WeChat authentication event push

WeChat authentication event push

In order to help public account developers obtain the certification status of their public accounts, and for third-party platform developers to obtain the certification status of their public accounts, WeChat The public platform provides event push at each stage of the public account certification process.

Where are events pushed to?

1. The event push will be pushed to the public account in the service address set in the developer center of the official website of the public platform.
2. If the public account has set the account management permissions (because the interface permissions are subordinate to the account Management permission set) is authorized to a third-party platform, then the third-party platform will receive event push on behalf of the official account, specifically the official account message and event reception URL

1474940890958483.jpg# pushed to the third-party platform

##Please note:

1. After the qualification authentication is successful, the official account will obtain the authentication-related interface permissions. The successful qualification authentication must occur before the name authentication is successful.

2. After the name authentication is successful , the official account has obtained the check mark certification mark


in the WeChat client

1 Qualification authentication is successful (the interface permission is obtained immediately)

2 Qualification authentication fails

3 Name authentication is successful (that is, naming is successful)

4 Name authentication fails (Although the client does not check the box at this time, it still has interface permissions)

5 Annual Review Notice

6 Certification Expiration Notification

Qualification authentication is successful (the interface permission is obtained immediately)

Push XML data packet example:


Parameter description

ToUserName DeveloperWeChat ID
FromUserNameSender account (an OpenID, the sender is the system account at this time)
CreateTimeMessage creation time (integer), timestamp
MsgTypeMessage type, event
EventEvent type qualification_verify_success
ExpiredTimeValidity period (integer), refers to the timestamp, which will be the timestamp Certification expired




<FailReason><![CDATA[by time]]></FailReason>

Parameter description

ToUserName DeveloperWeChat ID
FromUserNameSender account (an OpenID, the sender is the system account at this time)
CreateTimeMessage creation time (integer), timestamp
MsgTypeMessage type, event
EventEvent type qualification_verify_fail
FailTimeFailure occurrence time (shaped), timestamp
FailReasonReason for authentication failure

Name authentication is successful (that is, naming is successful)

Push XML data Package example:

<FromUserName><![CDATA[fromUser]]> ;</FromUserName>
<Event>< ![CDATA[naming_verify_success]]></Event>

Parameter description

ToUserName DeveloperWeChat ID
FromUserNameSender account (an OpenID, the sender is the system account at this time)
CreateTimeMessage creation time (integer), timestamp
MsgTypeMessage type, event
EventEvent type naming_verify_success
ExpiredTimeValidity period (integer), refers to the timestamp, and will expire at this timestamp Certification expired

Name authentication failed (at this time, although the client does not check the box, it still has interface permissions)

Push XML data packet Example:

<FromUserName><![CDATA[fromUser]]> </FromUserName>
<Event><! [CDATA[naming_verify_fail]]></Event>
<FailReason><![CDATA[by time]]></FailReason>

Parameter description

ToUserName DeveloperWeChat ID
FromUserNameSender account (an OpenID, the sender is the system account at this time)
CreateTimeMessage creation time (integer), timestamp
MsgTypeMessage type, event
EventEvent type naming_verify_fail
FailTimeFailure occurrence time (shaped), timestamp
FailReasonReason for authentication failure




Parameter description

ToUserName DeveloperWeChat ID
FromUserNameSender account (an OpenID, the sender is the system account at this time)
CreateTimeMessage creation time (integer), timestamp
MsgTypeMessage type, event
EventEvent type annual_renew, reminding the public account that it needs to be reviewed last year
ExpiredTimeExpiration period (plastic), refers to Timestamp, the certification will expire at this timestamp, and annual review is required as soon as possible

Authentication expiration and invalidation notification

Push XML packet example:

<xml><ToUserName> ;<![CDATA[toUser]]></ToUserName>
<CreateTime>1442400900</ CreateTime>

Parameter description

ToUserName DeveloperWeChat ID
FromUserNameSender account (an OpenID, the sender is the system account at this time)
CreateTimeMessage creation time (integer), timestamp
MsgTypeMessage type, event
EventEvent type verify_expired
ExpiredTimeExpiration period (integer), refers to the timestamp, indicating that it has expired at that time The stamp authentication has expired and WeChat authentication needs to be reinitiated