Rumah > Soal Jawab > teks badan
class a{ //主要功能是连接数据库,取出表中字段,将字段定义为子类属性,想以这种方式实现ActiveRecord function doQuery($dbname, $table){ $fields = mysql_list_fields($dbname, $table); $num = mysql_num_fields($fields); $keys = array(); for($i=0; $i<$num; $i++){ array_push($keys, mysql_fields_name($fields); } return $keys; } } class b{ function bind($data){ foreach($data as $key=>$value){ $this->$value = null; } print_r(get_class_vars(get_class($this)); } }
这样却无法输出 类b的属性
阿神2017-04-10 14:24:55
get_class_vars — Get the default properties of the class
动态定义的属性是不会被这个函数打出来的 ...
如果你需要列出一个类的所有属性 ... 一段小技巧可以帮助到你 ...
<?php class b { public function bind( $data ) { foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) $this->$value = null; /* just make an array to output like you want ... */ $ret = []; /* no need to do type conversion here ... php will done for us ... */ foreach( $this as $key => $null_of_course ) $ret[] = $key; /* miracle time ... */ print_r( $ret ); } } (new b)->bind( [ 'aa' => 'bb', 'cc' => 'dd' ] );
或者更简单的写法 ... 需要手动转化一下类型 ...
$ret = array_keys( (array) $this );
By the way ... 编辑一句题外话 ... tabsize 设成 5 的习惯是哪里来的 ..?
迷茫2017-04-10 14:24:55
public function doQuery($table){ $fields = mysql_list_fields($this->dbName, $table); $keys = array(); $num = mysql_num_fields($fields); for ($i=0; $i < $num; $i++) { array_push($keys, mysql_field_name($fields, $i)); } foreach ($keys as $key => $value) { $this->$value = $value; } print_r($keys); Echo '<pre>'; print_r(get_class_vars(get_class($this))); }