Rumah >hujung hadapan web >tutorial js >Apache DolphinScheduler Mengehadkan Penjadualan Masa di Tahap Kedua
Konfigurasi Tugas Pemasa Apache DolphinScheduler menggunakan ungkapan Crontab 7 kedudukan, sepadan dengan saat, minit, jam, hari dalam bulan, bulan, hari dalam seminggu dan tahun.
Dalam kerja pembangunan harian pasukan kami, penjadualan masa aliran kerja secara amnya tidak perlu diperincikan ke peringkat kedua. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat insiden sejarah salah konfigurasi yang membawa kepada masa kegagalan, seperti aliran kerja yang harus dilaksanakan setiap minit tersalah konfigurasi untuk melaksanakan setiap saat, menyebabkan sejumlah besar contoh aliran kerja dijana dalam tempoh yang singkat, yang menjejaskan ketersediaan perkhidmatan Apache DolphinScheduler dan kluster Hadoop tempat tugasan diserahkan.
Berdasarkan perkara ini, pasukan memutuskan untuk mengehadkan ekspresi Crontab dalam modul konfigurasi tugas pemasaan DolphinScheduler, untuk mengelakkan insiden sedemikian daripada berlaku di peringkat platform.
Penyelesaian kami adalah untuk mengehadkan kedudukan pertama ekspresi Crontab dari kedua-dua hujung hadapan dan belakang:
Dalam projek bahagian hadapan, saat, minit dan jam semuanya adalah templat bersatu (CrontabTime), jadi fail baharu ditambahkan: dolphinscheduler-ui/src/components/crontab/modules/second.tsx
Hanya dua mod dikekalkan: intervalTime dan specificTime
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import _ from 'lodash' import { defineComponent, onMounted, PropType, ref, toRefs, watch } from 'vue' import { NInputNumber, NRadio, NRadioGroup, NSelect } from 'naive-ui' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { ICrontabI18n } from '../types' import { isStr, specificList } from '../common' import styles from '../index.module.scss' const props = { timeMin: { type: Number as PropType<number>, default: 0 }, timeMax: { type: Number as PropType<number>, default: 60 }, intervalPerform: { type: Number as PropType<number>, default: 5 }, intervalStart: { type: Number as PropType<number>, default: 3 }, timeSpecial: { type: Number as PropType<number | string>, default: 60 }, timeValue: { type: String as PropType<string>, default: '*' }, timeI18n: { type: Object as PropType<ICrontabI18n>, require: true } } export default defineComponent({ name: 'CrontabSecond', props, emits: ['update:timeValue'], setup(props, ctx) { const options = Array.from({ length: 60 }, (x, i) => ({ label: i.toString(), value: i })) const timeRef = ref() const radioRef = ref() const intervalStartRef = ref(props.intervalStart) const intervalPerformRef = ref(props.intervalPerform) const specificTimesRef = ref<Array<number>>([]) /** * Parse parameter value */ const analyticalValue = () => { const $timeVal = props.timeValue // Interval time const $interval = isStr($timeVal, '/') // Specific time const $specific = isStr($timeVal, ',') // Positive integer (times) if ( ($timeVal.length === 1 || $timeVal.length === 2 || $timeVal.length === 4) && _.isInteger(parseInt($timeVal)) ) { radioRef.value = 'specificTime' specificTimesRef.value = [parseInt($timeVal)] return } // Interval times if ($interval) { radioRef.value = 'intervalTime' intervalStartRef.value = parseInt($interval[0]) intervalPerformRef.value = parseInt($interval[1]) timeRef.value = `${intervalStartRef.value}/${intervalPerformRef.value}` return } // Specific times if ($specific) { radioRef.value = 'specificTime' specificTimesRef.value = $ => parseInt(item)) return } } // Interval start time(1) const onIntervalStart = (value: number | null) => { intervalStartRef.value = value || 0 if (radioRef.value === 'intervalTime') { timeRef.value = `${intervalStartRef.value}/${intervalPerformRef.value}` } } // Interval execution time(2) const onIntervalPerform = (value: number | null) => { intervalPerformRef.value = value || 0 if (radioRef.value === 'intervalTime') { timeRef.value = `${intervalStartRef.value}/${intervalPerformRef.value}` } } // Specific time const onSpecificTimes = (arr: Array<number>) => { specificTimesRef.value = arr if (radioRef.value === 'specificTime') { specificReset() } } // Reset interval time const intervalReset = () => { timeRef.value = `${intervalStartRef.value}/${intervalPerformRef.value}` } // Reset specific time const specificReset = () => { let timeValue = '0' if (specificTimesRef.value.length) { timeValue = specificTimesRef.value.join(',') } timeRef.value = timeValue } const updateRadioTime = (value: string) => { switch (value) { case 'intervalTime': intervalReset() break case 'specificTime': specificReset() break } } watch( () => timeRef.value, () => ctx.emit('update:timeValue', timeRef.value.toString()) ) onMounted(() => analyticalValue()) return { options, radioRef, intervalStartRef, intervalPerformRef, specificTimesRef, updateRadioTime, onIntervalStart, onIntervalPerform, onSpecificTimes, ...toRefs(props) } }, render() { const { t } = useI18n() return ( <NRadioGroup v-model:value={this.radioRef} onUpdateValue={this.updateRadioTime} > <div> <h3> Server-side </h3> <p>Add Crontab expression validation (there are two places: one is the new POST interface, and the other is the modified PUT interface), directly add a validation method for these two places to call:<br> </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false"> if (scheduleParam.getCrontab().startsWith("*")) { logger.error("The crontab must not start with *"); putMsg(result, Status.CRONTAB_EVERY_SECOND_ERROR); return result; }
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