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Bagaimana untuk menjejaki pengguna yang memadamkan mesej dalam discord.js?

<p>Saya baru mula belajar cara mencipta bot perselisihan dan saya cuba memikirkan cara untuk log siapa yang memadam mesej. </p> <p>Saya mencuba <kod></code>, tetapi sudah tentu, log yang menghantar mesej itu dan saya tidak tahu banyak tentang sintaks jadi tidak mencuba apa-apa lagi. </p>
P粉760675452P粉760675452562 hari yang lalu740

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  • P粉709307865

    P粉7093078652023-08-30 15:32:16

    Anda boleh menggunakan messageDeleteevent yang dicetuskan apabila mesej dipadamkan. Anda boleh menyemak log audit untuk melihat sama ada pengguna memadamkan mesej pengguna lain.

    Pertama sekali, pastikan anda mempunyai niat yang diperlukan: GuildsGuildMembersGuildMessages。您还需要partialsChannelMessageGuildMember untuk mengendalikan mesej yang dihantar sebelum bot anda disiarkan secara langsung.

    Setelah mesej dipadamkan, anda boleh menggunakan kaedah fetchAuditLogs untuk mendapatkan log audit pelayan di mana mesej yang dipadam itu berada.

    const client = new Client({
      intents: [
      partials: [
    client.on('messageDelete', async (message) => {
      const logs = await message.guild.fetchAuditLogs({
        type: AuditLogEvent.MessageDelete,
        limit: 1,
      // logs.entries is a collection, so grab the first one
      const firstEntry = logs.entries.first();
      const { executorId, target, targetId } = firstEntry;
      // Ensure the executor is cached
      const user = await client.users.fetch(executorId);
      if (target) {
        // The message object is in the cache and you can provide a detailed log here
        console.log(`A message by ${target.tag} was deleted by ${user.tag}.`);
      } else {
        // The message object was not cached, but you can still retrieve some information
        console.log(`A message with id ${targetId} was deleted by ${user.tag}.`);

    Dalam discord.js v14.8+, terdapat acara baharu GuildAuditLogEntryCreate。您可以在收到相应的审核日志事件(GuildAuditLogEntryCreate)时立即找出谁删除了消息。它需要启用GuildModerationNiat.

    const { AuditLogEvent, Events } = require('discord.js');
    client.on(Events.GuildAuditLogEntryCreate, async (auditLog) => {
      // Define your variables
      const { action, executorId, target, targetId } = auditLog;
      // Check only for deleted messages
      if (action !== AuditLogEvent.MessageDelete) return;
      // Ensure the executor is cached
      const user = await client.users.fetch(executorId);
      if (target) {
        // The message object is in the cache and you can provide a detailed log here
        console.log(`A message by ${target.tag} was deleted by ${user.tag}.`);
      } else {
        // The message object was not cached, but you can still retrieve some information
        console.log(`A message with id ${targetId} was deleted by ${user.tag}.`);

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