Rumah >hujung hadapan web >tutorial js >vue.js实现仿淘宝结账页面实例分享


2017-12-23 11:20:342647semak imbas


这个demo,是小编基于之前的 vue2.0在table中实现全选和反选  文章进行更新后的demo,主要功能呢,是仿照淘宝页面的结算购物车商品时自动算出合计价格的页面,具体页面效果请看下面的动图:(如果大家发现有什么问题请及时提出帮小颖改正错误呦,谢谢啦嘻嘻)



 <p class="container">
 <p class="checkout-title">
 <table class="product_table">
  <template v-for="(list,index) in table_list">
   <td width="7%" min-width="94px" v-if="index===0">
    <input type="checkbox" v-model=&#39;checked&#39; @click=&#39;checkedAll&#39;>
   <td width="7%" v-if="index!==0">
    <input type="checkbox" v-model=&#39;checkList&#39; :value="" @click=checkProductFun(index,$event)>
   <td width="43%">{{list.product_inf}}</td>
   <td width="10%" v-if="index===0">{{list.product_price}}</td>
   <td width="10%" v-if="index!==0">¥{{list.product_price}}</td>
   <td width="10%" v-if="index===0">{{list.product_quantity}}</td>
   <td width="10%" v-if="index!==0">
    <a class="numbers plus" href="javascript:void(0)" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" @click="changeMoney(index,-1)">-</a>
    <input class="txt_number" type="text" v-model="list.product_quantity" size="1" disabled>
    <a class="numbers reduce" href="javascript:void(0)" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" @click="changeMoney(index,1)">+</a>
   <td width="10%">{{list.total_amount}}</td>
   <td width="20%" v-if="index===0">编辑</td>
   <td width="20%" v-if="index!==0">
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" class="update">修改</a>
    <a href="javascript:void(0)" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" rel="external nofollow" class="delete">删除</a>
 <p class="price_total_bottom">
  <p class="price_total_ms">
  <router-link to="/userAddress">结账</router-link>
import userAddress from &#39;./address&#39;
export default {
 components: {
 data() {
 return {
  table_list: [{
  &#39;id&#39;: 0,
  &#39;product_inf&#39;: &#39;商品信息&#39;,
  &#39;product_price&#39;: &#39;商品金额&#39;,
  &#39;product_quantity&#39;: &#39;商品数量&#39;,
  &#39;total_amount&#39;: &#39;总金额&#39;
  }, {
  &#39;id&#39;: &#39;1&#39;,
  &#39;product_inf&#39;: &#39;女士银手链&#39;,
  &#39;product_price&#39;: 100,
  &#39;product_quantity&#39;: 10,
  &#39;total_amount&#39;: 1000
  }, {
  &#39;id&#39;: &#39;2&#39;,
  &#39;product_inf&#39;: &#39;女士银手镯&#39;,
  &#39;product_price&#39;: 200,
  &#39;product_quantity&#39;: 5,
  &#39;total_amount&#39;: 1000
  }, {
  &#39;id&#39;: &#39;3&#39;,
  &#39;product_inf&#39;: &#39;女士银耳环&#39;,
  &#39;product_price&#39;: 50,
  &#39;product_quantity&#39;: 10,
  &#39;total_amount&#39;: 500
  checked: false,
  allProductTotal: null,
  checkList: [&#39;1&#39;, &#39;3&#39;]
 mounted: function() {
 var _this = this;
 // 根据data中默认勾选的checkbox,计算当前勾选的商品总价
 _this.allProductTotal = 0;
 this.checkList.forEach(function(element1, index1) {
  _this.table_list.forEach(function(element2, index2) {
  if (element1 == {
   _this.$set(_this.table_list[index2], &#39;checked&#39;, true);
   _this.allProductTotal += element2.product_price * element2.product_quantity;
 methods: {
 checkedAll: function() {
  var _this = this;
  _this.allProductTotal = 0;
  if (_this.checked) { //实现反选
  _this.checkList = [];
  _this.table_list.forEach(function(item, index) {
   if (_this.table_list[index].checked) {
   _this.table_list[index].checked = false;
  } else { //实现全选
  _this.checkList = [];
  _this.table_list.forEach(function(item, index) {
   if (index > 0) {
   if (!_this.table_list[index].checked) {
    _this.$set(_this.table_list[index], &#39;checked&#39;, true);
   } else {
    _this.table_list[index].checked = true;
   if (item.checked) {
    _this.allProductTotal += item.product_price * item.product_quantity;
 checkProductFun(index, event) { //根据checkbox是否勾选,计算勾选后的商品总价
  var _this = this;
  _this.allProductTotal = 0;
  if ( {
  if (!_this.table_list[index].checked) {
   _this.$set(_this.table_list[index], &#39;checked&#39;, true);
  } else {
  if (_this.table_list[index].checked) {
   _this.table_list[index].checked = false;
  this.table_list.forEach(function(item, index) {
  if (item.checked) {
   _this.allProductTotal += item.product_price * item.product_quantity;
 changeMoney: function(index, way) {
  if (way > 0) {
  } else {
  if (this.table_list[index].product_quantity < 1) {
   this.table_list[index].product_quantity = 1;
 calcTotalPrice: function() {
  var _this = this;
  _this.allProductTotal = 0;
  this.table_list.forEach(function(item, index) {
  if (index > 0) { //因为第一行为表头不需要进行计算
   item.total_amount = item.product_price * item.product_quantity; //根据商品数量计算每一个商品对应的总金额
  if (item.checked) {
   _this.allProductTotal += item.product_price * item.product_quantity; //根据是否否选该商品的checkbox,计算总价
 watch: { //深度 watcher
 &#39;checkList&#39;: {
  handler: function(val, oldVal) {
  if (val.length === this.table_list.length - 1) {
   this.checked = true;
  } else {
   this.checked = false;
  deep: true
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
.container {
 padding: 69px 0 54px 0;
table {
 border-collapse: collapse;
 border-color: transparent;
 text-align: center;
.product_table tbody {
 width: 100%
.product_table tr:first-child {
 background: #ece6e6;
 color: #e66280;
 font-size: 20px;
.product_table td {
 border: 1px solid #f3e8e8;
 height: 62px;
 line-height: 62px;
.product_table a.update:link,
.product_table a.update:visited,
.product_table a.update:hover,
.product_table a.update:active {
 color: #1CE24A;
.product_table a.delete:link,
.product_table a.delete:visited,
.product_table a.delete:hover,
.product_table a.delete:active {
 color: #ffa700;
.product_table .txt_number {
 text-align: center;
.product_table .numbers {
 font-weight: bold;
.price_total_bottom {
 font-size: 20px;
 padding: 20px 10px;
.price_total_ms {
 text-align: right;
.price_total_bottom .price_total_ms label {
 margin-right: 100px;
.price_total_bottom .price_total_ms a {
 cursor: default;
 text-align: center;
 display: inline-block;
 font-size: 20px;
 color: #fff;
 font-weight: bold;
 width: 220px;
 height: 54px;
 line-height: 54px;
 border: 0;
 background-color: #f71455;





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