Eclipse creates XML file
Open the New XML File Wizard
You can use the New XML File Wizard to create an XML file. The ways to open the wizard are:
Click the File menu and select New > Other
Click the New drop-down box (
) and select Other
Shortcut key combination: ctrl + N
You can perform the following operations in the wizard dialog box:
Enter XML in the input box, a wizard for associated XML will be displayed
Select the XML file in the expanded XML category

Click the Next button to enter the New XML File Wizard
Next in the wizard We can also do the following:
Click the File menu and select New > XML File
Click the XML File button on the toolbar (
Use the New XML File Wizard
In the New XML File Wizard we can perform the following operations:
Enter or select the folder where the XML file belongs
Enter the xml file name

Click Next The button can configure the XML Schema Description Language of DTD, XML Schema, or you can directly click the Finish button to complete the creation of the XML file.
View the new XML file
We can see the new XML file in the Package Explorer view, and we can modify the new XML in the XML editor on the right document.

The XML editor can use view mode or source mode to design XML files.