kotak semak ionik
Kotak semak ionik (kotak pilihan) tidak berbeza daripada kotak semak HTML biasa Contoh berikut menunjukkan aplikasi kotak semak ion.
<ion-checkbox ng-model="isChecked">复选框标签</ion-checkbox>
Dalam contoh, nilai yang ditanda akan diubah suai mengikut sama ada kotak semak dipilih, benar bermakna dipilih, palsu bermakna tidak dipilih.
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive"> <h1 class="title">复选框</h1> </ion-header-bar> <ion-content> <div class="list"> <ion-checkbox ng-repeat="item in devList" ng-model="item.checked" ng-checked="item.checked"> {{ item.text }} </ion-checkbox> <div class="item"> <div ng-bind="devList | json"></div> </div> <div class="item item-divider"> Notifications </div> <ion-checkbox ng-model="pushNotification.checked" ng-change="pushNotificationChange()"> Push Notifications </ion-checkbox> <div class="item"> <div ng-bind="pushNotification | json"></div> </div> <ion-checkbox ng-model="emailNotification" ng-true-value="'Subscribed'" ng-false-value="'Unubscribed'"> Newsletter </ion-checkbox> <div class="item"> <div ng-bind="emailNotification | json"></div> </div> </div> </ion-content>
Kod JavaScript
angular.module('starter', ['ionic']) .run(function($ionicPlatform) { $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard // for form inputs) if(window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) { cordova.plugins.Keyboard.hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(true); } if(window.StatusBar) { StatusBar.styleDefault(); } }); }) .controller( 'actionsheetCtl',['$scope',function($scope){ $scope.devList = [ { text: "HTML5", checked: true }, { text: "CSS3", checked: false }, { text: "JavaScript", checked: false } ]; $scope.pushNotificationChange = function() { console.log('Push Notification Change', $scope.pushNotification.checked); }; $scope.pushNotification = { checked: true }; $scope.emailNotification = 'Subscribed'; }])
kod css:
body { cursor: url('../style/images/finger.png'), auto; }
Kesannya adalah seperti berikut: