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FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL PHP tidak berfungsi dengan betul.

Saya menggunakan PHP versi 5.3.10. Ini kodnya:

$email = "test@example.c";
if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL))
        echo "Email: ".$email." correct";
        echo "email not correct";

Ia mengembalikan: "E-mel: test@example.c adalah betul.

Saya rasa domain peringkat teratas dengan hanya satu aksara adalah tidak betul (mengikut senarai ini: -oleh -domain.txt, saya tidak tahu ada domain peringkat tinggi sepanjang aksara)


Jadi, adakah penapis FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL berfungsi dengan betul?

P粉649990163P粉649990163457 hari yang lalu489

membalas semua(2)saya akan balas

  • P粉715228019

    P粉7152280192023-07-21 13:30:21

    FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL tidak menyokong PHP 5.2.14

  • P粉066725148

    P粉0667251482023-07-21 12:50:39

    Mengesahkan alamat e-mel agak rumit. Lihat senarai ini:

    Alamat e-mel yang sah

    5. pengguna@[IPv6:2001:db8:1ff::a0b:dbd0]
    6. "banyak.lebih luar biasa"
    7. ""
    8. "sangat.(),:;<>[]".SANGAT."sangat@ "sangat".luar biasa"
    9. postbox@com (domain peringkat atas ialah nama hos yang sah)
    10. admin@mailserver1 (nama domain tempatan tanpa TLD)
    11. !#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}|
    12. "()<>[]:,;@"!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}| ~.a"
    13. " " (ruang antara petikan)
    14. üñîçøðé (aksara Unicode di bahagian tempatan)

    Alamat e-mel tidak sah

    1. (karakter @ mesti memisahkan tempatan dan domain bahagian)
    2. (hanya satu @ dibenarkan di luar tanda petikan)
    3. a"b(c)d,e:f;gi[jk] (tiada watak istimewa di bahagian tempatan ini dibenarkan di luar tanda petikan)
    4. hanya"bukan" (rentetan yang dipetik mesti dipisahkan titik, atau satu-satunya elemen yang membentuk bahagian tempatan)
    5. ini ialah" (ruang, petikan dan garis miring ke belakang boleh hanya wujud apabila dalam rentetan yang dipetik dan didahului dengan garis serong ke belakang)
    6. ini masih" (walaupun terlepas (didahului oleh garis miring ke belakang), ruang, petikan dan garis miring ke belakang mestilah masih ada terkandung dalam petikan)


    Kebanyakan semua pelaksanaan pengesahan e-mel adalah "buggy" tetapi pelaksanaan php berfungsi dengan baik kerana ia menerima semua alamat e-mel biasa

    Kemas kini:

    Ditemui di

    Mengenai alamat "separa" yang tidak wujud. Dalam bahagian domain, ulasan dalam kod sumber (dalam ext/filter/logical_filters.c) membuktikan penolakan ini:

    * The regex below is based on a regex by Michael Rushton.
     * However, it is not identical.  I changed it to only consider routeable
     * addresses as valid.  Michael's regex considers a@b a valid address
     * which conflicts with section 2.3.5 of RFC 5321 which states that:
     *   Only resolvable, fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs) are permitted
     *   when domain names are used in SMTP.  In other words, names that can
     *   be resolved to MX RRs or address (i.e., A or AAAA) RRs (as discussed
     *   in Section 5) are permitted, as are CNAME RRs whose targets can be
     *   resolved, in turn, to MX or address RRs.  Local nicknames or
     *   unqualified names MUST NOT be used.

    Berikut ialah pautan ke kelas Michael Rushton (pautan rosak, lihat kod sumber di bawah) yang menyokong RFC 5321/5322

       * Squiloople Framework
       * LICENSE: Feel free to use and redistribute this code.
       * @author Michael Rushton <>
       * @link
       * @package Squiloople
       * @version 1.0
       * @copyright © 2012 Michael Rushton
       * Email Address Validator
       * Validate email addresses according to the relevant standards
      final class EmailAddressValidator
        // The RFC 5321 constant
        const RFC_5321 = 5321;
        // The RFC 5322 constant
        const RFC_5322 = 5322;
         * The email address
         * @access private
         * @var string $_email_address
        private $_email_address;
         * A quoted string local part is either allowed (true) or not (false)
         * @access private
         * @var boolean $_quoted_string
        private $_quoted_string = FALSE;
         * An obsolete local part is either allowed (true) or not (false)
         * @access private
         * @var boolean $_obsolete
        private $_obsolete = FALSE;
         * A basic domain name is either required (true) or not (false)
         * @access private
         * @var boolean $_basic_domain_name
        private $_basic_domain_name = TRUE;
         * A domain literal domain is either allowed (true) or not (false)
         * @access private
         * @var boolean $_domain_literal
        private $_domain_literal = FALSE;
         * Comments and folding white spaces are either allowed (true) or not (false)
         * @access private
         * @var boolean $_cfws
        private $_cfws = FALSE;
         * Set the email address and turn on the relevant standard if required
         * @access public
         * @param string $email_address
         * @param null|integer $standard
        public function __construct($email_address, $standard = NULL)
          // Set the email address
          $this->_email_address = $email_address;
          // Set the relevant standard or throw an exception if an unknown is requested
          switch ($standard)
            // Do nothing if no standard requested
            case NULL:
            // Otherwise if RFC 5321 requested
            case self::RFC_5321:
            // Otherwise if RFC 5322 requested
            case self::RFC_5322:
            // Otherwise throw an exception
              throw new Exception('Unknown RFC standard for email address validation.');
         * Call the constructor fluently
         * @access public
         * @static
         * @param string $email_address
         * @param null|integer $standard
         * @return EmailAddressValidator
        public static function setEmailAddress($email_address, $standard = NULL)
          return new self($email_address, $standard);
         * Validate the email address using a basic standard
         * @access public
         * @return EmailAddressValidator
        public function setStandardBasic()
          // A quoted string local part is not allowed
          $this->_quoted_string = FALSE;
          // An obsolete local part is not allowed
          $this->_obsolete = FALSE;
          // A basic domain name is required
          $this->_basic_domain_name = TRUE;
          // A domain literal domain is not allowed
          $this->_domain_literal = FALSE;
          // Comments and folding white spaces are not allowed
          $this->_cfws = FALSE;
          // Return the EmailAddressValidator object
          return $this;
         * Validate the email address using RFC 5321
         * @access public
         * @return EmailAddressValidator
        public function setStandard5321()
          // A quoted string local part is allowed
          $this->_quoted_string = TRUE;
          // An obsolete local part is not allowed
          $this->_obsolete = FALSE;
          // Only a basic domain name is not required
          $this->_basic_domain_name = FALSE;
          // A domain literal domain is allowed
          $this->_domain_literal = TRUE;
          // Comments and folding white spaces are not allowed
          $this->_cfws = FALSE;
          // Return the EmailAddressValidator object
          return $this;
         * Validate the email address using RFC 5322
         * @access public
         * @return EmailAddressValidator
        public function setStandard5322()
          // A quoted string local part is disallowed
          $this->_quoted_string = FALSE;
          // An obsolete local part is allowed
          $this->_obsolete = TRUE;
          // Only a basic domain name is not required
          $this->_basic_domain_name = FALSE;
          // A domain literal domain is allowed
          $this->_domain_literal = TRUE;
          // Comments and folding white spaces are allowed
          $this->_cfws = TRUE;
          // Return the EmailAddressValidator object
          return $this;
         * Either allow (true) or do not allow (false) a quoted string local part
         * @access public
         * @param boolean $allow
         * @return EmailAddressValidator
        public function setQuotedString($allow = TRUE)
          // Either allow (true) or do not allow (false) a quoted string local part
          $this->_quoted_string = $allow;
          // Return the EmailAddressValidator object
          return $this;
         * Either allow (true) or do not allow (false) an obsolete local part
         * @access public
         * @param boolean $allow
         * @return EmailAddressValidator
        public function setObsolete($allow = TRUE)
          // Either allow (true) or do not allow (false) an obsolete local part
          $this->_obsolete = $allow;
          // Return the EmailAddressValidator object
          return $this;
         * Either require (true) or do not require (false) a basic domain name
         * @access public
         * @param boolean $allow
         * @return EmailAddressValidator
        public function setBasicDomainName($allow = TRUE)
          // Either require (true) or do not require (false) a basic domain name
          $this->_basic_domain_name = $allow;
          // Return the EmailAddressValidator object
          return $this;
         * Either allow (true) or do not allow (false) a domain literal domain
         * @access public
         * @param boolean $allow
         * @return EmailAddressValidator
        public function setDomainLiteral($allow = TRUE)
          // Either allow (true) or do not allow (false) a domain literal domain
          $this->_domain_literal = $allow;
          // Return the EmailAddressValidator object
          return $this;
         * Either allow (true) or do not allow (false) comments and folding white spaces
         * @access public
         * @param boolean $allow
         * @return EmailAddressValidator
        public function setCFWS($allow = TRUE)
          // Either allow (true) or do not allow (false) comments and folding white spaces
          $this->_cfws = $allow;
          // Return the EmailAddressValidator object
          return $this;
         * Return the regular expression for a dot atom local part
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getDotAtom()
          return "([!#-'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+)(?>\.(?1))*";
         * Return the regular expression for a quoted string local part
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getQuotedString()
          return '"(?>[ !#-\[\]-~]|\\[ -~])*"';
         * Return the regular expression for an obsolete local part
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getObsolete()
          return '([!#-\'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>'
            . $this->_getFWS()
            . '(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\[\x00-\xFF]))*'
            . $this->_getFWS()
            . '")(?>'
            . $this->_getCFWS()
            . '\.'
            . $this->_getCFWS()
            . '(?1))*';
         * Return the regular expression for a domain name domain
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getDomainName()
          // Return the basic domain name format if required
          if ($this->_basic_domain_name)
            return '(?>' . $this->_getDomainNameLengthLimit()
              . '[a-z\d](?>[a-z\d-]*[a-z\d])?'
              . $this->_getCFWS()
              . '\.'
              . $this->_getCFWS()
              . '){1,126}[a-z]{2,6}';
          // Otherwise return the full domain name format
          return $this->_getDomainNameLengthLimit()
            . '([a-z\d](?>[a-z\d-]*[a-z\d])?)(?>'
            . $this->_getCFWS()
            . '\.'
            . $this->_getDomainNameLengthLimit()
            . $this->_getCFWS()
            . '(?2)){0,126}';
         * Return the regular expression for an IPv6 address
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getIPv6()
          return '([a-f\d]{1,4})(?>:(?3)){7}|(?!(?:.*[a-f\d][:\]]){8,})((?3)(?>:(?3)){0,6})?::(?4)?';
         * Return the regular expression for an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getIPv4MappedIPv6()
          return '(?3)(?>:(?3)){5}:|(?!(?:.*[a-f\d]:){6,})(?5)?::(?>((?3)(?>:(?3)){0,4}):)?';
         * Return the regular expression for an IPv4 address
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getIPv4()
          return '(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d{2}|[1-9]?\d)(?>\.(?6)){3}';
         * Return the regular expression for a domain literal domain
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getDomainLiteral()
          return '\[(?:(?>IPv6:(?>'
            . $this->_getIPv6()
            . '))|(?>(?>IPv6:(?>'
            . $this->_getIPv4MappedIPv6()
            . '))?'
            . $this->_getIPv4()
            . '))\]';
         * Return either the regular expression for folding white spaces or its backreference
         * @access private
         * @param boolean $define
         * @return string
        private function _getFWS($define = FALSE)
          // Return the backreference if $define is set to FALSE otherwise return the regular expression
          if ($this->_cfws)
            return !$define ? '(?P>fws)' : '(?<fws>(?>(?>(?>\x0D\x0A)?[\t ])+|(?>[\t ]*\x0D\x0A)?[\t ]+)?)';
         * Return the regular expression for comments
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getComments()
          return '(?<comment>\((?>'
            . $this->_getFWS()
            . '(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\'*-\[\]-\x7F]|\\[\x00-\x7F]|(?P>comment)))*'
            . $this->_getFWS()
            . '\))';
         * Return either the regular expression for comments and folding white spaces or its backreference
         * @access private
         * @param boolean $define
         * @return string
        private function _getCFWS($define = FALSE)
          // Return the backreference if $define is set to FALSE
          if ($this->_cfws && !$define)
            return '(?P>cfws)';
          // Otherwise return the regular expression
          if ($this->_cfws)
            return '(?<cfws>(?>(?>(?>'
              . $this->_getFWS(TRUE)
              . $this->_getComments()
              . ')+'
              . $this->_getFWS()
              . ')|'
              . $this->_getFWS()
              . ')?)';
         * Establish and return the valid format for the local part
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getLocalPart()
          // The local part may be obsolete if allowed
          if ($this->_obsolete)
            return $this->_getObsolete();
          // Otherwise the local part must be either a dot atom or a quoted string if the latter is allowed
          if ($this->_quoted_string)
            return '(?>' . $this->_getDotAtom() . '|' . $this->_getQuotedString() . ')';
          // Otherwise the local part must be a dot atom
          return $this->_getDotAtom();
         * Establish and return the valid format for the domain
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getDomain()
          // The domain must be either a domain name or a domain literal if the latter is allowed
          if ($this->_domain_literal)
            return '(?>' . $this->_getDomainName() . '|' . $this->_getDomainLiteral() . ')';
          // Otherwise the domain must be a domain name
          return $this->_getDomainName();
         * Return the email address length limit
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getEmailAddressLengthLimit()
          return '(?!(?>' . $this->_getCFWS() . '"?(?>\\[ -~]|[^"])"?' . $this->_getCFWS() . '){255,})';
         * Return the local part length limit
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getLocalPartLengthLimit()
          return '(?!(?>' . $this->_getCFWS() . '"?(?>\\[ -~]|[^"])"?' . $this->_getCFWS() . '){65,}@)';
         * Establish and return the domain name length limit
         * @access private
         * @return string
        private function _getDomainNameLengthLimit()
          return '(?!' . $this->_getCFWS() . '[a-z\d-]{64,})';
         * Check to see if the domain can be resolved to MX RRs
         * @access private
         * @param array $domain
         * @return integer|boolean
        private function _verifyDomain($domain)
          // Return 0 if the domain cannot be resolved to MX RRs
          if (!checkdnsrr(end($domain), 'MX'))
            return 0;
          // Otherwise return true
          return TRUE;
         * Perform the validation check on the email address's syntax and, if required, call _verifyDomain()
         * @access public
         * @param boolean $verify
         * @return boolean|integer
        public function isValid($verify = FALSE)
          // Return false if the email address has an incorrect syntax
          if (!preg_match(
            . $this->_getEmailAddressLengthLimit()
            . $this->_getLocalPartLengthLimit()
            . $this->_getCFWS()
            . $this->_getLocalPart()
            . $this->_getCFWS()
            . '@'
            . $this->_getCFWS()
            . $this->_getDomain()
            . $this->_getCFWS(TRUE)
            . '$/isD'
            , $this->_email_address
            return FALSE;
          // Otherwise check to see if the domain can be resolved to MX RRs if required
          if ($verify)
            return $this->_verifyDomain(explode('@', $this->_email_address));
          // Otherwise return 1
          return 1;

  • Batalbalas