Rumah >pembangunan bahagian belakang >tutorial php >php 阴历-农历-转换类代码_PHP
复制代码 代码如下:
* 公农历转换(1912 - 2012)
* Usage:
* // 公历1983-10-5转农历
* $lunar = new Lunar();
* $date = $lunar->getLar('1983-10-5',0);
* echo date("Y-m-d", $date);
* // 农历1983-8-29转公历
* $date = $lunar->getLar('1983-8-29',1);
* echo date("Y-m-d", $date);
* @param string 日期
* @param int 日期历法
* - 0 公历
* 1 农历
* @return timestamp
其中年份皆用民国年份, 请自行转换 (西元年-1911 = 民国年).
*国农历对映表之说明 : *
* 前二数字 = 闰月月份, 如果为 13 则没有闰月 *
* 第叁至第六数字 = 12 个月之大小月之2进位码->10进位 *
* 例如: *
* 101010101010 = 2730 *
* 1 : 代表大月(30天) 0 : 代表小月(29天) ==> 1月大2月小3月大.. *
* 第七位数字为闰月天数 *
* 0 : 没有闰月之天数 *
* 1 : 闰月为小月(29天) *
* 2 : 闰月为大月(30天) *
* 最後2位数字代表阳历之1月1日与阴历之1月1日相差天数 *
这对映表只有民国一年至民国一百年, 如不敷您的使用请按照上述之方式自行增加.
这个程式没有判断您所输入之年,月,日是否正确, 请自行判断.
此版本为FreeWare Version : 0.1
您可以自行修改, 但最好可以将修改过之程式Mail一份给我.
如果您要用於商业用途, 请mail给我告知您的用途及原因.
class Lunar {
var $LMDay = array();
var $InterMonth = 0;
var $InterMonthDays = 0;
var $SLRangeDay = 0;
var $SMDay = array(1 => 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
var $LongLife = array( 1 =>
'132637048', '133365036', '053365225', '132900044', '131386034', '022778122', //6
'132395041', '071175231', '131175050', '132635038', '052891127', '131701046', //12
'131748035', '042741223', '130694043', '132391032', '021327122', '131175040', //18
'061623129', '133402047', '133402036', '051769125', '131453044', '130694034', //24
'032158223', '132350041', '073213230', '133221049', '133402038', '063466226', //30
'132901045', '131130035', '042651224', '130605043', '132349032', '023371121', //36
'132709040', '072901128', '131738047', '132901036', '051333226', '131210044', //42
'132651033', '031111223', '131323042', '082714130', '133733048', '131706038', //48
'062794127', '132741045', '131206035', '042734124', '132647043', '131318032', //54
'033878120', '133477039', '071461129', '131386047', '132413036', '051245126', //60
'131197045', '132637033', '043405122', '133365041', '083413130', '132900048', //66
'132922037', '062394227', '132395046', '131179035', '042711124', '132635043', //72
'102855132', '131701050', '131748039', '062804128', '132742047', '132359036', //78
'051199126', '131175045', '131611034', '031866122', '133749040', '081717130', //84
'131452049', '132742037', '052413127', '132350046', '133222035', '043477123', //90
'133402042', '133493031', '021877121', '131386039', '072747128', '130605048', //96
'132349037', '053243125', '132709044', '132890033');
function getLar($date, $isLunar = 1){
list($year, $month, $day) = split("-", $date);
if($isLunar == 1)
return $this->Lunar2Solar($year, $month, $day);
return $this->Solar2Lunar($year, $month, $day);
function IsLeapYear($AYear){
return ($AYear % 4 == 0) and (($AYear % 100 0) or ($AYear % 400 == 0));
function CovertLunarMonth($magicno){
$m = $magicno;
for ($i = 12; $i >= 1; $i--){
$size = $m % 2;
if ($size == 0)
$this->LMDay[$i] = 29;
$this->LMDay[$i] = 30;
$m = floor($m / 2);
function ProcessMagicStr($yy){
$yy = $yy - 1911;
$magicstr = $this->LongLife[$yy];
$this->InterMonth = substr($magicstr, 0, 2);
$LunarMonth = substr($magicstr, 2, 4);
$dsize = substr($magicstr, 6, 1);
switch ($dsize) {
case 0 :
$this->InterMonthDays = 0;
case 1 :
$this->InterMonthDays = 29;
case 2 :
$this->InterMonthDays = 30;
$this->SLRangeDay = substr($magicstr, 7, 2);
function DaysPerLunarMonth($LYear, $LMonth){
if ($LMonth return $this->InterMonthDays;
return $this->LMDay[$LMonth];
function Solar2Lunar($SYear, $SMonth, $SDay){
if( !(1912 return false;
$day = 0;
if ($this->isLeapYear($SYear))
$this->SMDay[2] = 29;
if ($SMonth == 1)
$day = $SDay;
else {
for($i = 1; $i $day = $day + $this->SMDay[$i];
$day = $day + $SDay;
if ($day SLRangeDay) {
$day = $day - $this->SLRangeDay;
for ($i = 12; $i >= 1; $i--){
$day = $day + $this->LMDay[$i];
if ($day > 0)
$LYear = $SYear - 1;
$LMonth = $i;
$LDay = $day;
} else {
$day = $day - $this->SLRangeDay;
for($i = 1; $i InterMonth-1; $i++){
$day = $day - $this->LMDay[$i];
if ($day break;
if ($day $LYear = $SYear;
$LMonth = $i;
$LDay = $day + $this->LMDay[$i];
} else {
$day = $day - $this->LMDay[$this->InterMonth];
if ($day $LYear = $SYear;
$LMonth = $this->InterMonth;
$LDay = $day + $this->LMDay[$this->InterMonth];
} else {
$this->LMDay[$this->InterMonth] = $this->InterMonthDays;
for ($i = $this->InterMonth; $i $day = $day - $this->LMDay[$i];
if ($day break;
if ($i == $this->InterMonth)
$LMonth = 0 - $this->InterMonth;
$LMonth = $i;
$LYear = $SYear;
$LDay = $day + $this->LMDay[$i];
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $LMonth, $LDay, $LYear);
function Lunar2Solar($LYear, $LMonth, $LDay){
if( !(1912 return false;
$day = 0;
$SYear = $LYear;
if ($this->isLeapYear($SYear))
$this->SMDay[2] = 29;
if ($LMonth $day = $this->LMDay[$this->InterMonth];
if ($LMonth 1)
for ($i = 1; $i $day = $day + $this->LMDay[$i];
$day = $day + $LDay + $this->SLRangeDay;
if (($this->InterMonth 13) and ($this->InterMonth $day = $day + $this->InterMonthDays;
for ($i = 1; $i $day = $day - $this->SMDay[$i];
if ($day break;
if ($day > 0) {
$SYear = $SYear + 1;
if ($this->isLeapYear($SYear))
$this->SMDay[2] = 29;
for ($i = 1; $i $day = $day - $this->SMDay[$i];
if ($day break;
$day = $day + $this->SMDay[$i];
$SMonth = $i;
$SDay = $day;
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $SMonth, $SDay, $SYear);
复制代码 代码如下:
$lunar = new Lunar();
$date = $lunar->getLar('1983-10-5',0);
echo date("Y-m-d", $date);
// 农历1983-8-29转公历
$date = $lunar->getLar('1983-8-29',1);
echo date("Y-m-d", $date);