Rumah > Artikel > applet WeChat > 小程序开发之热门电影
1. 小程序逻辑
App({ onLaunch: function() { // Do something initial when launch. }, onShow: function() { // Do something when show. }, onHide: function() { // Do something when hide. }, globalData: 'I am global data'})
2. 小程序公共设置
{ "pages":[ "pages/index/index", "pages/details/details" ], "window":{ "backgroundTextStyle":"light", "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#FF4D64", "navigationBarTitleText": "热门电影", "backgroundColor":"#FFF", "navigationBarTextStyle":"white" } }
1. 页面结构
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2. 样式表
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3、 页面逻辑处理
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{ "control":{ "expires":1800 }, "status":0, "data":{ "hasNext":true, "movies":[ { "showInfo":"今天64家影院放映1083场", "cnms":0, "sn":0, "late":false, "img":"", "sc":9.1, "ver":"2D/3D/IMAX 3D/中国巨幕", "rt":"本周五上映", "dur":136, "nm":"银河护卫队2", "showDate":"", "src":"", "vd":"", "dir":"詹姆斯·古恩", "star":"克里斯·帕拉特,佐伊·索尔达娜,戴夫·巴蒂斯塔", "cat":"动作,冒险,科幻", "wish":154543, "3d":true, "pn":188, "scm":"星爵身世迷,终于见爹地", "preSale":0, "imax":true, "snum":41866, "time":"", "id":248683 }, { "showInfo":"今天62家影院放映335场", "cnms":0, "sn":0, "late":false, "img":"", "sc":9.8, "ver":"2D", "rt":"本周五上映", "dur":140, "nm":"摔跤吧!爸爸", "showDate":"", "src":"", "vd":"", "dir":"尼特什·提瓦瑞", "star":"阿米尔·汗,萨卡诗·泰瓦,法缇玛·萨那·纱卡", "cat":"喜剧,动作,家庭", "wish":27412, "3d":false, "pn":54, "scm":"为圆摔跤梦,女儿不心疼", "preSale":0, "imax":false, "snum":19166, "time":"", "id":588362 }, { "showInfo":"今天63家影院放映256场", "cnms":0, "sn":0, "late":false, "img":"", "sc":9.1, "ver":"2D/中国巨幕", "rt":"2017-04-28上映", "dur":120, "nm":"拆弹·专家", "showDate":"", "src":"", "vd":"", "dir":"邱礼涛", "star":"刘德华,姜武,宋佳", "cat":"动作,悬疑,犯罪", "wish":49007, "3d":false, "pn":167, "scm":"爆炸袭击案,拆弹反恐难", "preSale":0, "imax":false, "snum":95491, "time":"", "id":346103 }, { "showInfo":"今天48家影院放映156场", "cnms":0, "sn":0, "late":false, "img":"", "sc":9.4, "ver":"2D/3D/IMAX 3D/中国巨幕/全景声", "rt":"2017-04-14上映", "dur":136, "nm":"速度与激情8", "showDate":"", "src":"", "vd":"", "dir":"F·加里·格雷", "star":"范·迪塞尔,杰森·斯坦森,道恩·强森", "cat":"动作,惊悚,犯罪", "wish":320713, "3d":true, "pn":226, "scm":"车王要黑化,家族被击垮", "preSale":0, "imax":true, "snum":899592, "time":"", "id":248700 }, { "showInfo":"今天46家影院放映133场", "cnms":0, "sn":0, "late":false, "img":"", "sc":8.9, "ver":"2D", "rt":"2017-04-27上映", "dur":107, "nm":"喜欢·你", "showDate":"", "src":"", "vd":"", "dir":"许宏宇", "star":"金城武,周冬雨,孙艺洲", "cat":"喜剧,爱情", "wish":30224, "3d":false, "pn":216, "scm":"美食嘉年华,爱情甜掉牙", "preSale":0, "imax":false, "snum":68306, "time":"", "id":672175 } ] } }
1. 页面结构
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2. 样式表
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3、 页面逻辑处理
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{ "control":{ "expires":3600 }, "status":0, "data":{ "MovieDetailModel":{ "cat":"动作,冒险,科幻", "dealsum":0, "dir":"詹姆斯·古恩 ", "dra":"<p>以全新的发烧音乐为背景,银河护卫队将继续他们的冒险,并解开“星爵”彼得·奎尔(克里斯·帕拉特 饰)身世之谜,同时护卫队成员们必须共同作战,守护彼此,保卫护卫队这个大家庭。</p>", "dur":136, "id":248683, "imax":true, "img":"", "isShowing":true, "late":false, "mk":0, "nm":"银河护卫队2", "photos":[ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "pn":188, "preSale":0, "rt":"本周五上映", "sc":9.1, "scm":"星爵身世迷,终于见爹地", "showSnum":true, "snum":45359, "src":"美国", "star":"克里斯·帕拉特 佐伊·索尔达娜 戴夫·巴蒂斯塔 范·迪塞尔 布莱德利·库珀 迈克尔·鲁克 凯伦·吉兰 庞·克莱门捷夫 西尔维斯特·史泰龙 库尔特·拉塞尔 伊丽莎白·德比齐 克里斯·沙利文 肖恩·冈 汤米·弗拉纳根 劳拉·哈德克 艾伦·史瓦兹 汉娜·戈特斯曼 希尔提·伯恩 本·布劳德 亚历克斯·克莱因 卢克·库克 埃文·琼斯 乔·弗里亚 特伦斯·罗斯摩尔 吉米·尤因 史蒂芬·布莱克哈特 史提夫·阿吉 布隆迪·巴鲁蒂 理查·克里斯帝 罗布·赞比 塞拉·拉乌 Kendra Staub Milynn Sarley 赛斯·格林 莫莉·奎恩 迈克尔·罗森巴姆 罗达·格里菲斯 麦莉·赛勒斯 斯坦·李 大卫·哈塞尔霍夫 Mac Wells Elizabeth Ludlow 瓦耶特·奥莱夫 格雷格·亨利 Damita Jane Howard 杰夫·高布伦 文·瑞姆斯 杨紫琼 弗莱德·加勒 ", "vd":"", "ver":"2D/3D/IMAX 3D/中国巨幕", "vnum":47, "wish":154543, "wishst":0 } } }
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