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这是前段时间参加UTD Hackathon的总结。
这个项目的出发点就是我们希望开发一个类似12306抢票助手的工具来预约驾照考试。主要是我同学提出的需求,原来美帝和我们买火车票一样,需要先预约驾照考试。但是这儿存在一个什么冒顿呢,TAMU所在的college town人特别多,就和春运火车票一样需要不断刷预约。
HackUTD : Find Available Driving Test Appointment
首先计算机的预约过程是打开 Texas Department of Public Safety ,如下图所示,然后选择服务,一般都是小车预约。当然这里我们已经选择好了所在城市2571 North Earl Rudder Freeway Bryan, TX 77803,也就是TAMU所在的college town。
对于静态的HTML页面我们可以使用Beautiful Soup进行页面解析从而得到我们需要的页面内容,但是如何处理Ajax,Javascript?
我选择第二个方法,使用selenium 的 webdriver 功能来实现解析。这样,通过率模拟浏览器的点击等行为我们可以方便的进行交互。
然后得到了需要的静态HTML之后只要进行相应的解析处理即可。主要来说所有需要的信息是日期和是不是可以注册,所以只要针对这个日期标的数据做解析即可,而DPS的这个网页的写得非常规范,所有日期分成四个种类,calendar-closed 这是指当天,calendar-notavailable这是已经过去的日期和超过90天的日期,calendar-fullday这是虽然在90天内但是注册满了的日期,calendar-available顾名思义就是可以注册的日期。所以爬取信息也很简单直接通过class得到这几个属性即可。最后得到的结果放到数据库中,给其他程序使用。
上图就是我们的整体设计框架,主要的部分是首先前端基于 ruby on rails 。UI效果如下:
#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Sun Mar 27 06:42:50 2016@author: iphyeroutput :return value1 means sth changed0 nothing changed"""#import needed packagefrom selenium import webdriver # web actionfrom pyvirtualdisplay import Displayfrom datetime import dateimport BeautifulSoup as bsimport sqlite3import pickle# function setupdef htmltableGetinfomation(websource,data_page): """ get information from html source input : html source code output : dict of data and availibility """ month2num = { 'January' : 1, 'February': 2,'March' : 3,'April': 4,'May': 5,'June': 6,'July' : 7,'August': 8, 'September': 9, 'October': 10, 'November' : 11, 'December': 12} soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(websource) table = soup.find(lambda tag:'table' and tag.has_key('id') and tag['id']=="calendar") temp = table.findAll('span') Mon, Year = temp[0].string.split() # insert starting day calendar-closed Mon = month2num.get(Mon) Mon = int(Mon) Year = int(Year) days_closed = table.findAll(lambda tag:'td' and tag.has_key('class') and tag['class'] == 'calendar-closed') for i in days_closed: Day = int(i.text) date_temp = date(Year,Mon,Day).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") data_page[date_temp] = 0 # insert following day calendar-fullday days_full = table.findAll(lambda tag:'td' and tag.has_key('class') and tag['class'] == 'calendar-fullday') for i in days_full: Day = int(i.text) date_temp = date(Year,Mon,Day).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") data_page[date_temp] = 0 # insert following day calendar-available days_available = table.findAll(lambda tag:'td' and tag.has_key('class') and tag['class'] == 'calendar-available') for i in days_available: Day = int(i.text) date_temp = date(Year,Mon,Day).strftime("%m/%d/%Y") data_page[date_temp] = 1 #print "===========================================" #print data_page return data_pagedef creat_sqlite(Allowed_Days_Dict): """ creat sqlite of 90 allowed time with their availability input : Allowed_Days_Dict = {date : availability} """ #connecting database and creating table availability conn = sqlite3.connect("development.sqlite3") cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS availability""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS availability (date text,av int) """) dictlist = [] for key, value in Allowed_Days_Dict.iteritems(): temp = [key,value] dictlist.append(temp) cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO availability VALUES (?,?)" ,dictlist) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close()def sqlreading(): pkl_file = open('myfile.pkl', 'rb') Allowed_Days_Dict_old = pickle.load(pkl_file) pkl_file.close() return Allowed_Days_Dict_olddef dictDiff(dictA,dictB): for key,val in dictA.iteritems(): if ( val != dictB[key] ): return 1def renewSQL(changed,Allowed_Days_Dict): if ( changed ): creat_sqlite(Allowed_Days_Dict) output = open('myfile.pkl', 'wb') pickle.dump(Allowed_Days_Dict, output) output.close()if __name__ == "__main__": """ method description : 1.get four month available and unavailable days and then return as a dict 2.dict to sqlite """ #Assign URL for search #Appointment Locator # Location Address # 2571 North Earl Rudder Freeway # Bryan, TX 77803 URL = '' #four_months for result record Allowed_Days_Dict = dict() # get webpage information display = Display(visible=0, size=(800, 600)) display.start()# now Firefox will run in a virtual display. # you will not see the browser. browser = webdriver.Firefox() browser.implicitly_wait(5) browser.get('') browser.find_element_by_xpath("//select[@name='service_id']/option[text()='Driving Test - Regular Car / Pick-up Truck']").click() source = browser.page_source Allowed_Days_Dict = htmltableGetinfomation(source,Allowed_Days_Dict) #get another 3 pages information for i in range(1,4): browser.execute_script("javascript:dosubmit1('no', 'yes', 'log_in')") source = browser.page_source Allowed_Days_Dict = htmltableGetinfomation(source,Allowed_Days_Dict) #print "===========================================" #print Allowed_Days_Dict browser.close() #reading in the old date dict Allowed_Days_Dict_old = sqlreading() changed = 0 changed = dictDiff( Allowed_Days_Dict_old, Allowed_Days_Dict) renewSQL(changed,Allowed_Days_Dict) print "================update_10min Done===========================" exit(changed)