Ruby用户指南3、开始4、简单的例子5、字符串6、正则表达式7、数组8、回到那些简单的例子9、流程控制10、迭代器11、面向对象思维12、方法13、类14、继承15、重载方法16、访问控制17、单态方法18、模块19、过程对象20、变量21、全局变量22、实变量23、局部变量24、类常量25、异常处理:rescue26、异常处理:ensure27、存取器28、对象的初始化29、杂项RGSS入门教程1、什么是RGSS2、开始:最简单的脚本3、数据类型:数字4、数据类型:常量与变量5、数据类型:字符串6、控制语句:条件分歧语句7、控制语句:循环8、函数9、对象与类10、显示图片11、数组12、哈希表(关联数组)13、类14、数据库15、游戏对象16、精灵的管理17、窗口的管理18、活动指令19、场景类Programming Ruby的翻译Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide前言RoadmapRuby.new类,对象和变量容器Containers,块Blocks和迭代Iterators标准类型深入方法表达式Expressions异常,捕捉和抛出(已经开始,by jellen)模块基本输入输出线程和进程当遭遇挫折Ruby和它的世界Ruby和Web开发Ruby TkRuby 和微软的 Windows扩展RubyRuby语言 (by jellen)类和对象 (by jellen)Ruby安全反射Reflection内建类和方法标准库OO设计网络和Web库Windows支持内嵌文档交互式Ruby Shell支持Ruby参考手册Ruby首页卷首语Ruby的启动环境变量对象执行结束时的相关处理线程安全模型正则表达式字句构造程序变量和常数字面值操作符表达式控制结构方法调用类/方法的定义内部函数内部变量内部常数内部类/模块/异常类附加库Ruby变更记录ruby 1.6 特性ruby 1.7 特性Ruby术语集Ruby的运行平台pack模板字符串sprintf格式Marshal格式Ruby FAQRuby的陷阱

Microsoft Windows Support

The three libraries documented in this chapter turn Ruby into a powerful and convenient Windows scripting language. Now you have the power to control your applications, but in a controlled, object-oriented environment.

class WIN32OLE
Parent: Object
Version: 1.6


connect const_load new [ ] [ ]= each invoke

require 'win32ole'
ie = WIN32OLE.new('InternetExplorer.Application')
ie.visible = true

WIN32OLE provides a client interface to Windows 32 OLE Automation servers. See the tutorial description on page 164 for more information.

WIN32OLE::VERSION Current version number

class methods
connect WIN32OLE.connect( aString ) -> wapi

Returns a new OLE automation client connected to an existing instance of the named automation server.

const_load WIN32OLE.const_load( wapi, [ aClass=WIN32OLE ] ) -> nil

Defines the constants from the specified automation server as class constants in aClass.

new WIN32OLE.new( aString ) -> wapi

Returns a new OLE automation client connected to a new instance of the automation server named by aString.

instance methods
[ ] wapi[ aString ] -> anObject

Returns the named property from the OLE automation object.

[ ]= wapi[ aString ] = aValue -> nil

Sets the named property in the OLE automation object.

each wapi.each {| anObj | block }

-> nil

Iterates over each item of this OLE server that supports the IEnumVARIANT interface.

invoke wapi.invoke ( aCmdString, [ args ]*) -> anObject

Invokes the command given in aCmdString with the given args. args may be a Hash of named parameters and values. You don't need to call invoke explicitly; this class uses method_missing to forward calls through invoke, so you can simply use the OLE methods as methods of this class.

Parent: Object
Version: 1.6


message_loop new on_event

This (slightly modified) example from the Win32OLE 0.1.1 distribution shows the use of an event sink.

require 'win32ole'

$urls = []

def navigate(url)   $urls << url end

def stop_msg_loop   puts "IE has exited..."   throw :done end

def default_handler(event, *args)   case event   when "BeforeNavigate"     puts "Now Navigating to #{args[0]}..."   end end

ie = WIN32OLE.new('InternetExplorer.Application') ie.visible = TRUE ie.gohome ev = WIN32OLE_EVENT.new(ie, 'DWebBrowserEvents')

ev.on_event {|*args| default_handler(*args)} ev.on_event("NavigateComplete") {|url| navigate(url)} ev.on_event("Quit") {|*args| stop_msg_loop}

catch(:done) {   loop {     WIN32OLE_EVENT.message_loop   } }

puts "You Navigated to the following URLs: " $urls.each_with_index do |url, i|   puts "(#{i+1}) #{url}" end

WIN32OLE_EVENT is used in conjunction with the WIN32OLE class to add callbacks for Windows 32 events.
class methods
message_loop WIN32OLE_EVENT.message_loop -> nil

Executes the Windows event loop, translating and dispatching events.

new WIN32OLE_EVENT.new ( anOle, aName ) -> wapi

Returns a new WIN32OLE_EVENT (an event sink) for the given WIN32OLE object and named event source. If aName is nil, it will attempt to use the default source and will raise a RuntimeError if it cannot find one.

instance methods
on_event wapi.on_event ( [ anEvent ] ) {| args | block }

-> nil

Defines a callback for the named anEvent. If anEvent is nil, then this callback is associated with all events. The block will be given any arguments appropriate for this event.

class Win32API
Parent: Object
Version: 1.6


new call Call

This example is from the Ruby distribution, in ext/Win32API:

require 'Win32API'

getCursorPos = Win32API.new("user32", "GetCursorPos", ['P'], 'V')

lpPoint = " " * 8 # store two LONGs getCursorPos.Call(lpPoint) x, y = lpPoint.unpack("LL") # get the actual values

print "x: ", x, "\n" print "y: ", y, "\n"

ods = Win32API.new("kernel32", "OutputDebugString", ['P'], 'V') ods.Call("Hello, World\n")

GetDesktopWindow = Win32API.new("user32", "GetDesktopWindow", [], 'L') GetActiveWindow = Win32API.new("user32", "GetActiveWindow", [], 'L') SendMessage = Win32API.new("user32", "SendMessage", ['L'] * 4, 'L') SendMessage.Call(GetDesktopWindow.Call, 274, 0xf140, 0)

The Win32API module allows access to any arbitrary Windows 32 function. Many of these functions take or return a Pointer datatype---a region of memory corresponding to a C string or structure type.

In Ruby, these pointers are represented using class String, which contains a sequence of 8-bit bytes. It is up to you to pack and unpack the bits in the String. See the reference section for unpack on page 378 and pack on page 286 for details.
class methods
new Win32API.new( dllname, procname, importArray, export ) -> wapi

Returns a new object representing a Windows 32 API function. dllname is the name of the DLL containing the function, such as ``user32'' or ``kernel32.'' procname is the name of the desired function. importArray is an array of strings representing the types of arguments to the function. export is a string representing the return type of the function. Strings ``n'' and ``l'' represent numbers, ``i'' represent integers, ``p'' represents pointers to data stored in a string, and ``v'' represents a void type (used for export parameters only). These strings are case-insensitive.

instance methods
call wapi.call( [ args ]*) -> anObject

Calls this API function with the given arguments, which must match the signature specified to new.

Call wapi.Call( [ args ]*) -> anObject

Synonym for Win32API#call.

Extracted from the book "Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide"