Rumah > Soal Jawab > teks badan
Saya ingin menandakan perbezaan antara dua teks html, saya menemui penyelesaian, semuanya berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan (fail yang dipadam menerima nama kelas "del", teks yang dimasukkan menerima nama kelas "in" dan gaya yang berkaitan) hanya ada satu perkara yang Salah - atas sebab tertentu teks ditandakan di lokasi yang salah.
var Match, calculate_operations, consecutive_where, create_index, diff, find_match, find_matching_blocks, html_to_tokens, is_end_of_tag, is_start_of_tag, is_tag, is_whitespace, isnt_tag, op_map, define, recursively_find_matching_blocks, render_operations, wrap; is_end_of_tag = function (char) { return char === '>'; }; is_start_of_tag = function (char) { return char === '<'; }; is_whitespace = function (char) { return /^\s+$/.test(char); }; is_tag = function (token) { return /^\s*<[^>]+>\s*$/.test(token); }; isnt_tag = function (token) { return !is_tag(token); }; Match = class Match { constructor(start_in_before1, start_in_after1, length1) { console.log('lalala'); this.start_in_before = start_in_before1; this.start_in_after = start_in_after1; this.length = length1; this.end_in_before = this.start_in_before + this.length - 1; this.end_in_after = this.start_in_after + this.length - 1; } }; html_to_tokens = function (html) { var char, current_word, i, len, mode, words, letters; mode = 'char'; current_word = ''; // letters = []; words = []; for (i = 0, len = html.length; i < len; i++) { char = html[i]; // letters.push(char); switch (mode) { case 'tag': if (is_end_of_tag(char)) { current_word += '>'; words.push(current_word); current_word = ''; if (is_whitespace(char)) { mode = 'whitespace'; } else { mode = 'char'; } } else { current_word += char; } break; case 'char': if (is_start_of_tag(char)) { if (current_word) { words.push(current_word); } current_word = '<'; mode = 'tag'; } else if (/\s/.test(char)) { if (current_word) { words.push(current_word); } current_word = char; mode = 'whitespace'; } else if (/[\w\#@]+/i.test(char)) { current_word += char; } else { if (current_word) { words.push(current_word); } current_word = char; } break; case 'whitespace': if (is_start_of_tag(char)) { if (current_word) { words.push(current_word); } current_word = '<'; mode = 'tag'; } else if (is_whitespace(char)) { current_word += char; } else { if (current_word) { words.push(current_word); } current_word = char; mode = 'char'; } break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown mode ${mode}`); } } if (current_word) { words.push(current_word); } return words; }; find_match = function ( before_tokens, after_tokens, index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens, start_in_before, end_in_before, start_in_after, end_in_after ) { var best_match_in_after, best_match_in_before, best_match_length, i, index_in_after, index_in_before, j, len, locations_in_after, looking_for, match, match_length_at, new_match_length, new_match_length_at, ref, ref1; best_match_in_before = start_in_before; best_match_in_after = start_in_after; best_match_length = 0; match_length_at = {}; for ( index_in_before = i = ref = start_in_before, ref1 = end_in_before; ref <= ref1 ? i < ref1 : i > ref1; index_in_before = ref <= ref1 ? ++i : --i ) { new_match_length_at = {}; looking_for = before_tokens[index_in_before]; locations_in_after = index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens[looking_for]; for (j = 0, len = locations_in_after.length; j < len; j++) { index_in_after = locations_in_after[j]; if (index_in_after < start_in_after) { continue; } if (index_in_after >= end_in_after) { break; } if (match_length_at[index_in_after - 1] == null) { match_length_at[index_in_after - 1] = 0; } new_match_length = match_length_at[index_in_after - 1] + 1; new_match_length_at[index_in_after] = new_match_length; if (new_match_length > best_match_length) { best_match_in_before = index_in_before - new_match_length + 1; best_match_in_after = index_in_after - new_match_length + 1; best_match_length = new_match_length; } } match_length_at = new_match_length_at; } if (best_match_length !== 0) { match = new Match( best_match_in_before, best_match_in_after, best_match_length ); } return match; }; recursively_find_matching_blocks = function ( before_tokens, after_tokens, index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens, start_in_before, end_in_before, start_in_after, end_in_after, matching_blocks ) { var match; match = find_match( before_tokens, after_tokens, index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens, start_in_before, end_in_before, start_in_after, end_in_after ); if (match != null) { if ( start_in_before < match.start_in_before && start_in_after < match.start_in_after ) { recursively_find_matching_blocks( before_tokens, after_tokens, index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens, start_in_before, match.start_in_before, start_in_after, match.start_in_after, matching_blocks ); } matching_blocks.push(match); if ( match.end_in_before <= end_in_before && match.end_in_after <= end_in_after ) { recursively_find_matching_blocks( before_tokens, after_tokens, index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens, match.end_in_before + 1, end_in_before, match.end_in_after + 1, end_in_after, matching_blocks ); } } return matching_blocks; }; create_index = function (p) { var i, idx, index, len, ref, token; if (p.find_these == null) { throw new Error('params must have find_these key'); } if (p.in_these == null) { throw new Error('params must have in_these key'); } index = {}; const arr = html_to_tokens(p.find_these); const arr_number = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr_number.push(arr[i].length); } ref = p.find_these; for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { token = ref[i]; index[token] = []; idx = p.in_these.indexOf(token); while (idx !== -1) { index[token].push(idx); idx = p.in_these.indexOf(token, idx + 1); } } console.log(token, 'token'); console.log(arr_number, 'arr_number'); return index; }; find_matching_blocks = function (before_tokens, after_tokens) { var index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens, matching_blocks; matching_blocks = []; index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens = create_index({ find_these: before_tokens, in_these: after_tokens, }); console.log( index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens, 'index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens ' ); return recursively_find_matching_blocks( before_tokens, after_tokens, index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens, 0, before_tokens.length, 0, after_tokens.length, matching_blocks ); }; calculate_operations = function (before_tokens, after_tokens) { var action_map, action_up_to_match_positions, i, index, is_single_whitespace, j, last_op, len, len1, match, match_starts_at_current_position_in_after, match_starts_at_current_position_in_before, matches, op, operations, position_in_after, position_in_before, post_processed; if (before_tokens == null) { throw new Error('before_tokens?'); } if (after_tokens == null) { throw new Error('after_tokens?'); } position_in_before = position_in_after = 0; operations = []; action_map = { 'false,false': 'replace', 'true,false': 'insert', 'false,true': 'delete', 'true,true': 'none', }; matches = find_matching_blocks(before_tokens, after_tokens); console.log(matches, 'matches'); matches.push(new Match(before_tokens.length, after_tokens.length, 0)); for (index = i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; index = ++i) { match = matches[index]; match_starts_at_current_position_in_before = position_in_before === match.start_in_before; match_starts_at_current_position_in_after = position_in_after === match.start_in_after; action_up_to_match_positions = action_map[ [ match_starts_at_current_position_in_before, match_starts_at_current_position_in_after, ].toString() ]; if (action_up_to_match_positions !== 'none') { operations.push({ action: action_up_to_match_positions, start_in_before: position_in_before, end_in_before: action_up_to_match_positions !== 'insert' ? match.start_in_before - 1 : void 0, start_in_after: position_in_after, end_in_after: action_up_to_match_positions !== 'delete' ? match.start_in_after - 1 : void 0, }); } if (match.length !== 0) { operations.push({ action: 'equal', start_in_before: match.start_in_before, end_in_before: match.end_in_before, start_in_after: match.start_in_after, end_in_after: match.end_in_after, }); } position_in_before = match.end_in_before + 1; position_in_after = match.end_in_after + 1; } post_processed = []; last_op = { action: 'none', }; is_single_whitespace = function (op) { if (op.action !== 'equal') { return false; } if (op.end_in_before - op.start_in_before !== 0) { return false; } return /^\s$/.test( before_tokens.slice(op.start_in_before, +op.end_in_before + 1 || 9e9) ); }; for (j = 0, len1 = operations.length; j < len1; j++) { op = operations[j]; if ( (is_single_whitespace(op) && last_op.action === 'replace') || (op.action === 'replace' && last_op.action === 'replace') ) { last_op.end_in_before = op.end_in_before; last_op.end_in_after = op.end_in_after; } else { post_processed.push(op); last_op = op; } } return post_processed; }; consecutive_where = function (start, content, predicate) { var answer, i, index, last_matching_index, len, token; content = content.slice(start, +content.length + 1 || 9e9); // console.log(content, 'content'); // console.log(predicate, 'predicate'); // console.log(start, 'start'); last_matching_index = void 0; for (index = i = 0, len = content.length; i < len; index = ++i) { token = content[index]; answer = predicate(token); if (answer === true) { last_matching_index = index; } if (answer === false) { break; } } if (last_matching_index != null) { return content.slice(0, +last_matching_index + 1 || 9e9); } return []; }; wrap = function (tag, content) { var length, non_tags, position, rendering, tags; rendering = ''; position = 0; length = content.length; while (true) { if (position >= length) { break; } non_tags = consecutive_where(position, content, isnt_tag); position += non_tags.length; if (non_tags.length !== 0) { rendering += `<${tag}>${non_tags.join('')}</${tag}>`; } if (position >= length) { break; } tags = consecutive_where(position, content, is_tag); position += tags.length; rendering += tags.join(''); } return rendering; }; op_map = { equal: function (op, before_tokens, after_tokens) { return before_tokens .slice(op.start_in_before, +op.end_in_before + 1 || 9e9) .join(''); }, insert: function (op, before_tokens, after_tokens) { var val; const token_length = => element.length); val = after_tokens.slice(op.start_in_after, op.end_in_after + 1 || 9e9); return wrap('ins', val); }, delete: function (op, before_tokens, after_tokens) { var val; val = before_tokens.slice(op.start_in_before, +op.end_in_before + 1 || 9e9); return wrap('del', val); }, }; op_map.replace = function (op, before_tokens, after_tokens) { return ( op_map.delete(op, before_tokens, after_tokens) + op_map.insert(op, before_tokens, after_tokens) ); }; render_operations = function (before_tokens, after_tokens, operations) { var i, len, op, rendering; rendering = ''; console.log(operations.length, 'operations.length'); console.log(operations, 'operations'); for (i = 0, len = operations.length; i < len; i++) { op = operations[i]; rendering += op_map[op.action](op, before_tokens, after_tokens); } return rendering; }; diff = function (before, after) { var ops; if (before === after) { return before; } before = html_to_tokens(before); after = html_to_tokens(after); ops = calculate_operations(before, after); return render_operations(before, after, ops); }; diff.html_to_tokens = html_to_tokens; diff.find_matching_blocks = find_matching_blocks; find_matching_blocks.find_match = find_match; find_matching_blocks.create_index = create_index; diff.calculate_operations = calculate_operations; diff.render_operations = render_operations; if (typeof define === 'function') { define([], function () { return diff; }); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module !== null) { module.exports = diff; } else { this.htmldiff = diff; }
Hubungi kod yang saya tulis:
let oldTxt = Match.html_to_tokens(a); let newTxt = Match.html_to_tokens(b); let ops = Match.calculate_operations(a, b); const render = Match.render_operations(newTxt, oldTxt, ops); document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = render;
a ialah html pertama, b ialah html yang diubah (tidak bertali)
Ada idea tentang cara untuk meneruskan? Terima kasih atas bantuan anda!
Saya tahu ralat ada di dalam fungsi "create_index". Kerana saya sedang mengira panjang teks dan kemudian membandingkannya dengan panjang teks, setiap teg/perkataan dikira sebagai satu.
Kod Kotak Pasir
P粉6775730792023-09-11 13:45:31
Saya menyelesaikannya! Bagi sesiapa yang ingin menggunakan kod ini, togol sahaja bahagian ini:
let oldTxt = Match.html_to_tokens(a); let newTxt = Match.html_to_tokens(b); let ops = Match.calculate_operations(a, b); const render = Match.render_operations(newTxt, oldTxt, ops); document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = render;
Untuk ini:
a = Match.html_to_tokens(a); b = Match.html_to_tokens(b); let ops = Match.calculate_operations(a, b); console.log(ops, 'ops'); const render = Match.render_operations(a, b, ops); document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = render;
di mana a dan b ialah dua teks html: a (pertama), b (ubah)
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