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Nombor Perdana dalam PHP sentiasa unik sifatnya jika dibandingkan dengan siri/jujukan nombor lain. Walau apa pun bahasa pengaturcaraan, logik adalah sama untuk semua jenis bahasa pengaturcaraan yang terdapat dalam dunia internet sehingga kini di seluruh Globe. Hanya Sintaks Bahasa Pengaturcaraan yang berbeza.
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Nombor Perdana/Nombor Perdana ialah satu-satunya nombor yang hanya boleh dibahagi menggunakan 1 dan nombor itu sendiri. Siri/ Urutan nombor Perdana termasuk 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 dan seterusnya. Nombor 2 dalam urutan yang disebut ialah nombor perdana genap dan ia juga merupakan nombor asli selepas nombor 1. Nombor 1, 0 yang sebelum nombor 2 bukanlah nombor perdana sama sekali. Jadi untuk melaksanakan ini dalam program terlebih dahulu, kita perlu memproses gelung untuk menyemak setiap nombor dengan setiap nombor yang bermula dengan 2 hingga nombor yang diperlukan itu sendiri. Kadangkala Logik mungkin berbeza apabila ia berkaitan dengan Bahasa Pengaturcaraan jika dibandingkan dengan Syarat Logik Umum.
(Untuk gelung, Semasa, lakukan-sementara, foreach, dll..,):
Ini ialah contoh gelung for untuk menunjukkan bilangan nombor perdana yang diperlukan: FOR LOOP
<?php //For loop prime numbers program with only initialization and incrementation parameters $count1 = 0; //Number 0 is assigned to the variable count1 $number1 = 2; //Number 2 is assigned to the variable number1 for($count1=0;$count1 < 22; ) //For loop with the condition to print only first 22 prime numbers at first { $div_count1=0; //Number 0 is assigned to the variable div_count1 variable for ( $i1=1; $i1<=$number1; $i1++) //For loop with the initialization i1 =1 , condition - i1<=number1 and with invrement i1=i1+1 { if (($number1%$i1)==0) //Condition if number1 divides with changing i1 values and leaves remainder = 0 then the following below conditions will run { $div_count1++; //assigning div_count1 = div_count1+1 } } if ($div_count1<3)// Condition ( div_count1 < 3 ) to proceed the programme { $b=$count1+1;//adding 1 to the count1 variable echo $b." Prime Number:".$number1." , "; //echo to print the prime numbers as we need echo "</br>"; // line break statement $count1=$count1+1; //incrementing the count1 variable's value } $number1=$number1+1; //incrementing the number1 variable's value } ?>
Ini adalah contoh nombor Perdana yang akan mencetak 15 nombor perdana pertama. Sementara gelung digunakan di sini.
<?php $count1 = 0; //Number 0 is assigned to the variable count1 $number1 = 2; //Number 2 is assigned to the variable number1 while ($count1 < 15 ) //While loop with the condition ( count1 < 15 ) to break the loop to print first 15 prime numbers ( series of prime numbers from 2 to 47 , ) { $div_count1=0; //Number 0 is assigned to the variable div_count1 for ( $i=1; $i<=$number1; $i++) //For loop with the initialization i =1 , condition - i<=number1 and with invrement i=i+1 { if (($number1%$i)==0) //Condition if number1 divides with changing i values and leaves remainder = 0 then the following below conditions will run { $div_count1++; //assigning div_count1 = div_count1+1 } } if ($div_count1<3) // Condition ( div_count1 < 3 ) to proceed the programme { echo $number1." , "; //Printing the Prime number and then , will be printed $count1=$count1+1; //assigning variable count1 = count1 + 1 } $number1=$number1+1; //assigning variable number1 = number1 +1 } ?>
DO WHILE gelung Contoh Program Nombor Perdana dengan sintaks dan outputnya disenaraikan di bawah.
<?php //DO WHILE PHP program $count12 = 0 ; $number12 = 2 ; do { $div_count12=0; for ( $i=1;$i<=$number12;$i++) //For loop to check each number for prime numbers in the natural number list { if (($number12%$i)==0) { $div_count12++; } } if ($div_count12<3) { echo $number12." , "; $count12=$count12+1; } $number12=$number12+1; }while ($count12 <202 ); //while loop to print 202 prime numbers ?>
UNTUK SETIAP atur cara untuk mencetak nombor Primes daripada senarai array nums_list
<?php //Program to Print Prime numbers from the list of arrays using foreach() $nums_list = array( 10, 11, 13, 12 , 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 27, 29); foreach($nums_list as $prima){ //foreach() function her will list the array values into prima variable //I(Pavan Kumar Sake) mentioned conditions below to check whether the prime numbers are available in the above mentioned array or not. If yes then prime numbers from the array list will be printed. if($prima%2==0){ if($prima%3==0){ if($prima%5==0){ if($prima%7==0){ break; } } } } else{ echo $prima. " ,"; } } ?>
Ini ialah program PHP untuk menyemak sama ada nombor yang diberikan input ialah nombor perdana atau bukan nombor perdana.
<?php function IsPrime1($n1) //Here defining a IsPrime() function with the parameter n variable { for($x1=2; $x1<$n1; $x1++) //For loop to check each number to know the prime numbers { if($n1 %$x1 ==0) // if n divides by x values i.e., from the number 2 to the number itself (natural number series) { return 0; //returns 0 value if the above condition becomes true value } } return 1; //returns value 1 if the above IF condition fails i mean remainder is not 0 , it will be 1 so is the prime number } $a1 = IsPrime1(3); // assigning a prime number to n variable in the function by calling it and to check if ($a1==0) // if the variable gives 0 as output it will be declared as non prime number echo 'This is not a Prime Number.....'."\n"; else // If the a variable value is non zero then it will be declared as a prime number echo 'This is a Prime Number..'."\n"; ?>
Ini adalah contoh mencetak nombor perdana di bawah 123. Sila semak sintaks dan output program di bawah
<?php $number2 = 2 ; while ($number2 < 123 ) { $div_count2=0; for ( $i=1;$i<=$number2;$i++) { if (($number2%$i)==0) { $div_count2++; } } if ($div_count2<3) { echo $number2." , "; } $number2=$number2+1; } ?>
Contoh untuk Mencetak Nombor/nilai Perdana yang kurang daripada nombor “25”
<?php //List of Prime Numbers which are below 25 function primea1($n1){ for($k=1;$k<=$n1;$k++){ //To check prime values/numbers $countera1 = 0; for($l=1;$l<=$k;$l++){ //for accessing all divisible factors if($k % $l==0){ $countera1++; } } //prime requires/follows 2 rules/suggestions ( it is either divisible by 1 and then by itself) if($countera1==2){ print $k." is a Prime Number <br/>"; } } } primea1(25); //finds the prime numbers from 1-25 ?>
Atas ialah kandungan terperinci Nombor Perdana dalam PHP. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila ikut artikel berkaitan lain di laman web China PHP!