Rumah >php教程 >PHP源码 >tangframework 上传类

tangframework 上传类

2016-05-26 08:20:241045semak imbas

namespace Tang\Util;
use Tang\Exception\SystemException;
use Tang\Services\FileService;
use Tang\Storage\Drivers\IStorage;

 * 文件上传组件
 * Class Upload
 * @package Tang\Util
class Upload
     * 允许上传的文件后缀
     * @var array
    private $allowExts= array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png','bmp');
     * 是否安全类型检查
     * @var boolean
    private $allowSafeCheck = true;
     * 文件后缀名
     * @var string
    private $ext = '';
     * 上传最大大小 (K为单位 1M=1024K)
     * @var int
    private $maxSize = 1024;
     * 存储引擎
     * @var IStorage
    protected $storage;

     * @param IStorage $storage 存储引擎
     * @param int $maxSize 最大尺寸
     * @param bool $allowSafeCheck 是否允许安全检查
     * @param array $exts 允许上传的后缀
    public function __construct(IStorage $storage,$maxSize = 0,$allowSafeCheck = true,array $exts=array())
     * 设置上传的最大KB
     * 为0的时候则设置为无限大小
     * @param int $maxSize
     * @return $this
    public function setMaxSize($maxSize = 0)
        $maxSize = (int)$maxSize;
        $this->maxSize = $maxSize > 0 ? $maxSize : 0;
        return $this;
     * 设置允许上传的文件后缀数组
     * @param array $exts
     * @return $this
    public function setAllowExts(array $exts)
        $this->allowExts = $exts;
        return $this;
     * 设置是否允许安全类型检查
     * @param boolean $allowSafeCheck
     * @return $this
    public function setAllowSafe($allowSafeCheck = true)
        $this->allowSafeCheck = $allowSafeCheck;
        return $this;
     * 设置存储引擎
     * @param IStorage $storage
     * @return $this
    public function setStorage(IStorage $storage)
        $this->storage = $storage;
        return $this;

     * 如果file控件里面类似于file[]这样的数组信息时候,如果需要用自己定义的地址的时候。
     * $fileName则需要传递一个数组对应上传的文件
     * @param string $filed 上传的字段名 file控件里面的name
     * @param mixed $fileName 生成的文件名 不填写的话为系统自动生成文件地址
     * @return array
     * @throws NotFoundFileUploadException
     * @throws UploadErrorException
     * @throws UploadSafeCheckException
    public function move($filed,$fileName=null)
            throw new NotFoundFileUploadException($filed);
        $uploadFile = $_FILES[$filed];
            $fileStructs = array();
                $fileName = array();
            foreach($uploadFile['name'] as $key => $value)
                $fileStructs[$key] = $this->uploadHandle(array('name' => $value,'type' => $uploadFile['type'][$key],'tmp_name' => $uploadFile['tmp_name'][$key],'error' => $uploadFile['error'][$key],'size' => $uploadFile['size'][$key]),isset($fileName[$key]) && $fileName[$key] ? $fileName[$key]:'');
            return $fileStructs;
        } else
            return $this->uploadHandle($uploadFile,$fileName);
    private function uploadHandle($uploadFile,$fileName='')
        if($uploadFile['error'] > 0)
            throw new UploadErrorException('File upload error '.$uploadFile['error'],null,50001+$uploadFile['error']);
        } else if(!is_uploaded_file($uploadFile['tmp_name']))
            throw new UploadErrorException('Illegal file upload!',null,50010);
        $this->ext = FileService::getService()->getExtension($uploadFile['name']);
        if($this->allowExts && !in_array($this->ext, $this->allowExts))

            throw new UploadSafeCheckException('Only allowed to upload the [%s] file!',array(implode(',', $this->allowExts)),50001);
        if($this->maxSize > 0)
            $maxSize = 1024 * $this->maxSize;
            if($uploadFile['size'] > $maxSize )
                throw new UploadErrorException('Upload file size is [%d byte], is greater than the set of [%d byte]!',array($uploadFile['size'],$maxSize),50000);
        if($this->allowExts && in_array($this->ext, array('jpeg','jpg','gif','png','bmp')) && !$this->picScan($uploadFile['tmp_name']))
            throw new UploadSafeCheckException('The uploaded file is not a [%s] file!',array($this->ext),50011);
        !$fileName && $fileName = $this->createFilePath();
        $fileStruct = $this->storage->putFile($uploadFile['tmp_name'],$fileName);
        $fileStruct['name'] = $uploadFile['name'];
        return $fileStruct;
     * 检查文件是否是一个图片
     * @param string $fileName
     * @return boolean
    private function picScan($fileName)
        $tempImageSize = @getimagesize($fileName);
        list($tempWidth, $tempHeight, $tempType) = (array)$tempImageSize;
        $tempSize = $tempWidth * $tempHeight;
        if($tempSize > 16777216 || $tempSize < 4 || empty($tempType) || strpos($tempImageSize[&#39;mime&#39;], &#39;flash&#39;) > 0)
            return false;
        return true;
     * 构建上传路径
    private function createFilePath()
        return date(&#39;ym/d/&#39;).sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(),1)).&#39;.&#39;.$this->ext;


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