Rumah >pembangunan bahagian belakang >tutorial php >PHP 文件读入到数组
为了处理方便,我利用 fgets() 定义了一个函数,可将文件内容读入到一个数组,文件第 i 行对应数组第 i 个元素(index 是 i-1)。下面是源代码
function file2array($filename){ // read a file into an array // each element of the array is a line of file // also use explode("\r\n", file_get_contents($filename)) $f = fopen($filename,"r") or die("Unable to open the file '" . $filename . "'!"); $array=array(); while(!feof($f)) { array_push($array, str_replace("\r\n","",fgets($f))); } fclose($f); return $array; }
str_replace("\r\n","",fgets($f))的原因是,fgets 会把换行符也读入进来,可以用 count() 检验字符串的长度,会发现读入的每一行都文件中对应的行多了两个字符。等价的程序是
explode("\r\n", file_get_contents($filename))
function array2file($array, $filename, $mode="w"){ // write an array (1-dim) in a file $f = fopen($filename, $mode) or die("Unable to open the file '" . $filename . "'!"); // $f = savefopen($filename, $mode); if (! empty($array)) { $first=array_shift($array); fwrite($f, $first); foreach ($array as $line) { fwrite($f, "\r\n" . $line); } } fclose($f); }
function file2str($filename){ // read a file into a string $f = fopen($filename,"r"); $str=""; while(!feof($f)) { $str .= fgets($f); } fclose($f); return $str; } function fpush($filename, $arr){ $f=fopen($filename, "a"); foreach ($arr as $str) { fwrite($f, NL . $str); // NL == "\r\n" } fclose($f); } function fnl($filename){ // add a new line "\r\n" in the file $f=fopen($filename, "a"); fwrite($f, NL); fclose($f); } function fclear($filename){ // clear a file file_put_contents($filename, ""); } function fempty($filename){ // is the file empty or not? $f = fopen($filename,"r"); fgetc($f); if (feof($f)) { return True;} else { return False;} fclose($f); }
以上就介绍了PHP 文件读入到数组,包括了方面的内容,希望对PHP教程有兴趣的朋友有所帮助。