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Menggunakan R Shiny, saya ingin memaparkan jadual (cth. melalui pakej "DT") di mana setiap sel mengandungi kotak pilihan. Di sebelah setiap pengepala baris dan lajur, saya ingin memaparkan "Pilih Semua"/"Kotak Semak Induk" yang, apabila dipilih, akan memilih semua kotak pilihan dalam baris atau lajur yang sepadan. Sebagai ciri tambahan, kotak pilihan di bahagian atas kiri sel akan memilih semua kotak pilihan dalam jadual. Contoh:
Saya menjumpai contoh fungsi ini di sini di mana satu lajur mempunyai kotak pilihan utama (menggunakan beberapa JavaScript) tetapi tidak dapat mengetahui cara untuk melanjutkannya kepada keperluan saya.
library(shiny) library(DT) ui <- fluidPage( # Sidebar panel sidebarPanel(), # Main panel with the table mainPanel( DTOutput("myTable") ) ) server <- function(input, output){ dat <- data.frame( vapply(1:6, function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col1-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(1:6, function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col2-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(1:6, function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col3-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)) ) names(dat) <- c( as.character(checkboxInput("col1", label = "1", width = "150px")), as.character(checkboxInput("col2", label = "2", width = "150px")), as.character(checkboxInput("col3", label = "3", width = "150px")) ) row_names <- LETTERS[1:6] rownames(dat) <- row_names output$myTable <- renderDT({ datatable( dat, escape = FALSE, options = list( columnDefs = list( list(targets = c(1, 2, 3), orderable = FALSE, className = "dt-center") ) ), callback = JS( "$('#col1').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col1-]');", " var checked = $('#col1').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", "});", "$('#col2').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col2-]');", " var checked = $('#col2').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", "});", "$('#col3').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col3-]');", " var checked = $('#col3').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", "});" ) ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
Ini adalah permulaan, tetapi saya tidak dapat mengetahui cara untuk mendapatkan kotak pilihan utama di sebelah baris, dan saya juga tidak dapat mencari kotak pilihan utama di penjuru kiri sebelah atas semua kotak. Selain itu, keseluruhannya agak besar - alangkah baiknya jika ia lebih padat.
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library(shiny) library(DT) rowName <- function(L) { as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("row", L), label = L, width = "150px") ) } rowNames <- vapply(LETTERS[1:6], rowName, character(1)) ui <- fluidPage( # Sidebar panel sidebarPanel(), # Main panel with the table mainPanel( DTOutput("myTable") ) ) server <- function(input, output){ dat <- data.frame( vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col1-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col2-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col3-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)) ) names(dat) <- c( as.character(checkboxInput("col1", label = "1", width = "150px")), as.character(checkboxInput("col2", label = "2", width = "150px")), as.character(checkboxInput("col3", label = "3", width = "150px")) ) rownames(dat) <- rowNames output$myTable <- renderDT({ datatable( dat, escape = FALSE, select = "none", options = list( columnDefs = list( list(targets = c(1, 2, 3), orderable = FALSE, className = "dt-center") ), initComplete = JS( "function() {", " $('#col1').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col1-]');", " var checked = $('#col1').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col2').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col2-]');", " var checked = $('#col2').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col3').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col3-]');", " var checked = $('#col3').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowA').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-A]');", " var checked = $('#rowA').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowB').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-B]');", " var checked = $('#rowB').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowC').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-C]');", " var checked = $('#rowC').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowD').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-D]');", " var checked = $('#rowD').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowE').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-E]');", " var checked = $('#rowE').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowF').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-F]');", " var checked = $('#rowF').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", "}" ), preDrawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.unbindAll(this.api().table().node()); }'), drawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.bindAll(this.api().table().node()); } ') ) ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)
library(shiny) library(DT) library(htmltools) rowName <- function(L) { as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("row", L), label = L, width = "150px") ) } rowNames <- vapply(LETTERS[1:6], rowName, character(1)) sketch <- htmltools::withTags( table( class = "display", thead( tr( th(HTML(as.character(checkboxInput("allboxes", label = "ALL", width = "150px")))), th(HTML(as.character(checkboxInput("col1", label = "1", width = "150px")))), th(HTML(as.character(checkboxInput("col2", label = "2", width = "150px")))), th(HTML(as.character(checkboxInput("col3", label = "3", width = "150px")))) ) ) ) ) ui <- fluidPage( br(), # Sidebar panel sidebarPanel(), # Main panel with the table mainPanel( DTOutput("myTable") ) ) server <- function(input, output){ dat <- data.frame( vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col1-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col2-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)), vapply(LETTERS[1:6], function(i){ as.character( checkboxInput(paste0("col3-", i), label = NULL, width = "150px") ) }, character(1)) ) rownames(dat) <- rowNames output$myTable <- renderDT({ datatable( dat, container = sketch, escape = FALSE, select = "none", options = list( columnDefs = list( list(targets = c(1, 2, 3), orderable = FALSE, className = "dt-center") ), initComplete = JS( "function() {", " $('#allboxes').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('input[type=checkbox]');", " var checked = $('#allboxes').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col1').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col1-]');", " var checked = $('#col1').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col2').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col2-]');", " var checked = $('#col2').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#col3').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id^=col3-]');", " var checked = $('#col3').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowA').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-A]');", " var checked = $('#rowA').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowB').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-B]');", " var checked = $('#rowB').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowC').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-C]');", " var checked = $('#rowC').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowD').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-D]');", " var checked = $('#rowD').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowE').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-E]');", " var checked = $('#rowE').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", " $('#rowF').on('click', function(){", " var cboxes = $('[id$=-F]');", " var checked = $('#rowF').is(':checked');", " cboxes.each(function(i, cbox) {", " $(cbox).prop('checked', checked);", " });", " });", "}" ), preDrawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.unbindAll(this.api().table().node()); }'), drawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.bindAll(this.api().table().node()); } ') ) ) }) } shinyApp(ui, server)