuery
* 必须要实现run()方法
public function run(array $args)
$ql = $this->getInstance();
$ql->html = $this->getHtml($args['url']);
return $ql;
* 自定义一个抓取网页源码的方法
public function getHtml($url)
return file_get_contents($url);
require 'querylist/vendor/autoload.php';
use QL\QueryList;
$ql = QueryList::run('Hello',[
'url' => ''
$data = $ql->setQuery([
[0] => Array
[title] => 百度一下,你就知道
in the <?php /** * QueryList的Hello扩展演示 */ namespace QL\Ext; class Hello extends AQuery { /** * 必须要实现run()方法 */ public function run(array $args) { //getInstance()方法用于获取任意类的实例,默认获取QueryList实例 $ql = $this->getInstance(); //设置QueryList对象的html属性 $ql->html = $this->getHtml($args['url']); //返回QueryList对象 return $ql; } /** * 自定义一个抓取网页源码的方法 */ public function getHtml($url) { return file_get_contents($url); } }
<?php require 'querylist/vendor/autoload.php'; use QL\QueryList; $ql = QueryList::run('Hello',[ 'url' => '' ]); $data = $ql->setQuery([ 'title'=>['title','text'] ])->data; print_r($data); 输出结果; Array ( [0] => Array ( [title] => 百度一下,你就知道 ) )
querylist/Ext directory Attached below are some existing plug-in source codes to enhance understanding
The following is the source code of the Request
<?php namespace QL\Ext; /** * @Author: Jaeger <> * @version 1.0 * 网络操作扩展 */ class Request extends AQuery { protected function hq(array $args) { $args = array( 'http' => isset($args['http'])?$args['http']:$args, 'callback' => isset($args['callback'])?$args['callback']:'', 'args' => isset($args['args'])?$args['args']:'' ); $http = $this->getInstance('QL\Ext\Lib\Http'); $http->initialize($args['http']); $http->execute(); if(!empty($args['callback'])){ $http->result = call_user_func($args['callback'],$http->result,$args['args']); } return $http; } public function run(array $args) { $http = $this->hq($args); $ql = $this->getInstance(); $ql->html = $http->result; return $ql; } }
There are also extensions between It can be inherited. The following Login extension inherits the Request extension and overrides the run() method:
<?php namespace QL\Ext; /** * @Author: Jaeger <> * @version 1.0 * 模拟登陆扩展 */ class Login extends Request { private $http; public $html; public function run(array $args) { $this->http = $this->hq($args); $this->html = $this->http->result; return $this; } public function get($url,$callback = null,$args = null) { $result = $this->http->get($url); return $this->getQL($result,$callback,$args); } public function post($url,$data=array(),$callback = null,$args = null) { $result = $this->http->post($url,$data); return $this->getQL($result,$callback,$args); } private function getQL($html,$callback = null,$args = null) { if(is_callable($callback)){ $result = call_user_func($callback,$result,$args); } $ql = $this->getInstance(); $ql->html = $html; return $ql; } }