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Saya cuba menyediakan bahagian hadapan muat naik fail graphQl menggunakan Apollo-boost-upload. Kod bahagian belakang adalah berdasarkan pautan ini Selepas menambah baris berikut dalam fail server.js, titik putus parser kini dicapai
const { apolloUploadExpress } = require("apollo-upload-server"); app.use(apolloUploadExpress({ maxFileSize: 1000000000, maxFiles: 10 }));
Selepas mengubah suai struktur jenis muat naik
scalar Upload
Ini ialah komponen Vue
<input type="file" style="display:none" ref="fileInput" accept="image/*" @change="upload" >
//Upload method upload({ target: { files = [] } }) { if (!files.length) { return; } this.logoImage = files[0]; }, //Dispatching action from vue component this.$store.dispatch("uploadLogo", { image: this.logoImage }); //Vuex action const uploadLogo = async (context, payload) => { context.commit("setLoading", true); try { const { data } = await apolloClient.mutate({ mutation: UPLOAD_LOGO, variables: {file: payload.image}, context: { hasUpload: true, }, }); context.commit("setLoading", false); console.log("Logo:", data.uploadLogo); } catch (error) { context.commit("setLoading", false); console.log(error); } }; //Mutation export const UPLOAD_LOGO = gql` mutation uploadLogo($file: Upload!) { uploadLogo(file: $file) { _id path filename mimetype user { _id } } } `; // Apolloclient config on main.js import ApolloClient from "apollo-boost-upload"; import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-boost"; import VueApollo from "vue-apollo"; // Set up Apollo Client export const defaultClient = new ApolloClient({ uri: "http://localhost:4000/graphql", cache: new InMemoryCache({ addTypename: false, }), fetchOptions: { credentials: "include", }, request: (operation) => { // if no token in local storage, add it if (!localStorage.someToken) { localStorage.setItem("someToken", ""); } // operation adds the token to authorizatrion header, which is sent o backend operation.setContext({ headers: { authorization: "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem("someToken"), }, }); }, onError: ({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => { if (networkError) { console.log("[networkError]", networkError); } if (graphQLErrors) { for (const error of graphQLErrors) { console.dir(error); if ( === "AuthenticationError") { // set auth errir in state store.commit("setError", error); // signout user to clear error store.dispatch("signUserOut"); } } } }, });
Berikut ialah typedef yang dikemas kini untuk bahagian belakang (kod lama diulas) jika ini membantu mengenal pasti masalah
const logoUploadTypeDefs = gql` type File { _id: ID! path: String! filename: String! mimetype: String! encoding: String! user: User } # input Upload { # name: String! # type: String! # size: Int! # path: String! # } scalar Upload type Mutation { uploadLogo(file: Upload!): File } type Query { info: String logo: File! } `;
Kini, aplikasi Node ranap dengan log berikut
P粉2760641782024-03-28 09:12:26
Saya terpaksa menukar "apollo-upload-server" kepada "graphql-upload"
Perubahan 1:
Ulas "apollo-upload-server" dan gunakan "graphql-upload"
// const { apolloUploadExpress } = require("apollo-upload-server");] const { graphqlUploadExpress, // A Koa implementation is also exported. } = require("graphql-upload");
Dalam middleware, ini digunakan
Tukar 2:
app.use(graphqlUploadExpress()); await apolloServer.start();
Ganti kod lama
app.use(apolloUploadExpress());// Not to be used await apolloServer.start();
Juga, dalam parser, saya menambah ini
Tukar 3:
Import Muat Naik dari graphql-upload dalam fail parser
const { GraphQLUpload } = require("graphql-upload"); .... .... const resolvers = { // This maps the `Upload` scalar to the implementation provided // by the `graphql-upload` package. Upload: GraphQLUpload, Query: { .... } Mutations: { .... } }
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