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检测给定图片(Image)中的所有人脸(Face)的位置和相应的面部属性。位置包括(x, y, w, h),面部属性包括性别(gender), 年龄(age), 表情(expression), 魅力(beauty), 眼镜(glass)和姿态(pitch,roll,yaw)。
app_id 应用标识,我们在AI平台注册后就可以得到app_id
time_stamp 时间戳
nonce_str 随机字符串
sign 签名信息,需要我们自己去计算
image 需要检测的图片(上限1M)
mode 检测模式
请求接口信息,我们用 requests 发送请求,会得到返回的 json 格式的图像信息pip install requests
处理返回的信息,把信息展示在图片上,再把处理后的图片保存。这里我们用到 opencv ,和 pillow 两个库pip install pillow
和pip install opencv-python
开始编写代码,我们新建一个 文件来对接AI平台,并且返回检测后的图像数据。
import time import random import base64 import hashlib import requests from urllib.parse import urlencode import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import os # 一.计算接口鉴权,构造请求参数 def random_str(): '''得到随机字符串nonce_str''' str = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' r = '' for i in range(15): index = random.randint(0,25) r += str[index] return r def image(name): with open(name, 'rb') as f: content = return base64.b64encode(content) def get_params(img): '''组织接口请求的参数形式,并且计算sign接口鉴权信息, 最终返回接口请求所需要的参数字典''' params = { 'app_id': '1106860829', 'time_stamp': str(int(time.time())), 'nonce_str': random_str(), 'image': img, 'mode': '0' } sort_dict = sorted(params.items(), key=lambda item: item[0], reverse=False) # 排序 sort_dict.append(('app_key', 'P8Gt8nxi6k8vLKbS')) # 添加app_key rawtext = urlencode(sort_dict).encode() # URL编码 sha = hashlib.md5() sha.update(rawtext) md5text = sha.hexdigest().upper() # 计算出sign,接口鉴权 params['sign'] = md5text # 添加到请求参数列表中 return params # 二.请求接口URL def access_api(img): frame = cv2.imread(img) nparry_encode = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)[1] data_encode = np.array(nparry_encode) img_encode = base64.b64encode(data_encode) # 图片转为base64编码格式 url = '' res =, get_params(img_encode)).json() # 请求URL,得到json信息 # 把信息显示到图片上 if res['ret'] == 0: # 0代表请求成功 pil_img = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # 把opencv格式转换为PIL格式,方便写汉字 draw = ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img) for obj in res['data']['face_list']: img_width = res['data']['image_width'] # 图像宽度 img_height = res['data']['image_height'] # 图像高度 # print(obj) x = obj['x'] # 人脸框左上角x坐标 y = obj['y'] # 人脸框左上角y坐标 w = obj['width'] # 人脸框宽度 h = obj['height'] # 人脸框高度 # 根据返回的值,自定义一下显示的文字内容 if obj['glass'] == 1: # 眼镜 glass = '有' else: glass = '无' if obj['gender'] >= 70: # 性别值从0-100表示从女性到男性 gender = '男' elif 50 <= obj['gender'] < 70: gender = "娘" elif obj['gender'] < 30: gender = '女' else: gender = '女汉子' if 90 < obj['expression'] <= 100: # 表情从0-100,表示笑的程度 expression = '一笑倾城' elif 80 < obj['expression'] <= 90: expression = '心花怒放' elif 70 < obj['expression'] <= 80: expression = '兴高采烈' elif 60 < obj['expression'] <= 70: expression = '眉开眼笑' elif 50 < obj['expression'] <= 60: expression = '喜上眉梢' elif 40 < obj['expression'] <= 50: expression = '喜气洋洋' elif 30 < obj['expression'] <= 40: expression = '笑逐颜开' elif 20 < obj['expression'] <= 30: expression = '似笑非笑' elif 10 < obj['expression'] <= 20: expression = '半嗔半喜' elif 0 <= obj['expression'] <= 10: expression = '黯然伤神' delt = h // 5 # 确定文字垂直距离 # 写入图片 if len(res['data']['face_list']) > 1: # 检测到多个人脸,就把信息写入人脸框内 font = ImageFont.truetype('yahei.ttf', w // 8, encoding='utf-8') # 提前把字体文件下载好 draw.text((x + 10, y + 10), '性别 :' + gender, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 1), '年龄 :' + str(obj['age']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 2), '表情 :' + expression, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 3), '魅力 :' + str(obj['beauty']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 4), '眼镜 :' + glass, (76, 176, 80), font=font) elif img_width - x - w < 170: # 避免图片太窄,导致文字显示不完全 font = ImageFont.truetype('yahei.ttf', w // 8, encoding='utf-8') draw.text((x + 10, y + 10), '性别 :' + gender, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 1), '年龄 :' + str(obj['age']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 2), '表情 :' + expression, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 3), '魅力 :' + str(obj['beauty']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + 10, y + 10 + delt * 4), '眼镜 :' + glass, (76, 176, 80), font=font) else: font = ImageFont.truetype('yahei.ttf', 20, encoding='utf-8') draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10), '性别 :' + gender, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10 + delt * 1), '年龄 :' + str(obj['age']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10 + delt * 2), '表情 :' + expression, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10 + delt * 3), '魅力 :' + str(obj['beauty']), (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.text((x + w + 10, y + 10 + delt * 4), '眼镜 :' + glass, (76, 176, 80), font=font) draw.rectangle((x, y, x + w, y + h), outline="#4CB050") # 画出人脸方框 cv2img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(pil_img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # 把 pil 格式转换为 cv cv2.imwrite('faces/{}'.format(os.path.basename(img)), cv2img) # 保存图片到 face 文件夹下 return '检测成功' else: return '检测失败'
当接收到用户图片后,我们要先把图片保存起来,之后才能去调用人脸分析接口,把图片信息传递过去,我们需要编写一个 img_download 函数来下载图片。详见下方代码
图片下载后,调用 文件里的接口函数,得到处理后的图片。
检测结果是一张新的图片,要把图片发送给用户我们需要一个 Media_ID,要获取Media_ID必须先把图片上传为临时素材,所以这里我们需要一个img_upload函数来上传图片,并且在上传时需要用到一个access_token,我们通过一个函数来获取. 获取access_token必须要把我们自己的IP地址加入白名单,否则是获取不到的。请登录“微信公众平台-开发-基本配置”提前将服务器IP地址添加到IP白名单中,可以在查看本机的IP...
开始编写代码,我们新建一个 来下载、上传图片
import requests import json import threading import time import os token = '' app_id = 'wxfc6adcdd7593a712' secret = '429d85da0244792be19e0deb29615128' def img_download(url, name): r = requests.get(url) with open('images/{}-{}.jpg'.format(name, time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d%H_%M_%S", time.localtime())), 'wb') as fd: fd.write(r.content) if os.path.getsize( >= 1048576: return 'large' # print('namename', os.path.basename( return os.path.basename( def get_access_token(appid, secret): '''获取access_token,100分钟刷新一次''' url = '{}&secret={}'.format(appid, secret) r = requests.get(url) parse_json = json.loads(r.text) global token token = parse_json['access_token'] global timer timer = threading.Timer(6000, get_access_token) timer.start() def img_upload(mediaType, name): global token url = "" % (token, mediaType) files = {'media': open('{}'.format(name), 'rb')} r =, files=files) parse_json = json.loads(r.text) return parse_json['media_id'] get_access_token(app_id, secret)
import falcon from falcon import uri from wechatpy.utils import check_signature from wechatpy.exceptions import InvalidSignatureException from wechatpy import parse_message from wechatpy.replies import TextReply, ImageReply from utils import img_download, img_upload from face_id import access_api class Connect(object): def on_get(self, req, resp): query_string = req.query_string query_list = query_string.split('&') b = {} for i in query_list: b[i.split('=')[0]] = i.split('=')[1] try: check_signature(token='lengxiao', signature=b['signature'], timestamp=b['timestamp'], nonce=b['nonce']) resp.body = (b['echostr']) except InvalidSignatureException: pass resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 def on_post(self, req, resp): xml = msg = parse_message(xml) if msg.type == 'text': reply = TextReply(content=msg.content, message=msg) xml = reply.render() resp.body = (xml) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 elif msg.type == 'image': name = img_download(msg.image, msg.source) # 下载图片 r = access_api('images/' + name) if r == '检测成功': media_id = img_upload('image', 'faces/' + name) # 上传图片,得到 media_id reply = ImageReply(media_id=media_id, message=msg) else: reply = TextReply(content='人脸检测失败,请上传1M以下人脸清晰的照片', message=msg) xml = reply.render() resp.body = (xml) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 app = falcon.API() connect = Connect() app.add_route('/connect', connect)
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