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Fungsi Penting untuk Apl Berasaskan Lokasi dalam React Native Menggunakan API Peta Google

Linda Hamilton
Linda Hamiltonasal
2024-12-07 20:15:14228semak imbas

Essential Functions for Location-Based Apps in React Native Using Google Maps APIs

Dalam aplikasi berpusatkan lokasi, melaksanakan ciri teguh untuk geolokasi, penghalaan dan anggaran tambang adalah penting. Berikut ialah pecahan utiliti utama yang boleh dilaksanakan:

? 1. Mengambil Latitud, Longitud dan Alamat

  • Fungsi: getLatLong(placeId)
  • Tujuan: Mengambil koordinat geografi (latitud dan longitud) dan alamat untuk placeId yang diberikan menggunakan API Tempat Google.
  • Kes Penggunaan: Berguna untuk mengenal pasti lokasi tepat berdasarkan placeId unik (cth., untuk penanda peta).
  • Contoh: Untuk placeId, fungsi mengembalikan latitud, longitud dan alamat dalam format berstruktur.

? 2. Geokod Terbalik

  • Fungsi: reverseGeocode(latitud, longitud)
  • Tujuan: Menukar koordinat geografi kepada alamat yang boleh dibaca manusia menggunakan API Geocoding Google.
  • Kes Penggunaan: Paparkan alamat untuk lokasi yang dipilih pengguna atau koordinat GPS.
  • Contoh: Berikan alamat mesra pengguna seperti "Sydney NSW, Australia" untuk koordinat yang diberikan.

? 3. Letakkan Cadangan Autolengkap

  • Fungsi: getPlacesSuggestions(pertanyaan)
  • Tujuan: Mengambil cadangan lokasi berdasarkan input pengguna menggunakan API Autolengkap Tempat Google.
  • Kes Penggunaan: Meningkatkan fungsi carian dengan menyediakan lungsur turun cadangan lokasi.
  • Contoh: Cadangkan "Sydney Opera House" atau "Sydney Airport" sebagai pengguna menaip "Sydney."

? 4. Mengira Jarak

  • Fungsi: hitung Jarak(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2)
  • Tujuan: Mengira jarak antara dua titik geografi menggunakan formula Haversine.
  • Kes Penggunaan: Sesuai untuk menganggar jarak antara lokasi semasa pengguna dan destinasi mereka.
  • Contoh: Mengira 20.56 kilometer sebagai jarak antara dua set koordinat.

? 5. Anggaran Tambang Dinamik

  • Fungsi: mengiraTambang(jarak)
  • Tujuan: Mengira tambang untuk jenis kenderaan yang berbeza (basikal, kereta, teksi ekonomi, teksi premium) berdasarkan jarak perjalanan.
  • Kes Penggunaan: Berguna untuk apl pengangkutan atau perkhidmatan penghantaran untuk memaparkan anggaran tambang secara dinamik.
  • Contoh: Menyediakan butiran tambang seperti ₹50 untuk basikal atau ₹100 untuk teksi ekonomi untuk perjalanan sejauh 10 km.

6. Menjana Laluan Lancar Menggunakan Bezier Curve

  • Fungsi: getPoints(tempat)
  • Tujuan: Mencipta laluan yang licin dan menarik secara visual antara dua titik menggunakan lengkung Bezier kuadratik.
  • Kes Penggunaan: Menambah visualisasi laluan yang digilap pada peta untuk apl navigasi.
  • Contoh: Menjana 100 mata di sepanjang lengkung antara dua lokasi untuk mencipta garis poli lancar.

? 7. Pengurusan Ikon Kenderaan

  • Utiliti: ikon kenderaan
  • Tujuan: Petakan jenis kenderaan (cth., basikal, kereta, teksiEkonomi) kepada ikon masing-masing untuk UI yang konsisten dan dinamik.
  • Kes Penggunaan: Paparkan ikon yang sesuai berdasarkan jenis kenderaan yang dipilih dalam apl pengangkutan atau penghantaran.
  • Contoh: Mengambil ikon untuk "basikal" atau "cabPremium" secara dinamik.

Kod Penuh:

import axios from "axios";
import { useUserStore } from "@/store/userStore";

 * Fetch latitude, longitude, and address details for a given place ID.
 * @param {string} placeId - The unique identifier for a place (e.g., "ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4").
 * @returns {Promise<{latitude: number, longitude: number, address: string}>} Location data.
 * Example response:
 * {
 *   latitude: -33.8670522,
 *   longitude: 151.1957362,
 *   address: "Sydney NSW, Australia"
 * }
export const getLatLong = async (placeId: string) => {
    try {
        const response = await axios.get("", {
            params: {
                placeid: placeId, // Place ID for the location
                key: process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_MAP_API_KEY, // API key for authentication

        const data =;

        // Validate response status and extract required fields
        if (data.status === "OK" && data.result) {
            const location = data.result.geometry.location; // Get latitude and longitude
            const address = data.result.formatted_address; // Get formatted address

            return {
                longitude: location.lng,
                address: address,
        } else {
            // Handle API response errors
            throw new Error("Unable to fetch location details");
    } catch (error) {
        // Catch and throw any request or processing errors
        throw new Error("Unable to fetch location details");

 * Reverse geocode latitude and longitude to fetch the address.
 * @param {number} latitude - Latitude of the location (e.g., -33.8670522).
 * @param {number} longitude - Longitude of the location (e.g., 151.1957362).
 * @returns {Promise<string>} Address of the location.
 * Example response: "Sydney NSW, Australia"
export const reverseGeocode = async (latitude: number, longitude: number) => {
    try {
        const response = await axios.get(

        // Check if the response status is OK and extract the address
        if ( === "OK") {
            const address =[0].formatted_address;
            return address; // Return the formatted address
        } else {
            // Log failure details and return an empty string
            console.log("Geocoding failed: ",;
            return "";
    } catch (error) {
        // Handle any request or processing errors
        console.log("Error during reverse geocoding: ", error);
        return "";

 * Extract relevant place data from API response.
 * @param {Array} data - Array of place predictions from the API.
 * @returns {Array<{place_id: string, title: string, description: string}>} Processed place data.
 * Example response:
 * [
 *   { place_id: "xyz123", title: "Sydney Opera House", description: "Iconic performing arts venue in Sydney" }
 * ]
function extractPlaceData(data: any) {
    return any) => ({
        place_id: item.place_id, // Unique identifier for the place
        title: item.structured_formatting.main_text, // Main title of the place
        description: item.description, // Detailed description

 * Fetch autocomplete suggestions for places based on a query.
 * @param {string} query - User's input for place suggestions (e.g., "Sydney").
 * @returns {Promise<Array>} List of place suggestions.
 * Example response:
 * [
 *   { place_id: "xyz123", title: "Sydney Opera House", description: "Iconic performing arts venue in Sydney" }
 * ]
export const getPlacesSuggestions = async (query: string) => {
    const { location } = useUserStore.getState(); // Get user's current location from the store
    try {
        const response = await axios.get(
            ``, {
            params: {
                input: query, // Query string for suggestions
                location: `${location?.latitude},${location?.longitude}`, // Use current location for proximity
                radius: 50000, // Search within a 50km radius
                components: "country:IN", // Restrict results to India
                key: process.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_MAP_API_KEY, // API key for authentication

        // Process and return extracted place data
        return extractPlaceData(;
    } catch (error) {
        // Log errors and return an empty array
        console.error("Error fetching autocomplete suggestions:", error);
        return [];

 * Calculate the distance between two geographic coordinates using the Haversine formula.
 * @param {number} lat1 - Latitude of the first point (e.g., 28.7041).
 * @param {number} lon1 - Longitude of the first point (e.g., 77.1025).
 * @param {number} lat2 - Latitude of the second point (e.g., 28.5355).
 * @param {number} lon2 - Longitude of the second point (e.g., 77.3910).
 * @returns {number} Distance in kilometers.
 * Example response: 20.56
export const calculateDistance = (lat1: number, lon1: number, lat2: number, lon2: number) => {
    const R = 6371; // Earth's radius in kilometers
    const dLat = (lat2 - lat1) * (Math.PI / 180); // Latitude difference in radians
    const dLon = (lon2 - lon1) * (Math.PI / 180); // Longitude difference in radians
    const a =
        Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) +
        Math.cos(lat1 * (Math.PI / 180)) * Math.cos(lat2 * (Math.PI / 180)) *
        Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2); // Haversine formula
    const c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); // Angular distance
    return R * c; // Distance in kilometers

 * Calculate fare for different vehicle types based on the distance traveled.
 * @param {number} distance - Distance traveled in kilometers (e.g., 15).
 * @returns {Object} Fare breakdown for each vehicle type.
 * Example response:
 * {
 *   bike: 50,
 *   auto: 60,
 *   cabEconomy: 100,
 *   cabPremium: 150
 * }
export const calculateFare = (distance: number) => {
    // Fare rates for different vehicle types
    const rateStructure = {
        bike: { baseFare: 10, perKmRate: 5, minimumFare: 25 },
        auto: { baseFare: 15, perKmRate: 7, minimumFare: 30 },
        cabEconomy: { baseFare: 20, perKmRate: 10, minimumFare: 50 },
        cabPremium: { baseFare: 30, perKmRate: 15, minimumFare: 70 },

    // Helper function to calculate fare
    const fareCalculation = (baseFare: number, perKmRate: number, minimumFare: number) => {
        const calculatedFare = baseFare + (distance * perKmRate); // Calculate fare based on distance
        return Math.max(calculatedFare, minimumFare); // Ensure the fare meets the minimum

    // Return fare details for each vehicle type
    return {
        bike: fareCalculation(,,,
        auto: fareCalculation(,,,
        cabEconomy: fareCalculation(rateStructure.cabEconomy.baseFare, rateStructure.cabEconomy.perKmRate, rateStructure.cabEconomy.minimumFare),
        cabPremium: fareCalculation(rateStructure.cabPremium.baseFare, rateStructure.cabPremium.perKmRate, rateStructure.cabPremium.minimumFare),

 * Generate points along a quadratic Bezier curve between two points with a control point.
 * @param {Array<number>} p1 - The starting point of the curve [latitude, longitude] (e.g., [28.7041, 77.1025]).
 * @param {Array<number>} p2 - The ending point of the curve [latitude, longitude] (e.g., [28.5355, 77.3910]).
 * @param {Array<number>} controlPoint - The control point for the curve [latitude, longitude] (e.g., [28.6, 77.25]).
 * @param {number} numPoints - The number of points to generate along the curve.
 * @returns {Array<{latitude: number, longitude: number}>} Array of coordinates forming the curve.
 * Example response:
 * [
 *   { latitude: 28.7041, longitude: 77.1025 },
 *   { latitude: 28.635, longitude: 77.175 },
 *   { latitude: 28.5355, longitude: 77.3910 }
 * ]
function quadraticBezierCurve(p1: any, p2: any, controlPoint: any, numPoints: any) {
    const points = [];
    const step = 1 / (numPoints - 1); // Step size for dividing the curve

    for (let t = 0; t <= 1; t += step) {
        const x =
            (1 - t) ** 2 * p1[0] + // Contribution of starting point
            2 * (1 - t) * t * controlPoint[0] + // Contribution of control point
            t ** 2 * p2[0]; // Contribution of ending point
        const y =
            (1 - t) ** 2 * p1[1] +
            2 * (1 - t) * t * controlPoint[1] +
            t ** 2 * p2[1];
        const coord = { latitude: x, longitude: y }; // Store as coordinate object
        points.push(coord); // Add to the points array

    return points; // Return array of points forming the curve

 * Calculate the control point for a quadratic Bezier curve between two points.
 * @param {Array<number>} p1 - The starting point [latitude, longitude].
 * @param {Array<number>} p2 - The ending point [latitude, longitude].
 * @returns {Array<number>} The control point [latitude, longitude].
 * Example response: [28.6, 77.25]
const calculateControlPoint = (p1: any, p2: any) => {
    const d = Math.sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (p2[1] - p1[1]) ** 2); // Distance between p1 and p2
    const scale = 1; // Scale factor for bending the curve
    const h = d * scale; // Adjusted distance from midpoint
    const w = d / 2; // Halfway between points
    const x_m = (p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2; // Midpoint x
    const y_m = (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2; // Midpoint y

    const x_c =
        x_m + ((h * (p2[1] - p1[1])) / (2 * Math.sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (p2[1] - p1[1]) ** 2))) * (w / d);
    const y_c =
        y_m - ((h * (p2[0] - p1[0])) / (2 * Math.sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0]) ** 2 + (p2[1] - p1[1]) ** 2))) * (w / d);

    return [x_c, y_c]; // Return calculated control point

 * Generate Bezier curve points for given locations.
 * @param {Array<{latitude: number, longitude: number}>} places - Array containing at least two points.
 * @returns {Array<{latitude: number, longitude: number}>} Array of coordinates forming the curve.
 * Example response:
 * [
 *   { latitude: 28.7041, longitude: 77.1025 },
 *   { latitude: 28.635, longitude: 77.175 },
 *   { latitude: 28.5355, longitude: 77.3910 }
 * ]
export const getPoints = (places: any) => {
    const p1 = [places[0].latitude, places[0].longitude]; // Starting point
    const p2 = [places[1].latitude, places[1].longitude]; // Ending point
    const controlPoint = calculateControlPoint(p1, p2); // Calculate the control point

    return quadraticBezierCurve(p1, p2, controlPoint, 100); // Generate 100 points along the curve

 * Map of vehicle types to their respective icons.
 * @type {Record<'bike' | 'auto' | 'cabEconomy' | 'cabPremium', { icon: any }>}
 * Example usage:
 * -> Path to bike icon
export const vehicleIcons: Record<'bike' | 'auto' | 'cabEconomy' | 'cabPremium', { icon: any }> = {
    bike: { icon: require('@/assets/icons/bike.png') }, // Icon for bike
    auto: { icon: require('@/assets/icons/auto.png') }, // Icon for auto
    cabEconomy: { icon: require('@/assets/icons/cab.png') }, // Icon for economy cab
    cabPremium: { icon: require('@/assets/icons/cab_premium.png') }, // Icon for premium cab

? Kesimpulan

Utiliti ini memperkasakan pembangun untuk:

  1. Sepadukan perkhidmatan berasaskan lokasi yang lancar.
  2. Tingkatkan pengalaman pengguna dengan data masa nyata dan visual intuitif.
  3. Bina aplikasi React Native berskala dan dinamik dengan API Peta Google.

Dengan menggabungkan geolokasi, visualisasi laluan dan anggaran tambang, anda boleh meningkatkan kefungsian apl anda dengan ketara dan memberikan lebih nilai kepada pengguna anda.

Atas ialah kandungan terperinci Fungsi Penting untuk Apl Berasaskan Lokasi dalam React Native Menggunakan API Peta Google. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila ikut artikel berkaitan lain di laman web China PHP!

Kandungan artikel ini disumbangkan secara sukarela oleh netizen, dan hak cipta adalah milik pengarang asal. Laman web ini tidak memikul tanggungjawab undang-undang yang sepadan. Jika anda menemui sebarang kandungan yang disyaki plagiarisme atau pelanggaran, sila hubungi