Rumah >pangkalan data >tutorial mysql >MySQL Audit Plugin now available in Percona Server 5.5 and 5_MySQL
The newPercona Server 5.5.37-35.0andPercona Server 5.6.17-65.0-56, announced yesterday (May 6), both include the open source version of the MySQL Audit Plugin. The MySQL Audit Plugin is used to log all queries or connections (“audit” MySQL usage). Until yesterday’s release, the MySQL Audit Plugin was only available inMySQL Enterprise.
Logging all MySQL usage is very important for a number of applications, for example:
Originally, the only “easy” option was toenable general log. (Other options included using binary logs which does not include select queries or enabling queries “trace” in the application or MySQL connector). However, logging all queries using a general log may dramatically decrease performance in the highly loaded MySQL applications: Aleksandr Kuzminsky published a benchmark in 2009 to showthe overhead of MySQL general and slow log. The main benefit of MySQL Log Audit plugin is that it logs all queriesasynchronously(can be changed in the config). I’ve decided to try the new audit plugin in Percona Server and measure the performance impact of the new plugin compared to enabling the general log for the CPU bound applications.
How to start with MySQL Audit Plugin
First, we will need to enable (or “install”) MySQL audit plugin asdecribed in the doc:
mysql> select version();+-------------+| version() |+-------------+| 5.5.37-35.0 |+-------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN audit_log SONAME '';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql>selectversion(); +-------------+ |version() |+-------------+ |5.5.37-35.0+-------------+ 1rowinset(0.00 mysql>INSTALL PLUGINaudit_logSONAME''; QueryOK,0rowsaffected |
Now can see all MySQL audit plugin options:
mysql> show global variables like '%audit%';+--------------------------+--------------+| Variable_name| Value|+--------------------------+--------------+| audit_log_buffer_size| 1048576|| audit_log_file | audit.log|| audit_log_flush| OFF|| audit_log_format | OLD|| audit_log_policy | ALL|| audit_log_rotate_on_size | 0|| audit_log_rotations| 0|| audit_log_strategy | ASYNCHRONOUS |+--------------------------+--------------+8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql>showglobalvariableslike'%audit%'; +--------------------------+--------------+ |Variable_name |Value | +--------------------------+--------------+ |audit_log_buffer_size |1048576 | |audit_log_file |audit.log | |audit_log_flush |OFF | |audit_log_format |OLD | |audit_log_policy |ALL | |audit_log_rotate_on_size|0 | |audit_log_rotations |0 | |audit_log_strategy | +--------------------------+--------------+ 8rowsinset(0.00 |
There are a bunch of options we can tweak here, the most important for MySQL performance are:
Value | Meaning |
Log asynchronously, wait for space in output buffer |
Log asynchronously, drop request if insufficient space in output buffer |
Log synchronously, permit caching by operating system |
Log synchronously, call sync() after each request |
The most useful option in my mind is ASYNCHRONOUS, providing us with good balance between performance and not loosing transactions if the output buffer is not large enough.
Open Source Audit Plugin in MySQL Community server
You can also use Percona Open Source version of Audit Plugin in MySQL community version (5.5.37 and 5.6.17). Simply download the linux tarball of Percona Server and copy the to your MySQL plugin dir.
Find plugin dir:
mysql> show global variables like '%plugin%';+---------------+------------------------------+| Variable_name | Value|+---------------+------------------------------+| plugin_dir| /usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/ |+---------------+------------------------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql>showglobalvariableslike'%plugin%'; +---------------+------------------------------+ |Variable_name|Value | +---------------+------------------------------+ |plugin_dir |/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/ +---------------+------------------------------+ 1rowinset(0.00 |
Copy the file:
# cp /usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/
# cp /usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin/ |
Install plugin:
Server version: 5.5.37 MySQL Community Server (GPL)mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN audit_log SONAME '';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)Server version: 5.6.17 MySQL Community Server (GPL)mysql> INSTALL PLUGIN audit_log SONAME '';Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Serverversion:5.5.37MySQLCommunityServer(GPL) mysql>INSTALLPLUGINaudit_logSONAME''; QueryOK,0rowsaffected(0.00sec) Serverversion:5.6.17MySQLCommunityServer(GPL) mysql>INSTALLPLUGINaudit_logSONAME''; QueryOK,0rowsaffected(0.00sec) |
Using MySQL audit plugin
When plugin is enabled, it will log entries in audit.log file in XML format. Example:
<audit_record utc></audit_record><audit_record utc plugin audit_log soname localhost></audit_record><audit_record utc global variables like localhost></audit_record>
"RECORD"="1_2014-04-30T00:04:42" "TIMESTAMP"="2014-04-30T00:04:42 UTC" "MYSQL_VERSION"="5.5.37-35.0" "STARTUP_OPTIONS"="--basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/ --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" "OS_VERSION"="x86_64-Linux", />"RECORD"="2_2014-04-30T00:04:42" "TIMESTAMP"="2014-04-30T00:04:42 UTC" "COMMAND_CLASS"="install_plugin" "CONNECTION_ID"="1" "STATUS"="0""SQLTEXT"="INSTALL PLUGIN audit_log SONAME ''" "USER"="root[root] @ localhost []" "HOST"="localhost" "OS_USER"="" "IP"=""/>"RECORD"="3_2014-04-30T00:04:42" "TIMESTAMP"="2014-04-30T00:05:07 UTC" "COMMAND_CLASS"="show_variables" "CONNECTION_ID"="1" "STATUS"="0""SQLTEXT"="show global variables like '%audit%'" "USER"="root[root] @ localhost []" "HOST"="localhost" "OS_USER"="" "IP"=""/> |
<audit_record utc all on sbtest. to sb identified by localhost></audit_record><audit_record utc></audit_record><audit_record utc pad from sbtest8 where id='5036031"' localhost></audit_record>
"RECORD"="10_2014-04-30T00:04:42" "TIMESTAMP"="2014-04-30T12:33:20 UTC" "COMMAND_CLASS"="grant" "CONNECTION_ID"="2" "STATUS"="0""SQLTEXT"="grant all on sbtest.* to sb@localhost identified by 'sb'" "USER"="root[root] @ localhost []" "HOST"="localhost" "OS_USER"="" "IP"=""/>"RECORD"="11_2014-04-30T00:04:42" "TIMESTAMP"="2014-04-30T12:34:53 UTC" "CONNECTION_ID"="3" "STATUS"="0" "USER"="sb""PRIV_USER"="sb" "OS_LOGIN"="" "PROXY_USER"="" "HOST"="localhost" "IP"="""DB"="sbtest" />"TIMESTAMP"="2014-04-30T12:45:07 UTC" "COMMAND_CLASS"="select" "CONNECTION_ID"="32" "STATUS"="1146" "SQLTEXT"="SELECT pad FROM sbtest8 WHERE id=5036031" "USER"="sb[sb] @ localhost []" "HOST"="localhost" "OS_USER"="""IP"=""/> |
Important notes:
ls -lah /var/lib/mysql/audit.log-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 7.1G May 4 07:30 /var/lib/mysql/audit.log
ls-lah/var/lib/mysql/audit.log -rw-rw----1mysqlmysql7.1GMay407:30/var/lib/mysql/audit.log |
Searching the Audit Log entries
MySQL utilities provide a useful tool, mysqlauditgrep, to search / grep the logs file. Unfortunately, I was not able to make it work (tried both v. 1.3 and v 1.4) with audit plugin format created by Percona server. According tothis bug it can’t parse the “new” audit format. In my case, mysqlauditgrep will return a parsing error when I use the default format and returned no results when I set the “audit_log_format=NEW”. It will be nice to use the mysqlauditgrep as it looks like a very powerful tool, but for now our searching options are limited to conventional linux grep (which is not very easy for XML documents) or custom application to parse/search XML.
Performance overhead of Audit Log Plugin and General Log
Finally, I wanted to measure the overhead of the Audit Log Plugin compared to General Log. I did a quick benchmark withsysbenchOLTP test (CPU bound workload) with 4 modes:
Here are the results:
Test | Overhead |
Plugin + audit_log_policy = ALL | ~15% overhead |
Plugin + audit_log_policy = LOGINS | ~0% overhead (sysbench only connects once, so there may be bigger overhead here) |
General_log | ~62% overhead |
As we can see here, audit log is not free from overhead, however, it is much smaller than enabling general_log to log all and every query. Those are quick benchmark results and more tests are need for more accurate measurements. Also, as always, your milage can vary.
Nice to have features
What I would love to have for audit plugin is the ability to log only some specific actions. For example, only log activity from a specific user or access to a specific table (i.e. a table with a sensitive data), etc. This will give more control and less overhead (=better performance).
The MySQL Audit Plugin is a great feature – it is a valuable tool for MySQL security and performance audits. The performance overhead may be a concern for a highly loaded systems, however, it looks reasonable and is much better than using general log to log all queries.
If you use general log or any other audit plugins, please share your experience in the comments.