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php google api 接口程序_PHP教程

2016-07-20 11:07:001132semak imbas

php google api 接口程序

php google api 接口程序

这里是一个完全funtional类生成谷歌地图。 允许多类定制,使用户能够快速实现在几分钟之内就没有任何网站的JavaScript或谷歌地图谷歌地图API的知识。

class phproogleMap {

* @The google api key
private $apiKey ;

* @the map zoom level
private $mapZoom = 8 ;

* @The width of the map div
private $mapWidth = 350 ;

* @The height of the map div
private $mapHeight = 300 ;

* @The map center
private $mapCenter ;

* The array of map types
private $googleMapTypes ;

* @The map type
private $mapType = 'normal' ;

* @The array of marker points
private $markerPoints = array();

* @The array of marker addresses
private $markerAddresses = array();

* @The maps controls
private $googleMapControls = array();

* @The ID of the map div
private $mapDivID ;

* The constructor
* @param apiKey
* @access public
* @return void
public function __construct ( $apiKey = null )
$this -> apiKey = is_null ( $apiKey ) ? '' : $apiKey ;
/*** set the map types ***/
$this -> setGoogleMapTypes ();

* @setter
* @access public
public function __set ( $name , $value )
switch ( $name )
case 'apiKey' :
if(! is_string ( $value ))
throw new Exception ( $name , $value , 'string' );
$this -> $name = $value ;

case 'mapZoom' :
if( filter_var ( $value , FILTER_VALIDATE_INT , array( "options" => array( "min_range" => 0 , "max_range" => 19 ))) == false )
throw new Exception ( " $name is out of range" );
$this -> $name = $value ;

case 'mapWidth' :
if( filter_var ( $value , FILTER_VALIDATE_INT , array( "options" => array( "min_range" => 100 , "max_range" => 900 ))) == false )
throw new Exception ( " $name is out of range for" );
$this -> $name = $value ;

case 'mapHeight' :
if( filter_var ( $value , FILTER_VALIDATE_INT , array( "options" => array( "min_range" => 100 , "max_range" => 900 ))) == false )
throw new Exception ( " $name is out of range for" );
$this -> $name = $value ;

case 'mapType' :
if(! array_key_exists ( $value , $this -> googleMapTypes ) )
throw new Exception ( " $name is not a valid map type" );
$this -> $name = $value ;

case 'mapDivID' :
if( ! is_string ( $value ) )
throw new Exception ( " $name is not a valid ID" );
$this -> $name = $value ;

case 'mapCenter' :
if( ! is_array ( $value ) )
throw new Exception ( " $name is not a valid array" );
$this -> $name = $value ;

throw new Exception ( "Invalid Parameter $name " );

* @getter
* @access public
public function __get ( $name )
switch ( $name )
case 'apiKey' :
return $this -> apiKey ;

case 'mapZoom' :
return $this -> mapZoom ;

case 'mapWidth' :
return $this -> mapWidth ;

case 'mapHeight' :
return $this -> mapHeight ;

case 'mapType' :
return $this -> mapType ;

case 'mapDivID' :
return $this -> mapDivID ;

case 'mapCenter' ;
return $this -> mapCenter ;
/*** if we are here, throw an excepton ***/
throw new Exception ( " $name is invalid" );

* @isset
* @access public
public function __isset ( $name )
switch ( $name )
case 'apiKey' :
$this -> apiKey = $name ;

case 'mapZoom' :
$this -> mapZoom = $name ;

case 'mapWidth' :
$this -> mapWidth = $name ;

case 'mapHeight' :
$this -> mapHeight = $name ;

case 'mapType' :
$this -> mapType = $name ;

case 'mapDivID' :
$this -> mapDivID = $name ;

case 'mapCenter' ;
$this -> mapCenter = $name ;

return false ;

* @Set the map types
* @access private
* @return void
private function setGoogleMapTypes ()
$this -> googleMapTypes = array( 'physical' => 'G_PHYSICAL_MAP' , 'normal' => 'G_NORMAL_MAP' , 'satellite' => 'G_SATELLITE_MAP' , 'hybrid' => 'G_HYBRID_MAP' );

* @add to the array of google maps controls
* @access public
* @return void
public function addGoogleMapControl ( $control )
$n = sizeof ( $this -> googleMapControls );
$this -> googleMapControls [] = $control ;
* @get pinpoint marker by address
* @access public
* @param string $address
* @param string $html
* @return void
public function addMarkerAddress ( $address , $html )
$s = sizeof ( $this -> markerAddresses );
$this -> markerAddresses [ $s ][ 'address' ] = $address ;
$this -> markerAddresses [ $s ][ 'html' ]    = $html ;


* @get pinpoint mark by latitude or longitude
* @access public
* @param string $lat
* @param string $long
* @param string $html
* @return void
public function addMarker ( $lat , $long , $html )
$pointer = sizeof ( $this -> markerPoints );
$this -> markerPoints [ $pointer ][ 'lat' ]  = $lat ;
$this -> markerPoints [ $pointer ][ 'long' ] = $long ;
$this -> markerPoints [ $pointer ][ 'html' ] = $html ;

* @The javascript for google to connect
* @access public
* @return string
public function googleJS ()
return '' . "n" ;

private function noJavascript ()
return '' ;

public function drawMap ()
$js = '

' ;
$js .= $this -> noJavascript ();

$js .= '

if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {

geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();

function createMarker(point,html) {
var marker = new GMarker(point);
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
return marker;

// Display the map, with some controls and set the initial location
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("' . $this -> mapDivID . '"));' . "n" ;

/*** set the map controls here ***/
if( sizeof ( $this -> googleMapControls ) > 0 )
foreach( $this -> googleMapControls as $control )
$js .= 'map.addControl(new ' . $control . '());' . "n" ;
/*** set the map center, zooom, and type ***/
list( $lat , $long ) = $this -> mapCenter ;
$js .= 'map.setCenter(new GLatLng(' . $lat . ',' . $long . '), ' . $this -> mapZoom . ', ' . $this -> googleMapTypes [ $this -> mapType ]. ');' . "nn" ;

if( sizeof ( $this -> markerAddresses ) > 0 )
foreach( $this -> markerAddresses as $add )
$base_url = "" . "&key=" . $this -> apiKey ;
$request_url = file_get_contents ( $base_url . "&q=" . urlencode ( $add [ 'address' ]));
$xml = simplexml_load_string ( $request_url );
$status = $xml -> Response -> Status -> code ;
$point = $xml -> Response -> Placemark -> Point -> coordinates ;
list( $long , $lat , $d ) = explode ( ',' , $point );
$js .= 'var point = new GLatLng(' . $lat . ',' . $long . ');' . "n" ;
$js .= "var marker = createMarker(point,'" . $add [ 'html' ]. "')" . "n" ;
$js .= 'map.addOverlay(marker);' . "nn" ;

/*** set the markers here ***/
foreach( $this -> markerPoints as $data )
$js .= 'var point = new GLatLng(' . $data [ 'lat' ]. ',' . $data [ 'long' ]. ');' . "n" ;
$js .= "var marker = createMarker(point,'" . $data [ 'html' ]. "')" . "n" ;
$js .= 'map.addOverlay(marker);' . "nn" ;
$js .= '
GMap.prototype.centerAndZoomOnBounds = function(bounds) {
// make 10% bigger so all markers show completely
var span = new GSize((bounds.maxX - bounds.minX) * 1.1, (bounds.maxY - bounds.minY)*1.1);
var center = new GPoint(bounds.minX + span.width / 2., bounds.minY + span.height / 2.);

var newZoom = this.spec.getLowestZoomLevel(center, span, this.viewSize);
if (this.getZoomLevel() != newZoom) {
this.centerAndZoom(center, newZoom);
} else {

// display a warning if the browser was not compatible
} else {
alert("Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser");

' ;

return $js ;


} /*** end of class ***/

/*** a new phproogle instance ***/
$map = new phproogleMap ();

/*** the google api key ***/
$map -> apiKey = 'YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY' ;

/*** zoom is 0 - 19 ***/
$map -> mapZoom = 14 ;

/*** the map width ***/
$map -> mapWidth = 350 ;

/*** the map height ***/
$map -> mapHeight = 300 ;

/*** set the map type ***/
$map -> mapType = 'normal' ;

/*** set the map center ***/
$map -> mapCenter = array(- 33.862828 , 151.216974 );

/*** add some markers with latitude and longitude  ***/
$map -> addMarker (- 33.858362 , 151.214876 , '

Sydney Opera House

For those with culture

' );
$map -> addMarker (- 33.862828 , 151.216974 , '

Royal Botanic GardensA link here' );

/*** add some controls ***/
$map -> addGoogleMapControl ( 'GMapTypeControl' );
$map -> addGoogleMapControl ( 'GSmallMapControl' );
$map -> addGoogleMapControl ( 'GOverviewMapControl' );

/*** add some marker addresses ***/
$map -> addMarkerAddress ( '2 Pitt St Sydney NSW Australia' , '

Head Office

' );
$map -> addMarkerAddress ( '122 Pitt St Sydney NSW Australia' , '

The Factory

' );

/*** set the map div id ***/
$map -> mapDivID = 'map' ;
catch( Exception $e )
echo $e -> getMessage ();

googleJS (); ?>

drawMap (); ?>


    .这是谷歌的用户API密钥。 .这也可以设置使用时,一个新的实例是instanciated构造。
phproogle::addGoogleMapControl() phproogle::addGoogleMapControl()
    此方法设置,如缩放控制控制器的谷歌地图,地图控制等此方法可以多次调用设置地图多个控件。 Options are:选项有:

        * GLargeMapControl GLargeMapControl
        * GSmallMapControl GSmallMapControl
        * GSmallZoomControl GSmallZoomControl
        * GScaleControl GScaleControl
        * GMapTypeControl GMapTypeControl
        * GHierarchicalMapTypeControl GHierarchicalMapTypeControl
        * GOverviewMapControl GOverviewMapControl

    addGoogleMapControl ( "GSmallMapControl" ); ?>
phproogle::mapType phproogle::mapType
    This sets the map type to one of four options:这将设置地图类型的四个选项之一:

        * normal正常
        * satellite卫星
        * hybrid混合
        * physical物理

    mapType = "normal" ; ?>
phproogle::mapCenter phproogle::mapCenter
    T这将设置分区范围内的地图中心。 该值是一个包含的纬度和经度的地图中心的顺序。
    $map->mapCenter = array(-33.862828, 151.216974); 1 $map->mapCenter = array(-33.862828, 151.216974); 1
phproogle::mapZoom phproogle::mapZoom
    这将设置地图缩放级别。 零值是最广泛的缩放级别,并显示整个世界。 虽然19日是最高变焦,将显示建筑物。 Each zoom level doubles the zoom.每个缩放级别的两倍变焦。 12.默认值为12。
phproogle::addMarker() phproogle::addMarker()
    This function is used to create and place markers upon the map.这个函数用于创建和地点后,地图标记。 the addMarker method takes three args.在addMarker argS的方法有三个。

        * float $latitude浮动$纬度
        * float $longitude浮动$经度
        * string $html字符串$的HTML

phproogle::addMarkerAddress() phproogle::addMarkerAddress()
    此方法类似于phproogle::addMarker()和地方在地图上的标记。 然而,而不是接受经度和纬度来放置标志,这种方法需要两个值。

        * string $address字符串$地址
        * string $html字符串$的HTML

    参数的地址,如“二街宫人至法国巴黎简单的地址”。  balloon.在HTML参数再次,任何文本或HTML放置在信息气球。
phproogle::mapDivID phproogle::mapDivID
phproogle::mapWidth phproogle::mapWidth
phproogle::mapHeight phproogle::mapHeight
phproogle::googleJS() phproogle::googleJS()
phproogle::drawMap() phproogle::drawMap()

www.bkjia.comtrue google api 接口程序 php google api 接口程序 这里是一个完全funtional类生成谷歌地图。 允许多类定制,使用户能够快速实现在几分钟之内就没...
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