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drupal7 节点操作module

2016-05-25 17:11:29903semak imbas

1. [PHP]代码    


function examplenode_menu(){
  $items[&#39;example/node&#39;] = array(
    &#39;title&#39; => &#39;Example node&#39;,
    &#39;description&#39; => &#39;Example of Drupal node&#39;,
    &#39;page callback&#39; => &#39;examplenode_overview&#39;,
    &#39;access arguments&#39; => array(&#39;access content&#39;),

  return $items;

function examplenode_overview() {

//	global $user;
//	$newNode = new stdclass();
//	$newNode->type = &#39;page&#39;;
//	$newNode->uid = $user->uid;
//	$newNode->title = &#39;New Node&#39;;
//	node_save($newNode);

  return &#39;Example node &#39;;

* Implements hook_node_info() to provide our job_post type.
function examplenode_node_info() {
  return array(
    &#39;job_post&#39; => array(
      &#39;name&#39; => t(&#39;Job Post&#39;),
      &#39;base&#39; => &#39;examplenode&#39;,
      &#39;description&#39; => t(&#39;Use this content type to post a job.&#39;),
      &#39;has_title&#39; => TRUE,
      &#39;title_label&#39; => t(&#39;Job Title&#39;),
      &#39;help&#39; => t(&#39;Enter the job title, job description, and the name of the company that posted the job&#39;),

* Implements hook_menu_alter().
function examplenode_menu_alter(&$callbacks) {
//  if (!user_access(&#39;administer nodes&#39;)) {
//    $callbacks[&#39;node/add/job_post&#39;][&#39;access callback&#39;] = FALSE;
//    // Must unset access arguments or Drupal will use user_access()
//    // as a default access callback.
//    unset($callbacks[&#39;node/add/job_post&#39;][&#39;access arguments&#39;]);
//  }

* Implements hook_permission().
function examplenode_permission() {
  return array(
    &#39;create job post&#39; => array(
      &#39;title&#39; => t(&#39;Create a job post&#39;),
      &#39;description&#39; => t(&#39;Create a job post&#39;),
    &#39;edit own job post&#39; => array(
      &#39;title&#39; => t(&#39;Edit own job post&#39;),
      &#39;description&#39; => t(&#39;Edit your own job posting&#39;),
    &#39;edit any job post&#39; => array(
      &#39;title&#39; => t(&#39;Edit any job post&#39;),
      &#39;description&#39; => t(&#39;Edit any job posting&#39;),
    &#39;delete own job post&#39; => array(
      &#39;title&#39; => t(&#39;Delete own job post&#39;),
      &#39;description&#39; => t(&#39;Delete own job posting&#39;),
    &#39;delete any job post&#39; => array(
      &#39;title&#39; => t(&#39;Delete any job post&#39;),
      &#39;description&#39; => t(&#39;Delete any job posting&#39;),

* Implements hook_node_access().
function examplenode_access($op, $node, $account) {
  $is_author = $account->uid == $node->uid;
  switch ($op) {
    case &#39;create&#39;:
      // Allow if user&#39;s role has &#39;create joke&#39; permission.
      if (user_access(&#39;create job post&#39;, $account)) {
        return NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW;
    case &#39;update&#39;:
      // Allow if user&#39;s role has &#39;edit own joke&#39; permission and user is
      // the author; or if the user&#39;s role has &#39;edit any joke&#39; permission.
      if (user_access(&#39;edit own job post&#39;, $account) && $is_author || user_access(&#39;edit any job post&#39;, $account)) {
        return NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW;
    case &#39;delete&#39;:
      // Allow if user&#39;s role has &#39;delete own joke&#39; permission and user is
      // the author; or if the user&#39;s role has &#39;delete any joke&#39; permission.
      if (user_access(&#39;delete own job post&#39;, $account) && $is_author || user_access(&#39;delete any job post&#39;, $account)) {
        return NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW;

* Implement hook_form() with the standard default form.
function examplenode_form($node, $form_state) {

  return node_content_form($node, $form_state);

* Implements hook_validate().
function examplenode_validate($node) {
  // Enforce a minimum character count of 2 on company names.
  if (isset($node->job_post_company) && strlen($node->job_post_company[&#39;und&#39;][0][&#39;value&#39;]) < 2) {
    form_set_error(&#39;job_post_company&#39;, t(&#39;The company name is too short. It must be atleast 2characters.&#39;),$limit_validation_errors = NULL);

* Implements hook_insert().
function examplenode_insert($node) {
  // log details of the job posting to watchdog
  watchdog(&#39;job post&#39;, &#39;A new job post titled: &#39;.$node->title.&#39; for company: &#39;.$node->job_post_company[&#39;und&#39;][0][&#39;value&#39;].&#39; was added by UID: &#39;.$node->uid, $variables = array(),WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = &#39;node/&#39;.$node->nid);

* Implements hook_update().
function examplenode_update($node) {
  // log details of the job posting to watchdog
  watchdog(&#39;job post&#39;, &#39;A job post titled: &#39;.$node->title.&#39; for company: &#39;.$node->job_post_company[&#39;und&#39;][0][&#39;value&#39;].&#39; was updated by UID: &#39;.$node->uid, $variables = array(),WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = &#39;node/&#39;.$node->nid);

* Implements hook_delete().
function examplenode_delete($node) {
  // log details of the job posting to watchdog
  watchdog(&#39;job post&#39;, &#39;A job post titled: &#39;.$node->title.&#39; for company: &#39;.$node->job_post_company[&#39;und&#39;][0][&#39;value&#39;].&#39; was deleted by UID: &#39;.$node->uid, $variables = array(),WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = &#39;node/&#39;.$node->nid);

* Implements hook_load().
function examplenode_load($nodes) {
  // Add a new element to the node at load time for storing the
  // job posting sponsor information
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    $node->sponsor = "ACME Career Services, Your Source for Drupal Jobs";
  return $node;

* Implement hook_view().
function examplenode_view($node, $view_mode) {
  // Add and theme the sponsor so it appears when the job post is displayed
  if ($view_mode == &#39;full&#39;) {
    $node->content[&#39;sponsor&#39;] = array(
      &#39;#markup&#39; => theme(&#39;sponsor&#39;, array(&#39;sponsor&#39; => $node->sponsor, &#39;sponsor_id&#39; => $node->nid)),
      &#39;#weight&#39; => 100,
  return $node;

* Implements hook_theme().
function examplenode_theme() {
  // define the variables and template associated with the sponsor field
  // The sponsor will contain the name of the sponsor and the sponsor_id
  // will be used to create a unique CSS ID
  return array(
    &#39;sponsor&#39; => array(
      &#39;variables&#39; => array(&#39;sponsor&#39; => NULL, &#39;sponsor_id&#39; => NULL),
      &#39;template&#39; => &#39;sponsor&#39;,

function examplenode_node_access_records($node) {
	// role id = 5, allow access job post
	// must include strict limit
  if ($node->type == &#39;job_post&#39;) {
    $grants = array();
    $grants[] = array(
      &#39;realm&#39; => &#39;example&#39;,
      &#39;gid&#39; => 5,
      &#39;grant_view&#39; => 1,
      &#39;grant_update&#39; => 0,
      &#39;grant_delete&#39; => 0,
      &#39;priority&#39; => 0,

    return $grants;

function examplenode_node_grants($account, $op) {
	if($op == &#39;view&#39;) {
		$roles = $account->roles;
		foreach($roles AS $key => $value ){
			$rid[] = $key;
	  $grants[&#39;example&#39;] = $rid;
	  return $grants;



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