Rumah >pembangunan bahagian belakang >tutorial php >调用使用链接服务器的mssql存储过程遇到的问题
$queryP= "exec OA_pfm_attend_group_toExempt @begin='$DATE1',@end='$DATE2'";
$cursor = msexequery( $msconnection, $queryP );
//组合的$queryP是:exec OA_pfm_attend_group_toExempt @begin='2013-03-01',@end='2013-03-24'
SQL语句: exec OA_pfm_attend_group_toExempt @begin='2013-03-01',@end='2013-03-24'
drop proc OA_pfm_attend_group_toExemptgoCreate proc OA_pfm_attend_group_toExempt@begin datetime,@end datetimeasbegin set nocount on set ANSI_WARNINGS on set ANSI_NULLS on --declare @begin datetime --declare @end datetime --set @begin = @beginSTR --set @end = @endSTR create table #query_Table_Temp ( checkDay datetime not null ,checkIn datetime not null ,checkOut datetime not null ,isHoliday bit not null default 0 ) declare @checkDay datetime declare @checkIn datetime declare @checkOut datetime set @checkDay = @begin while (@checkDay<=@end) begin set @checkIn = convert(varchar(10),@checkDay)+' 08:35:00' set @checkOut = convert(varchar(10),@checkDay)+' 18:30:00' insert into #query_Table_Temp (checkDay,checkIn,checkOut) values(@checkDay,@checkIn,@checkOut) --update #query_Table_Temp set isHoliday=1 where checkDay in (select Holiday from OPENQUERY(OAMySQL, 'SELECT * from a_rest_holiday')) set @checkDay = dateadd(day,1,@checkDay) end delete from #query_Table_Temp where checkDay in (select Holiday from OPENQUERY(OAMySQL, 'SELECT * from a_rest_holiday'))--这句引起出错,把这些调用链接服务器的所有语句删除就举出错 create table #attend_Temp( checkDay datetime not null ,userID int ,Name varchar(30) ,User_ID varchar(30) ,dept_ID int ,defCheckIn datetime ,defCheckOut datetime ,checkIn datetime null ,checkOut datetime null ,rest bit not null default 0 ,leave1 bit not null default 0 ,leave2 bit not null default 0 ,out1 bit not null default 0 ,out2 bit not null default 0 ,evection bit not null default 0 ) insert #attend_Temp (checkDay,userID,Name,User_ID,dept_ID,defCheckIn,defCheckOut) select a.checkDay,b.UserID,b.Name,b.oa_UserID,b.defaultDeptID,a.checkIn,a.checkOut from #query_Table_Temp a join FileServiceDB.dbo.UserInfo b on 1=1 where b.Active=1 and b.checkFree=0 --select a.checkDay,a.checkIn,a.checkOut,b.UserID,b.Name,b.defaultDeptID,b.oa_UserID from #query_Table_Temp a join FileServiceDB.dbo.UserInfo b on 1=1 where b.Active=1 and b.checkFree=0 update #attend_Temp set checkIn=(select min(checkTime) from OA_checkInOut where userID=#attend_Temp.userID and datediff(minute,checkTime,#attend_Temp.defCheckIn) between -150 and 210) update #attend_Temp set checkOut=(select max(checkTime) from OA_checkInOut where userID=#attend_Temp.userID and datediff(minute,#attend_Temp.defCheckOut,checkTime) between -270 and 690) --其它语句 select checkDay,(select count(*) from #attend_Temp where checkDay=#query_Table_Temp.checkDay and checkIn>#query_Table_Temp.checkIn and out1=0 and leave1=0 and rest=0 and evection=0) as 迟到人次 ,(select count(*) from #attend_Temp where checkDay=#query_Table_Temp.checkDay and checkOut<#query_Table_Temp.checkOut and out2=0 and leave2=0 and rest=0 and evection=0) as 早退人次 ,(select count(*) from #attend_Temp where checkDay=#query_Table_Temp.checkDay and checkIn is null and out1=0 and leave1=0 and rest=0 and evection=0) as 上班未登记人次 ,(select count(*) from #attend_Temp where checkDay=#query_Table_Temp.checkDay and checkOut is null and out2=0 and leave2=0 and rest=0 and evection=0) as 下班未登记人次 from #query_Table_Temp drop table #query_Table_Temp drop table #attend_Temp set nocount offendGO
msexequery 是 php 函数吗?