Rumah >pembangunan bahagian belakang >tutorial php >Redis PHP连接操作,redisphp连接_PHP教程
要在PHP程序中使用Redis,首先需要确保 Redis 的PHP驱动程序和 PHP 安装设置在机器上。可以查看 PHP教程 教你如何在机器上安装PHP。现在,让我们来看看一下如何设置 Redis 的PHP驱动程序。
需要从 github 上资料库: 下载 phpredis。下载完成以后,将文件解压缩到 phpredis 目录。在 Ubuntu 上安装这个扩展,可使用如下图所示的命令来安装。
<span class="pln"> cd phpredis sudo phpize sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install </span>
现在,复制和粘贴“modules”文件夹的内容复制到PHP扩展目录中,并在 php.ini 中添加以下几行。
<span class="pln"> extension = </span>
现在 Redis 和 PHP 安装完成。
<span class="pln"> <?php //Connecting to Redis server on localhost $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); echo "Connection to server sucessfully"; //check whether server is running or not echo "Server is running: " . $redis->ping(); ?> </span>
<span class="pln"> Connection to server sucessfully Server is running: PONG </span>
<span class="pln"> <?php //Connecting to Redis server on localhost $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); echo "Connection to server sucessfully"; //set the data in redis string $redis->set("tutorial-name", "Redis tutorial"); // Get the stored data and print it echo "Stored string in redis:: " . $redis.get("tutorial-name"); ?> </span>
<span class="pln"> Connection to server sucessfully Stored string in redis:: Redis tutorial </span>
<span class="pln"> <?php //Connecting to Redis server on localhost $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); echo "Connection to server sucessfully"; //store data in redis list $redis->lpush("tutorial-list", "Redis"); $redis->lpush("tutorial-list", "Mongodb"); $redis->lpush("tutorial-list", "Mysql"); // Get the stored data and print it $arList = $redis->lrange("tutorial-list", 0 ,5); echo "Stored string in redis:: " print_r($arList); ?> </span>
<span class="pln"> Connection to server sucessfully Stored string in redis:: Redis Mongodb Mysql </span>
<span class="pln"> <?php //Connecting to Redis server on localhost $redis = new Redis(); $redis->connect('', 6379); echo "Connection to server sucessfully"; // Get the stored keys and print it $arList = $redis->keys("*"); echo "Stored keys in redis:: " print_r($arList); ?> </span>
<span class="pln"> Connection to server sucessfully Stored string in redis:: tutorial-name tutorial-list</span>