Rumah >pembangunan bahagian belakang >tutorial php >PHP实现手机归属地查询
base.js 使用.ajax请求,并将请求后的数据填充到index.html中。
<?php/** * TODO Auto-generated comment. */class AutoLoad { /** * TODO Auto-generated comment. */ public static function load($className) { //命名空间的反斜杠替代 $filename = sprintf('%s.php',str_replace('\\','/',$className)); require_once($filename); }}spl_autoload_register(['AutoLoad','load']);
<?php/** * TODO Auto-generated comment. */require_once "AutoLoad.php";use \app\MobileQuery;class Api{ private $response; private $params; private $phone; public function __construct(){ $this->params = $_POST; if(isset($this->params['tel'])) { $this->phone = $this->params['tel']; }else { $this->phone = '17706436202'; } $this->queryResponse($this->phone); } public function queryResponse($phone) { $this->response = MobileQuery::query($phone); if(is_array($this->response) and isset($this->response['province'])) { $this->response['phone'] = $phone; $this->response['code'] = 200; } else { $this->response['phone'] = $phone; $this->response['msg'] = '手机号码错误'; } } public function getResponse() { return json_encode($this->response); }}$Api = new Api();echo $Api->getResponse();
<?php/** * TODO Auto-generated comment. */namespace app;use libs\HttpRequest;use libs\ImRedis;class MobileQuery { /** * TODO Auto-generated comment. */ const PHONE_API= ''; /** * TODO Auto-generated comment. */ const QUERY_PHONE = 'PHONE:INFO:'; public static function query($phone) { $phoneData = null; if(self::varifyPhone($phone)){ $response = HttpRequest::request(self::PHONE_API, ['tel'=>$phone]); $phoneData = self::formatData($response); $phoneData['msg'] ='数据由Cizel的博客提供'; } return $phoneData; } public static function formatData($data) { $ret = null; if(!empty($data)){ preg_match_all("/(\w+):'([^']+)/",$data,$res); $items = array_combine($res[1],$res[2]); foreach ($items as $itemKey => $itemVal) { $ret[$itemKey] = iconv('GB2312','UTF-8',$itemVal); } } return $ret; } public static function varifyPhone($phone) { if(preg_match("/^1[34578]{1}\d{9}/",$phone)) { return true; } else { return false; } }}
<?php/** * TODO Auto-generated comment. */namespace libs;class HttpRequest { /** * TODO Auto-generated comment. */ public static function request($url, $params =[], $method='GET') { $ret = null; if(preg_match("/^(http|https)\:\/\/(\w+\.\w+\.\w+)/",$url)) { $method = strtoupper($method); if($method == 'POST') { exit('nothing to do.'); } else { if($params) { if(strripos('?',$url)) { $url = $url . '&' . http_build_query($params); } else { $url = $url . '?' . http_build_query($params); } } $ret = file_get_contents($url); } } return $ret; }}
/** @Author: Cizel* @Date: 2016-04-11 16:53:52* @Last Modified by: Cizel* @Last Modified time: 2016-04-11 17:22:32*/$(document).ready(function(){ $('#query').click(function(){ var phone = $('#phone_num').val(); //alert(phone); if (phone.length == 11) { Cizel.GLOBAL.AJAX('Api.php','post',{'tel':phone},'json',Cizel.APPS.QUERYPHONE.AJAXCALLBACK); } }); });var Cizel = Cizel || {};Cizel.GLOBAL = {};Cizel.APPS = {};Cizel.APPS.QUERYPHONE = {};Cizel.APPS.QUERYPHONE.AJAXCALLBACK = function(data){ if(data.code == 200){ Cizel.APPS.QUERYPHONE.SHOWINFO(); $('#phoneNumber').text(; $('#phoneProvince').text(data.province); $('#phoneCatName').text(data.catName); $('#phoneMsg').text(data.msg); } else { Cizel.APPS.QUERYPHONE.HIDEINFO(); }};Cizel.APPS.QUERYPHONE.SHOWINFO = function(){ $('#phoneInfo').show();}Cizel.APPS.QUERYPHONE.HIDEINFO = function(){ $('#phoneInfo').hide();}Cizel.GLOBAL.AJAX = function(url, method, params,dataType,callBack){ $.ajax({ url: url, type: method, data: params, dataType: dataType, success:callBack, error:function(){ alert('请求异常'); } });};