Rumah >Tutorial sistem >LINUX >Gunakan skrip Bash untuk menulis alat pemeriksaan kesihatan Linux yang mudah dan praktikal
$ vim linuxmi
#! /bin/bash #color notes NC='\033[0m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' RED='\033[0;31m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' cyan='\033[0;36m' yellow='\033[0;33m' #Sectioning ......... echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------${NC}" echo "Server details:" echo -e "${YELLOW}--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -${NC}" #fetching basic specs from the server(user,ip,os) user=`whoami` echo -e "${cyan}User:${NC} $user" hostname=`hostname` echo -e "${cyan}hostname:${NC} $hostname" ip=`hostname -I` echo -e "${cyan}IP address:${NC} $ip" os=`cat /etc/os-release | grep 'NAME\|VERSION' | grep -v 'VERSION_ID' | grep -v 'PRETTY_NAME' | grep NAME` echo -e "${cyan}OS:${NC} $os" #Sectioning..... echo -e "${YELLOW}------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------${NC}" echo "Service status:" echo -e "${YELLOW}------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------${NC}" sleep 1 #checking tomcat status echo -e "${yellow}1) Tomcat${NC}" #grepping tomcat status from ps aux pp=`ps aux | grep tomcat | grep "[D]java.util"` if [[ $pp =~ "-Xms512M" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi echo "" #function to check apache is running or not! function apache(){ echo -e "${yellow}2) Apache-httpd${NC}" #grepping apache status from ps aux httpd=`ps aux | grep httpd | grep apache` if [[ $httpd =~ "apache" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi } #function to check elastic is running or not function elastic(){ echo -e "${yellow}3) Elasticsearch${NC}" #grepping elasticsearch status from ps aux elastic=`ps aux | grep elasticsearch` if [[ $elastic =~ "elastic+" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi #function to check mysql is running or not } function mysql(){ echo -e "${yellow}4) Mysql${NC}" #grepping mysql status from ps aux mysql=`ps aux | grep mysqld` if [[ $mysql =~ "mysqld" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi } function docker(){ echo -e "${yellow}5) Docker${NC}" #grepping docker status from ps aux docker=`systemctl status docker | grep dead` if [[ $docker =~ "dead" ]];then echo -e " Status: ${GREEN}UP${NC}" else echo -e " Status: ${RED}DOWN${NC}" fi } #calling functions apache echo "" elastic echo "" mysql echo "" docker echo "" #Sectioning............ #Fetching mem and cpu informations echo -e "${YELLOW}-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------${NC}" echo "Memory Details:" echo -e "${YELLOW}---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------${NC}" sleep 1 #view mem info free -h #get uptime details uptime=$(uptime | awk '{print $3,$4}' | cut -f1 -d,) echo -e "${cyan}System Uptime:${NC} :$uptime" #Fetching the load average loadaverage=$(top -n 1 -b | grep "load average:" | awk '{print $10 $11 $12}') echo -e "${cyan}Load average:${NC}: $loadaverage" echo - e "${cyan}The top 10 services with high resource usage are listed below.${NC}" #Get top services with high resource utilization ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head #sectioning........... #Fetching server space details! echo -e "${YELLOW}-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -${NC}" echo "Server space Details:" echo -e "${YELLOW}-------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -${NC}" #View disk space details df -h echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------"
2、我们可以将该脚本转换为全局命令,将文件移动到 sbin 目录,并赋予执行权限。
linuxmi@linuxmi ~/ % sudo cp linuxmi /usr/sbin/ [sudo] linuxmi 的密码: linuxmi@linuxmi ~/ % sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/linuxmi linuxmi@linuxmi ~/
3、现在您可以在 shell 的任何位置调用该脚本。
linuxmi@linuxmi ~/ % linuxmi
Atas ialah kandungan terperinci Gunakan skrip Bash untuk menulis alat pemeriksaan kesihatan Linux yang mudah dan praktikal. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila ikut artikel berkaitan lain di laman web China PHP!