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Guibs 的 Python学习_字符串
# 字符串# Python 中, 用引号括起来的都是字符串. 引号可以是单引号, 也可以是双引号"This is a string"'This is also a string' # 因而可以在字符串中包含 " 或 ''I told myself, "you are Gubis"'"The name 'Guibs' is my nickname" # 首字母大写指定字符串# [.title()]name = 'Macbook pro'print(name.title()) # 全部大写指定字符串 # [.upper()]print(name.upper()) # 全部小写字符串 # [.lower()]print(name.lower()) # 合并(拼接)字符串 # [使用 + 拼接字符串]first_name = "guibs"last_name = 'g'full_name = first_name + " " + last_name print(full_name) hello_message = "Hello, " + full_name.title() + "!"print(hello_message) # 制表符# [\t]print("Python") print("\tPython") # 换行符 # [\n]print("123") print("1\n2\n3") # 删除字符串空白# [.rstrip() 删除字符串末尾多余空白] print("删除字符串 Swift and Python 末尾多余空白") favorite_language = " Swift and Python "print(favorite_language + " are my favorite languages") print(favorite_language.rstrip() + " are my favorite languages" + "\n") # [.lstrip() 删除字符串开头多余空白] print("删除字符串 Swift and Python 开头多余空白") print(favorite_language + " are my favorite languages") print(favorite_language.lstrip() + " are my favorite languages" + "\n") # [.strip() 删除字符串头尾多余空白]print("删除字符串 Swift and Python 头尾多余空白") print(favorite_language + " are my favorite languages") print(favorite_language.strip() + " are my favorite languages" + "\n") # 正确使用引号 # 保留 "" 显示 print('I told myself, "you are Gubis"') # 保留 '' 显示 print("The name 'Guibs' is my nickname")
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