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python - 一个recursive的深度优先算法问题





Graph search to find shortest path between two cities. 

A road map is represented as a directed graph.
Edges represent road segments and are labeled with distances.
Nodes represent cities. 
Wne use depth first search to find the shortest distance
between two cities. During the depth-first search from
start to end, we compute a 'shortest known distance to here from start'
attribute for each node.  After completion of depth first search,
destination city should be labeled with the shortest distance from
the start city.  

import argparse 

def read_distances(map_file):
    """Read a distance table from a named file into a dict
       mapping sources to lists of (destination, distance) pairs. 
       map_file: A readable text file in which each line either 
           begins with #  (indicating a comment line) or is of the form
           from location, to location, distance or time, for example
              Minis Tirith,Cair Andros,5
           indicating one can travel from Minis Tirith to Cair Andros in 5.0 hours.
        Dict in which each entry d[from] is a list [(to, cost), (to, cost), ... ]
        where from is a location name, to is a location name, and cost is time
        or distance
        as a floating point number.  If x,y,z appears in the input file, then 
        we should have both d[x] contains (y,z) and d[y] contains (x,z), i.e., 
        we assume that roads are bi-directional. 
    connections = dict() 
    for line in map_file:
        line = line.strip()  
        if line.startswith("#") or line=="" :
            # print("Skipping comment: ", line)
            continue  ## Discard and go on to next
        # print("Processing line: ", line)
        fields = line.split(",")
        place_from = fields[0]
        place_to = fields[1]
        cost = float(fields[2])
        if not (place_from in connections): 
            connections[place_from] = [ ]
        connections[place_from].append( (place_to, cost) )
        if not (place_to in connections): 
            connections[place_to] = [ ]
        connections[place_to].append( (place_from, cost) ) 
    return connections
def show_roads(roads):
    """Print roads from dict (for debugging).
         roads:  A dict in which
                roads[Chicago] == [("Atlanta", 30.0), ("Austin", 25.0)]
              means that there is a 30.0 mile road from Chicago to Atlanta and a 
              25.0 mile road from Chicago to Austin.
            Prints a textual representation of the road connections
    for from_place in roads:
        print(from_place + ":")
        for hop in roads[from_place]:
            to_place, dist = hop
            print("\t->" + to_place + " (" + str(dist) + ")")

def dfs(place, dist_so_far, roads, distances):
    """Depth-first search, which may continue from from_place if dist_so_far    
        is the shortest distance at which it has yet been reached.  
          place: Currently searching from here
          dist_so_far:  Distance at which from_place has been reached 
              this time (which may not be the shortest path to from_place)
          roads:  dict mapping places to lists of hops of the form (place, hop-distance)
          distances: dict mapping places to the shortest distance at which they 
               have been reached so far (up to this time). 
    distances = []
    dist_so_far = distances[place]
    if place not in distances:
        distances[place] = dist_so_far
        for city,dist in road[place]:
            for i in city:
        if distances[place]<=dist_so_far:
            distances[place] = dist_so_far
    #   Consider cases:
    #      - We've never been at place before (so it's not in distances)
    #      - We've been at place before, on a path as short as this one (in distances)
    #      - We've been here before, but this way is shorter (dist_so_far)
    #    Consider which are base cases, and which require recursion.
    #    For the cases that require recursion, what is the progress step?

def main():
    Main program gets city pair and map file name,
    reports distance or reports lack of connectivity.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Find shortest route in road network")
                help = "Starting place (quoted if it contains blanks)")
                help = "Destination place (quoted if it contains blanks)")
    parser.add_argument('map_file', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
                help = "Name of file containing road connections and distances")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    start_place  = args.from_place
    destination = args.to_place
    roads = read_distances(args.map_file)

    if not start_place in roads: 
        print("Start place ", start_place, " is not on the map")
    if not destination in roads: 
        print("Destination ", destination, " is not on the map")

    distances = { }

    dfs(start_place, 0.0, roads, distances )

    if destination in distances :
        print("Distance from {} to {} is {}".format(
            start_place,destination, distances[destination]))
        print("You can't get from {} to {}".format(start_place, destination))

if __name__ == "__main__":


ringa_leeringa_lee2717 hari yang lalu481

membalas semua(2)saya akan balas

  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2017-04-18 09:56:01

    Selepas bertanya GTF melalui waktu pejabat minggu lepas, saya berjaya menulis kod yang boleh dijalankan

    def dfs(place, dist_so_far, roads, distances):
        """Depth-first search, which may continue from from_place if dist_so_far    
            is the shortest distance at which it has yet been reached.  
              place: Currently searching from here
              dist_so_far:  Distance at which from_place has been reached 
                  this time (which may not be the shortest path to from_place)
              roads:  dict mapping places to lists of hops of the form (place, hop-distance)
              distances: dict mapping places to the shortest distance at which they 
                   have been reached so far (up to this time). 
        if place not in distances:
            distances[place] = dist_so_far
            for city,dist in roads[place]:
            if distances[place] > dist_so_far:
                    distances[place] = dist_so_far
                    for city,dist in roads[place]:

    Akhirnya, saya mendapat markah hampir penuh Kekurangannya ialah saya boleh menukar dua gelung menjadi satu. Profesor jawapan standard belum dimuat naik lagi saya akan mengemas kini selepas ia dimuat naik.

    Jawapan standard adalah seperti berikut

    def dfs(place, dist_so_far,roads,distances):
        if place not in distances or (place in distances and dist_so_far < distances[place]):
            distances[place] = dist_so_far
            for routes in roads[place]:
                next_place, dist = routes
                dfs(next_place, dist_so_far + dist, roads, distances)

  • 天蓬老师

    天蓬老师2017-04-18 09:56:01

    Kod menggesa untuk menggunakan algoritma carian kedalaman pertama.
    Pergi sehingga ke penghujung, pilih titik yang belum dilalui pada setiap langkah.

  • Batalbalas