Rumah >pembangunan bahagian belakang >Tutorial Python >一文了解大文件排序/外存排序问题
对这个一个500000000行的 total.txt 进行排序,该文件大小 4.6G。
#!/usr/bin/python2.7 import time def readline_by_yield(bfile): with open(bfile, 'r') as rf: for line in rf: yield line def quick_sort(lst): if len(lst) < 2: return lst pivot = lst[0] left = [ ele for ele in lst[1:] if ele < pivot ] right = [ ele for ele in lst[1:] if ele >= pivot ] return quick_sort(left) + [pivot,] + quick_sort(right) def split_bfile(bfile): count = 0 nums = [] for line in readline_by_yield(bfile): num = int(line) if num not in nums: nums.append(num) if 10000 == len(nums): nums = quick_sort(nums) with open('subfile/subfile{}.txt'.format(count+1),'w') as wf: wf.write('\n'.join([ str(i) for i in nums ])) nums[:] = [] count += 1 print count now = time.time() split_bfile('total.txt') run_t = time.time()-now print 'Runtime : {}'.format(run_t)
会生成 50000 个小文件,每个小文件大小约在 96K左右。
程序在执行过程中,内存占用一直处在 5424kB 左右
整个文件分割完耗时 94146 秒。
#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import time testdir = '/ssd/subfile' now = time.time() # Step 1 : 获取全部文件描述符 fds = [] for f in os.listdir(testdir): ff = os.path.join(testdir,f) fds.append(open(ff,'r')) # Step 2 : 每个文件获取第一行,即当前文件最小值 nums = [] tmp_nums = [] for fd in fds: num = int(fd.readline()) tmp_nums.append(num) # Step 3 : 获取当前最小值放入暂存区,并读取对应文件的下一行;循环遍历。 count = 0 while 1: val = min(tmp_nums) nums.append(val) idx = tmp_nums.index(val) next = fds[idx].readline() # 文件读完了 if not next: del fds[idx] del tmp_nums[idx] else: tmp_nums[idx] = int(next) # 暂存区保存1000个数,一次性写入硬盘,然后清空继续读。 if 1000 == len(nums): with open('final_sorted.txt','a') as wf: wf.write('\n'.join([ str(i) for i in nums ]) + '\n') nums[:] = [] if 499999999 == count: break count += 1 with open('runtime.txt','w') as wf: wf.write('Runtime : {}'.format(time.time()-now))
程序在执行过程中,内存占用一直处在 240M左右
# 方法一:手动计算 In [62]: ip Out[62]: '' In [63]: ip.split('.')[::-1] Out[63]: ['150', '81', '3', '10'] In [64]: [ '{}-{}'.format(idx,num) for idx,num in enumerate(ip.split('.')[::-1]) ] Out[64]: ['0-150', '1-81', '2-3', '3-10'] In [65]: [256**idx*int(num) for idx,num in enumerate(ip.split('.')[::-1])] Out[65]: [150, 20736, 196608, 167772160] In [66]: sum([256**idx*int(num) for idx,num in enumerate(ip.split('.')[::-1])]) Out[66]: 167989654 In [67]: # 方法二:使用C扩展库来计算 In [71]: import socket,struct In [72]: socket.inet_aton(ip) Out[72]: b'\n\x03Q\x96' In [73]: struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(ip)) # !表示使用网络字节顺序解析, 后面的I表示unsigned int, 对应Python里的integer or long Out[73]: (167989654,) In [74]: struct.unpack("!I", socket.inet_aton(ip))[0] Out[74]: 167989654 In [75]: socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("!I", 167989654)) Out[75]: '' In [76]:
当字典维护的字符串种类达到10000(可自定义)的时候,把该字典按照key从小到大排序,然后写入小文件,每行是 key\tvalue;
一直到读完全部的小文件,那么最后得到的最终文件就是一个按照字符串ascii值升序排序的大的文件,每一行的内容就是 字符串\t重复次数,
def readline_by_yield(bfile): with open(bfile, 'r') as rf: for line in rf: yield line def split_bfile(bfile): count = 0 d = {} for line in readline_by_yield(bfile): line = line.strip() if line not in d: d[line] = 0 d[line] += 1 if 10000 == len(d): text = '' for string in sorted(d): text += '{}\t{}\n'.format(string,d[string]) with open('subfile/subfile{}.txt'.format(count+1),'w') as wf: wf.write(text.strip()) d.clear() count += 1 text = '' for string in sorted(d): text += '{}\t{}\n'.format(string,d[string]) with open('subfile/subfile_end.txt','w') as wf: wf.write(text.strip()) split_bfile('bigfile.txt')
import os import json import time import traceback testdir = '/ssd/subfile' now = time.time() # Step 1 : 获取全部文件描述符 fds = [] for f in os.listdir(testdir): ff = os.path.join(testdir,f) fds.append(open(ff,'r')) # Step 2 : 每个文件获取第一行 tmp_strings = [] tmp_count = [] for fd in fds: line = fd.readline() string,count = line.strip().split('\t') tmp_strings.append(string) tmp_count.append(int(count)) # Step 3 : 获取当前最小值放入暂存区,并读取对应文件的下一行;循环遍历。 result = [] need2del = [] while True: min_str = min(tmp_strings) str_idx = [i for i,v in enumerate(tmp_strings) if v==min_str] str_count = sum([ int(tmp_count[idx]) for idx in str_idx ]) result.append('{}\t{}\n'.format(min_str,str_count)) for idx in str_idx: next = fds[idx].readline() # IndexError: list index out of range # 文件读完了 if not next: need2del.append(idx) else: next_string,next_count = next.strip().split('\t') tmp_strings[idx] = next_string tmp_count[idx] = next_count # 暂存区保存10000个记录,一次性写入硬盘,然后清空继续读。 if 10000 == len(result): with open('merged.txt','a') as wf: wf.write(''.join(result)) result[:] = [] # 注意: 文件读完需要删除文件描述符的时候, 需要逆序删除 need2del.reverse() for idx in need2del: del fds[idx] del tmp_strings[idx] del tmp_count[idx] need2del[:] = [] if 0 == len(fds): break with open('merged.txt','a') as wf: wf.write(''.join(result)) result[:] = []
分割时内存中维护的字典大小 | 分割的小文件个数 | 归并时需维护的文件描述符个数 | 归并时内存占用 | 归并耗时 | |
第一次 | 10000 | 9000 | 9000 ~ 0 | 200M | 归并速度慢,暂未统计完成时间 |
第二次 | 100000 | 900 | 900 ~ 0 | 27M | 归并速度快,只需2572秒 |
3. 查找出现次数最多的字符串及其次数
import time def read_line(filepath): with open(filepath,'r') as rf: for line in rf: yield line start_ts = time.time() max_str = None max_count = 0 for line in read_line('merged.txt'): string,count = line.strip().split('\t') if int(count) > max_count: max_count = int(count) max_str = string print(max_str,max_count) print('Runtime {}'.format(time.time()-start_ts))
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