Rumah >pembangunan bahagian belakang >Tutorial C#.Net >C# 将多个Image 合成为一个,格式可选择
在一些场景中,需要把多个图片,合(拼)成为一张 ,合成效果示例:
enum ImageMergeOrientation { Horizontal, Vertical }
private void CombineImages(FileInfo[] files, string toPath, ImageMergeOrientation mergeType = ImageMergeOrientation.Vertical) { //change the location to store the final image. var finalImage = toPath; var imgs = files.Select(f => Image.FromFile(f.FullName)); var finalWidth = mergeType == ImageMergeOrientation.Horizontal ? imgs.Sum(img => img.Width) : imgs.Max(img => img.Width); var finalHeight = mergeType == ImageMergeOrientation.Vertical ? imgs.Sum(img => img.Height) : imgs.Max(img => img.Height); var finalImg = new Bitmap(finalWidth, finalHeight); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(finalImg); g.Clear(SystemColors.AppWorkspace); var width = finalWidth; var height = finalHeight; var nIndex = 0; foreach (FileInfo file in files) { Image img = Image.FromFile(file.FullName); if (nIndex == 0) { g.DrawImage(img, new Point(0, 0)); nIndex++; width = img.Width; height = img.Height; } else { switch (mergeType) { case ImageMergeOrientation.Horizontal: g.DrawImage(img, new Point(width, 0)); width += img.Width; break; case ImageMergeOrientation.Vertical: g.DrawImage(img, new Point(0, height)); height += img.Height; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("mergeType"); } } img.Dispose(); } g.Dispose(); finalImg.Save(finalImage, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff); finalImg.Dispose(); }
UT 代码:
[TestMethod] public void Combine_Multiple_SampleImages_IntoOne() { const string folderPath = "C:\\Users\\Public\\Pictures\\Sample Pictures"; var images = new DirectoryInfo(folderPath).GetFiles("*.jpg", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); CombineImages(images, "C:/FinalImage_H.tiff"); CombineImages(images, "C:/FinalImage_V.tiff", ImageMergeOrientation.Vertical); }
以上就是C# 将多个Image 合成为一个,格式可选择的内容,更多相关内容请关注PHP中文网(!