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Melaksanakan WebAuthn untuk log masuk tanpa kata laluan

2024-08-29 13:07:17915semak imbas

Ditulis oleh Oghenetega Denedo✏️

Mengingat dan menyimpan kata laluan boleh menyusahkan pengguna kami — bayangkan jika log masuk secara keseluruhan lebih mudah untuk semua orang. Di situlah WebAuthn, atau API Pengesahan Web, masuk. WebAuthn bertujuan untuk menawarkan masa depan tanpa kata laluan.

Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membincangkan perkara yang menjadikan WebAuthn berfungsi, menguraikan cara ia menggunakan kriptografi kunci awam untuk memastikan perkara itu selamat. Kami juga akan membimbing anda melalui penyepaduan WebAuthn untuk apl web mudah untuk mempelajari cara menggunakan API secara praktikal.

Seperti mana-mana penyelesaian, WebAuthn mempunyai sisi yang baik dan tidak begitu hebat. Kami akan menyemak kelebihan dan kekurangannya supaya anda boleh menentukan sama ada ia paling sesuai untuk keperluan pengesahan anda. Ayuh bersama sambil kami cuba mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada sakit kepala kata laluan dan terokai janji pengalaman log masuk yang lancar dengan WebAuthn.

Perkara yang perlu diketahui sebelum mempelajari tentang WebAuthn

Sebelum kami meneruskan pelaksanaan log masuk tanpa kata laluan dengan WebAuthn, adalah penting anda mempunyai prasyarat berikut:

  • Node.js dipasang pada mesin anda
  • Peranti Android atau iOS yang serasi dengan WebAuthn untuk tujuan ujian
  • Kebiasaan asas dengan Node.js dan Express.js
  • Pangkalan data MongoDB untuk menyimpan bukti kelayakan pengguna dan kekunci laluan

Jika anda sudah biasa dengan apa itu WebAuthn dan cara ia berfungsi, sila langkau ke bahagian pelaksanaan. Jika anda rasa anda memerlukan penyegar semula, maka perkara di bawah sepatutnya membantu menetapkan asas lurus.

Apakah itu WebAuthn?

WebAuthn ialah standard web yang dimulakan kerana keperluan untuk pengesahan selamat dan tanpa kata laluan dalam aplikasi web untuk menangani kelemahan utama menggunakan kata laluan.

Projek ini diterbitkan oleh World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) dengan kerjasama FIDO (Fast Identity Online) dengan tujuan untuk mencipta antara muka piawai yang berfungsi merentas peranti dan sistem pengendalian untuk mengesahkan pengguna.

Pada peringkat praktikal, WebAuthn terdiri daripada tiga komponen penting: pihak yang bergantung, klien WebAuthn dan pengesah.

Pihak yang bergantung ialah perkhidmatan atau aplikasi dalam talian yang meminta pengesahan untuk pengguna.

Klien WebAuthn bertindak sebagai perantara antara pengguna dan pihak yang bergantung — ia dibenamkan dalam mana-mana penyemak imbas web atau aplikasi mudah alih yang serasi yang menyokong WebAuthn.

Pengesah ialah peranti atau kaedah yang digunakan untuk mengesahkan identiti pengguna, seperti pengimbas cap jari, sistem pengecaman muka atau kunci keselamatan perkakasan.

Bagaimanakah WebAuthn berfungsi?

Apabila mendaftar untuk akaun di tapak web yang menyokong WebAuthn, anda memulakan proses pendaftaran yang melibatkan penggunaan pengesah seperti pengimbas cap jari anda pada telefon anda. Ini mengakibatkan menjana kunci awam yang disimpan dalam pangkalan data pihak yang bergantung dan kunci peribadi yang disimpan dengan selamat pada peranti anda melalui lapisan perkakasan yang selamat.

Memandangkan tapak web tidak akan meminta kata laluan semasa cuba log masuk. Apa yang sebenarnya berlaku ialah selepas memulakan log masuk, cabaran dihantar ke peranti anda. Cabaran ini biasanya mengandungi maklumat seperti alamat tapak web untuk mengesahkan bahawa anda log masuk daripada tapak web yang diharapkan oleh pihak yang bergantung.

Selepas menerima cabaran daripada tapak web, peranti anda menggunakan kunci peribadi anda untuk membuat respons yang ditandatangani. Respons ini menunjukkan bahawa anda memiliki kunci awam sepadan yang disimpan oleh tapak web tanpa mendedahkan kunci peribadi itu sendiri.

Pihak yang bergantung akan mengesahkan kunci awam yang disimpan apabila menerima respons anda yang ditandatangani. Jika tandatangan sejajar, tapak web boleh memastikan bahawa anda adalah pengguna sebenar dan memberi anda akses. Tiada kata laluan ditukar dan kunci peribadi anda kekal selamat pada peranti anda.

Bagaimana untuk melaksanakan pengesahan tanpa kata laluan dengan WebAuthn

Sekarang kita telah membincangkan konsep asas WebAuthn, kita dapat melihat bagaimana semua ini berlaku dalam amalan. Aplikasi yang akan kami bina akan menjadi apl Express.js ringkas dengan beberapa titik akhir API untuk mengendalikan pendaftaran dan log masuk, halaman HTML asas yang mengandungi borang log masuk dan pendaftaran.

Persediaan Projek

Pertama, anda perlu mengklonkan projek daripada GitHub, yang mengandungi kod permulaan supaya kami tidak mempunyai banyak perancah untuk dilakukan.

Dalam terminal anda, masukkan arahan di bawah:

git clone

git checkout mula-sini # nota: pastikan anda berada di cawangan permulaan

Jika anda ingin melihat penyelesaian akhir, semak ke dalam penyelesaian akhir atau cawangan utama.

Seterusnya, pasang kebergantungan projek:

npm install

Seterusnya, buat fail baharu, .env, di akar projek. Salin kandungan .env.sample ke dalamnya dan berikan nilai yang sesuai:

# .env

After following these steps, the project should run without throwing errors, but to confirm, enter the command below to start the development server:

npm run dev

With that, we've set up the project. In the next section, we'll add the login and registration form.

Creating the login and registration form

The next step in our process is creating a single form that can handle registration and logging in. To do this, we must create a new directory in our codebase called public. Inside this directory, we will create a new file called index.html. This file will contain the necessary code to build the form we need.

Inside the index.html file, add the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>WebAuthn Demo</title>
  <link rel="preconnect" href="">
  <link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin>
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
    .font-inter {
      font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif;

<body class="font-inter min-h-screen flex flex-col items-center p-24">
  <h1 class="font-bold text-3xl mb-10">WebAuthn Demo</h1>
  <div id="content">
      <div id="error" role="alert"
        class="bg-red-600 text-white p-2 w-full my-3 rounded-md text-center font-bold hidden"></div>
      <div id="loginForm" class="text-center">
        <input id="username" autocomplete="webauthn" type="text" placeholder="Username"
          class="w-[20rem] px-4 py-2 mb-4 border rounded-md focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-blue-500">
        <div class="flex justify-center space-x-4">
          <button id="registerBtn" type="button"
            class="bg-green-500 hover:bg-green-600 text-white font-semibold py-2 px-4 rounded-md">Register</button>
          <button id="loginBtn" type="button"
            class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 text-white font-semibold py-2 px-4 rounded-md">Login</button>
      <div id="welcomeMessage" class="hidden text-center">
        <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold mb-4">Welcome, <span id="usernameDisplay"></span>!</h1>
        <p class="text-lg text-gray-600">You are now logged in.</p>


So, we've just added a simple login and registration form for users to sign in with WebAuthn. Also, if you check the element, we've included the link to the Inter font using Google Fonts, Tailwind CSS for styling, and the SimpleWebAuthn browser package.

SimpleWebAuthn is an easy-to-use library for integrating WebAuthn into your web applications, as the name suggests. It offers a client and server library to reduce the hassle of implementing Webauthn in your projects.

When you visit http://localhost:8010, the port will be what you're using, you should see a form like the one below: Implementing WebAuthn for passwordless logins  

Let's create a script.js file that'll store all the code for handling form submissions and interacting with the browser's Web Authentication API for registration and authentication. Users must register on a website before logging in, so we must implement the registration functionality first.

Head to the script.js file and include the following code:

const { startRegistration, browserSupportsWebAuthn } = SimpleWebAuthnBrowser;

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
  const usernameInput = document.getElementById("username");
  const registerBtn = document.getElementById("registerBtn");
  const loginBtn = document.getElementById("loginBtn");
  const errorDiv = document.getElementById("error");
  const loginForm = document.getElementById("loginForm");
  const welcomeMessage = document.getElementById("welcomeMessage");
  const usernameDisplay = document.getElementById("usernameDisplay");

  registerBtn.addEventListener("click", handleRegister);
  loginBtn.addEventListener("click", handleLogin);

At the start of the code above, we import the necessary functions to work with WebAuthn. The document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { ... }) part ensures that the code inside the curly braces ({...}) executes after the web page is loaded.

It is important to avoid errors that might occur if you try to access elements that haven't been loaded yet.

Within the DOMContentLoaded event handler, we're initializing variables to store specific HTML elements we'll be working with and event listeners for the login and registration buttons.

Next, let's add the handleRegister() function. Inside the DOMContentLoaded event handler, add the code below:

async function handleRegister(evt) {
  errorDiv.textContent = ""; = "none";
  const userName = usernameInput.value;

  if (!browserSupportsWebAuthn()) {
    return alert("This browser does not support WebAuthn");

  const resp = await fetch(`/api/register/start?username=${userName}`, {
    credentials: "include"
  const registrationOptions = await resp.json();
  let authResponse;
  try {
    authResponse = await startRegistration(registrationOptions);
  } catch (error) {
    if ( === "InvalidStateError") {
      errorDiv.textContent =
        "Error: Authenticator was probably already registered by user";
    } else {
      errorDiv.textContent = error.message;
  if (!authResponse) {
    errorDiv.textContent = "Failed to connect with your device";
  const verificationResp = await fetch(
      credentials: "include",
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
      body: JSON.stringify(authResponse),
  if (!verificationResp.ok) {
    errorDiv.textContent = "Oh no, something went wrong!";
  const verificationJSON = await verificationResp.json();
  if (verificationJSON && verificationJSON.verified) {
    alert("Registration successful! You can now login");
  } else {
    errorDiv.textContent = "Oh no, something went wrong!";

The handleRegister() function initiates the registration process by retrieving the username entered by the user from an input field. If the browser supports WebAuthn, it sends a request to the /api/register/start endpoint to initiate the registration process.

Once the registration options are retrieved, the startRegistration() method initiates the registration process with the received options. If the registration process is successful, it sends a verification request to another API endpoint /api/register/verify with the obtained authentication response and alerts the user that the registration was successful.

Since we haven't built the API endpoint for handling user registration yet, it won't function as expected, so let's head back to the codebase and create it.

Building the registration API endpoints

To finish the registration functionality, we'll need two API endpoints: one for generating the registration options that'll be passed to the authenticator and the other for verifying the response from the authenticator. Then, we'll store the credential data from the authenticator and user data in the database.

Let's start by creating the MongoDB database models to store user data and passkey. At the project's root, create a new folder called models and within that same folder, create two new files: User.js for the user data and PassKey.js for the passkey.

In the User.js file, add the following code:

import mongoose from "mongoose";

const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    username: {
      type: String,
      unique: true,
      required: true,
    authenticators: [],
  { timestamps: true }

const User = mongoose.model("User", UserSchema);

export default User;

We're defining a simple schema for the user model that'll store the data of registered users. Next, in the PassKey.js file, add the following code:

import mongoose from "mongoose";

const PassKeySchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    user: {
      type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
      ref: "User",
      required: true,
    webAuthnUserID: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    credentialID: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    publicKey: {
      type: String,
      required: true,
    counter: {
      type: Number,
      required: true,
    deviceType: {
      type: String,
      enum: ["singleDevice", "multiDevice"],
      required: true,
    backedUp: {
      type: Boolean,
      required: true,
    authenticators: [],
    transports: [],
  { timestamps: true }
const PassKey = mongoose.model("PassKey", PassKeySchema);

export default PassKey;

We have created a schema for the PassKey model that stores all the necessary data of the authenticator after a successful registration. This schema will be used to identify the authenticator for all future authentications.

Having defined our data models, we can now set up the registration API endpoints. Within the root of the project, create two new folders: routes and controllers. Within each of the newly created folders, add a file named index.js. Within the routes/index.js file, add the code below:

import express from "express";
import {
} from "../controllers/index.js";

const router = express.Router();

router.get("/register/start", generateRegistrationOptionsCtrl);"/register/verify", verifyRegistrationCtrl);

export default router;

We're defining the routes we used earlier for user registration using Express.js. It imports two controller functions for generating registration options and verifying the response from the startRegistration() method that'll be called in the browser.

Let's start by adding the generateRegistrationOptionsCtrl() controller to generate the registration options. In the controllers/index.js file, add the following code:

// Import necessary modules and functions
import {
} from "@simplewebauthn/server";
import {
} from "@simplewebauthn/browser";
import { v4 } from "uuid";
import User from "../models/User.js";
import PassKey from "../models/PassKey.js";

// Human-readable title for your website
const relyingPartyName = "WebAuthn Demo";
// A unique identifier for your website
const relyingPartyID = "localhost";
// The URL at which registrations and authentications should occur
const origin = `http://${relyingPartyID}`;

// Controller function to generate registration options
export const generateRegistrationOptionsCtrl = async (req, res) => {
  const { username } = req.query;
  const user = await User.findOne({ username });
  let userAuthenticators = [];

  // Retrieve authenticators used by the user before, if any
  if (user) {
    userAuthenticators = [...user.authenticators];

  // Generate a unique ID for the current user session
  let currentUserId;
  if (!req.session.currentUserId) {
    currentUserId = v4();
    req.session.currentUserId = currentUserId;
  } else {
    currentUserId = req.session.currentUserId;

  // Generate registration options
  const options = await generateRegistrationOptions({
    rpName: relyingPartyName,
    rpID: relyingPartyID,
    userID: currentUserId,
    userName: username,
    timeout: 60000,
    attestationType: "none", // Don't prompt users for additional information
    excludeCredentials: => ({
      id: authenticator.credentialID,
      type: "public-key",
      transports: authenticator.transports,
    supportedAlgorithmIDs: [-7, -257],
    authenticatorSelection: {
      residentKey: "preferred",
      userVerification: "preferred",

  // Save the challenge to the session
  req.session.challenge = options.challenge;

First, we import the necessary functions and modules from libraries like @simplewebauthn/server and uuid. These help us handle the authentication process smoothly.

Next, we define some constants. relyingPartyName is a friendly name for our website. In this case, it's set to "WebAuthn Demo." relyingPartyID is a unique identifier for our website. Here, it's set to "localhost". Then, we construct the origin variable, the URL where registrations and authentications will happen. In this case, it's constructed using the relying party ID.

Moving on to the main part of the code, we have the controller generateRegistrationOptionsCtrl(). It's responsible for generating user registration options.

Inside this function, we first extract the username from the request. Then, we try to find the user in our database using this username. If we find the user, we retrieve the authenticators they've used before. Otherwise, we initialize an empty array for user authenticators.

Next, we generate a unique ID for the current user session. If there's no ID stored in the session yet, we generate a new one using the v4 function from the uuid library and store it in the session. Otherwise, we retrieve the ID from the session.

Then, we use the generateRegistrationOptions() function to create user registration options. After generating these options, we save the challenge to the session and send the options back as a response.

Next, we'll need to add the verifyRegistrationCtrl() controller to handle verifying the response sent from the browser after the user has initiated the registration:

// Controller function to verify registration
export const verifyRegistrationCtrl = async (req, res) => {
  const body = req.body;
  const { username } = req.query;
  const user = await User.findOne({ username });
  const expectedChallenge = req.session.challenge;

  // Check if the expected challenge exists
  if (!expectedChallenge) {
    return res.status(400).send({ error: "Failed: No challenge found" });

  let verification;

  try {
    const verificationOptions = {
      response: body,
      expectedChallenge: `${expectedChallenge}`,
      expectedOrigin: origin,
      expectedRPID: relyingPartyID,
      requireUserVerification: false,
    verification = await verifyRegistrationResponse(verificationOptions);
  } catch (error) {
    return res.status(400).send({ error: error.message });

  const { verified, registrationInfo } = verification;

  // If registration is verified, update user data
  if (verified && registrationInfo) {
    const {
    } = registrationInfo;

    const credId = bufferToBase64URLString(credentialID);
    const credPublicKey = bufferToBase64URLString(credentialPublicKey);

    const newDevice = {
      credentialPublicKey: credPublicKey,
      credentialID: credId,
      transports: body.response.transports,

    // Check if the device already exists for the user
    const existingDevice = user?.authenticators.find(
      (authenticator) => authenticator.credentialID === credId

    if (!existingDevice && user) {
      // Add the new device to the user's list of devices
      await User.updateOne(
        { _id: user._id },
        { $push: { authenticators: newDevice } }
      await PassKey.create({
        credentialID: credId,
        user: user._id,
        webAuthnUserID: req.session.currentUserId,
        publicKey: credPublicKey,
        backedUp: credentialBackedUp,
        deviceType: credentialDeviceType,
        transports: body.response.transports,
        authenticators: [newDevice],
    } else {
      const newUser = await User.create({
        authenticators: [newDevice],
      await PassKey.create({
        credentialID: credId,
        user: newUser._id,
        webAuthnUserID: req.session.currentUserId,
        publicKey: credPublicKey,
        backedUp: credentialBackedUp,
        deviceType: credentialDeviceType,
        transports: body.response.transports,
        authenticators: [newDevice],

  // Clear the challenge from the session
  req.session.challenge = undefined;
  res.send({ verified });

The verifyRegistrationCtrl() controller searches for a user in the database based on the provided username. If found, it retrieves the expected challenge from the session data. If there's no expected challenge, the function returns an error. It then sets up verification options and calls a function named verifyRegistrationResponse.

If an error occurs, it logs the error and sends a response with the error message. If the registration is successfully verified, the function updates the user's data with the information provided in the registration response. It adds the new device to the user's list of devices if it does not exist.

Finally, the challenge is cleared from the session, and a response indicates whether the registration was successfully verified.

Before we head back to the browser to test what we've done so far, return to the app.js file and add the following code to register the routes:

import router from "./routes/index.js"; // place this at the start of the file

app.use("/api", router); // place this before the call to `app.listen()`

Now that we've assembled all the pieces for the registration functionality, we can return to the browser to test it out.

When you enter a username and click the "register" button, you should see a prompt similar to the one shown below:  

Implementing WebAuthn for passwordless logins   To create a new passkey, you can now scan the QR code with your Android or iOS device. Upon successfully creating the passkey, a response is sent from the startRegistration() method to the /register/verify endpoint. Still, you'll notice it fails because of the error sent from the API:

    "error": "Unexpected registration response origin \"http://localhost:8030\", expected \"http://localhost\""

Why this is happening is because the origin that the verifyRegistrationResponse() method expected, which is http://localhost, is different from http://localhost:8010, was sent.

So, you might wonder why we can't just change it to http://localhost:8010. That’s because when we defined the origin in the controllers/index.js file, the relyingPartyID was set to "localhost", and we can't explicitly specify the port for the relying party ID.

An approach to get around this issue is to use a web tunneling service like tunnelmole or ngrok to expose our local server to the internet with a publicly accessible URL so we don't have to specify the port when defining the relyingPartyID.

Exposing your local server to the internet

Let's quickly set up tunnelmole to share the server on our local machine to a live URL.

First, let's install tunnelmole by entering the command below in your terminal:

sudo npm install -g tunnelmole

Next, enter the command below to make the server running locally available on the internet:

tmole <port>

You should see an output like this from your terminal if it was successful: Implementing WebAuthn for passwordless logins You can now use the tunnelmole URL as the origin:

const relyingPartyID = ""; // use output from your terminal
const origin = `https://${relyingPartyID}`; // webauthn only works with https

Everything should work as expected, so head back to your browser to start the registration process. Once you're done, an alert should pop up informing you that the registration was successful and that you can now log in: Implementing WebAuthn for passwordless logins  

We've successfully set up the user registration feature. The only thing left to do is implement the logging-in functionality.

Building the login functionality

The login process will follow a similar flow to the registration process. First, we’ll request authentication options from the server to be passed to the authenticator on your device.

Afterward, a request will be sent to the server to verify the authenticator's response. If all the criteria are met, the user can log in successfully.

Head back to the public/script.js file, and include the function to handle when the "login" button is clicked:

async function handleLogin(evt) {
  errorDiv.textContent = ""; = "none";
  const userName = usernameInput.value;
  if (!browserSupportsWebAuthn()) {
    return alert("This browser does not support WebAuthn");
  const resp = await fetch(`/api/login/start?username=${userName}`, {
    credentials: "include",
    headers: {
      "ngrok-skip-browser-warning": "69420",
  if (!resp.ok) {
    const error = (await resp.json()).error;
    errorDiv.textContent = error; = "block";
  let asseResp;
  try {
    asseResp = await startAuthentication(await resp.json());
  } catch (error) {
    errorDiv.textContent = error.message; = "block";
  if (!asseResp) {
    errorDiv.textContent = "Failed to connect with your device"; = "block";
  const verificationResp = await fetch(
      credentials: "include",
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "ngrok-skip-browser-warning": "69420",
      body: JSON.stringify(asseResp),
  const verificationJSON = await verificationResp.json();
  if (verificationJSON && verificationJSON.verified) {
    const userName = verificationJSON.username;
    // Hide login form and show welcome message = "none"; = "block";
    usernameDisplay.textContent = userName;
  } else {
    errorDiv.textContent = "Oh no, something went wrong!"; = "block";

The function starts by clearing error messages and retrieving the user's username from the form. It checks if the browser supports WebAuthn; if it does, it sends a request to the server to initiate the login process.

If the response from the server is successful, it attempts to authenticate the user. Upon successful authentication, it hides the login form and displays a welcome message with the user's name. Otherwise, it displays an error message to the user.

Next, head back to the routes/index.js file and add the routes for logging in:

router.get("/login/start", generateAuthenticationOptionsCtrl);"/login/verify", verifyAuthenticationCtrl);

Don't forget to update the imports, as you're including the code above. Let's continue by adding the code to generate the authentication options. Go to the controllers/index.js file and add the following code:

// Controller function to generate authentication options
export const generateAuthenticationOptionsCtrl = async (req, res) => {
  const { username } = req.query;
  const user = await User.findOne({ username });
  if (!user) {
    return res
      .send({ error: "User with this username does not exist" });
  const options = await generateAuthenticationOptions({
    rpID: relyingPartyID,
    timeout: 60000,
    allowCredentials: => ({
      id: base64URLStringToBuffer(authenticator.credentialID),
      transports: authenticator.transports,
      type: "public-key",
    userVerification: "preferred",
  req.session.challenge = options.challenge;

The generateAuthenticationOptionsCtrl() controller starts by extracting the username from the request query and searching for the user in the database. If found, it proceeds to generate authentication options crucial for the process.

These options include the relying party ID (rpID), timeout, allowed credentials derived from stored authenticators, and user verification option set to preferred. Then, it stores the challenge from the options in the session for authentication verification and sends them as a response to the browser.

Let's add the controller for verifying the authenticator's response for the final part of the auth flow:

// Controller function to verify authentication
export const verifyAuthenticationCtrl = async (req, res) => {
  const body = req.body;
  const { username } = req.query;
  const user = await User.findOne({ username });
  if (!user) {
    return res
      .send({ error: "User with this username does not exist" });
  const passKey = await PassKey.findOne({
    user: user._id,
  if (!passKey) {
    return res
      .send({ error: "Could not find passkey for this user" });
  const expectedChallenge = req.session.challenge;
  let dbAuthenticator;
  // Check if the authenticator exists in the user's data
  for (const authenticator of user.authenticators) {
    if (authenticator.credentialID === {
      dbAuthenticator = authenticator;
      dbAuthenticator.credentialPublicKey = base64URLStringToBuffer(
  // If the authenticator is not found, return an error
  if (!dbAuthenticator) {
    return res.status(400).send({
      error: "This authenticator is not registered with this site",
  let verification;
  try {
    const verificationOptions = {
      response: body,
      expectedChallenge: `${expectedChallenge}`,
      expectedOrigin: origin,
      expectedRPID: relyingPartyID,
      authenticator: dbAuthenticator,
      requireUserVerification: false,
    verification = await verifyAuthenticationResponse(verificationOptions);
  } catch (error) {
    return res.status(400).send({ error: error.message });
  const { verified, authenticationInfo } = verification;
  if (verified) {
    // Update the authenticator's counter in the DB to the newest count in the authentication
    dbAuthenticator.counter = authenticationInfo.newCounter;
    const filter = { username };
    const update = {
      $set: {
        "authenticators.$[element].counter": authenticationInfo.newCounter,
    const options = {
      arrayFilters: [{ "element.credentialID": dbAuthenticator.credentialID }],
    await User.updateOne(filter, update, options);
  // Clear the challenge from the session
  req.session.challenge = undefined;
  res.send({ verified, username: user.username });

The verifyAuthenticationCtrl() controller first extracts data from the request body and query, including the username and authentication details. It then searches for the user in the database. If not found, it returns a 404 error.

Assuming the user exists, it proceeds to find the passkey associated with the user and provides authentication details. If no passkey is found, it returns a 400 error.

Then, the expected challenge value is retrieved from the session data and iterates over the user's authenticators to find a match.

After attempting the verification, if an error occurs, the error is logged to the console and a 400 error is returned. If the verification is successful, the authenticator's counter is updated in the database, and the challenge is cleared from the session. Finally, the response includes the verification status and the username.

Return to your browser to ensure that everything functions as expected. Below is a GIF demonstrating the entire authentication process: Implementing WebAuthn for passwordless logins  

We've successfully implemented the WebAuthn authentication, providing our users with a fast, secure, and password-less way to authenticate themselves. With biometric information or physical security keys, users can access their accounts securely.

Benefits and limitations of WebAuthn

While WebAuthn presents a solution to modern authentication challenges, it's essential to understand its strengths and weaknesses. Below, we highlight the key advantages and potential drawbacks of adopting WebAuthn in your authentication strategy.

Benefits of WebAuthn

WebAuthn offers a higher security level than traditional password-based authentication methods because of how it leverages public key cryptography to mitigate the risks associated with password breaches and phishing attacks.

Jadi, walaupun sekiranya berlaku serangan siber, pelaku hanya akan mempunyai akses kepada kunci awam anda yang, dengan sendirinya, tidak mencukupi untuk mendapatkan akses kepada akaun anda.

Sokongan untuk pelbagai faktor pengesahan seperti data biometrik dan kunci keselamatan fizikal menyediakan jenis fleksibiliti yang membolehkan anda melaksanakan pengesahan berbilang faktor untuk keselamatan tambahan.

Memandangkan WebAuthn kini disokong oleh kebanyakan pelayar web dan platform moden, ini menjadikannya boleh diakses oleh ramai pengguna. Pengalaman pengesahan juga adalah sama merentas pelbagai peranti dan sistem pengendalian untuk memastikan konsistensi.

Had WebAuthn

Menyepadukan WebAuthn boleh mencabar secara teknikal untuk organisasi yang mempunyai sistem yang kompleks atau lama. Kemudian bayangkan semua jenis peranti yang mungkin digunakan oleh pengguna anda dan sebarang had teknikal yang berkaitan.

Satu lagi had penting ialah aspek manusia — sejauh manakah proses pengesahan untuk pengguna anda boleh diakses? Ketidakbiasaan dengan teknologi sama ada boleh melemahkan pengguna atau memerlukan penciptaan sumber pendidikan dan pengajaran.


Dalam artikel ini, kami telah melihat cara WebAuthn menyediakan proses pengesahan tanpa kata laluan yang menggunakan kriptografi kunci awam di bawah hud untuk pengalaman log masuk yang selamat dan mudah. Dengan contoh praktikal dan penerangan yang jelas, kami telah membincangkan cara menyediakan WebAuthn dalam aplikasi web untuk menikmati cara yang lebih lancar dan selamat untuk mengesahkan dalam apl kami.

LogRocket: Nyahpepijat ralat JavaScript dengan lebih mudah dengan memahami konteks

Kod nyahpepijat sentiasa menjadi tugas yang membosankan. Tetapi semakin anda memahami kesilapan anda, semakin mudah untuk membetulkannya.

LogRocket membolehkan anda memahami ralat ini dengan cara baharu dan unik. Penyelesaian pemantauan bahagian hadapan kami menjejaki penglibatan pengguna dengan bahagian hadapan JavaScript anda untuk memberi anda keupayaan untuk melihat dengan tepat perkara yang dilakukan pengguna yang membawa kepada ralat.

Implementing WebAuthn for passwordless logins

LogRocket merekodkan log konsol, masa muat halaman, surih tindanan, permintaan/tindak balas rangkaian perlahan dengan pengepala + badan, metadata penyemak imbas dan log tersuai. Memahami kesan kod JavaScript anda tidak akan menjadi lebih mudah!

Cuba secara percuma.

Atas ialah kandungan terperinci Melaksanakan WebAuthn untuk log masuk tanpa kata laluan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila ikut artikel berkaitan lain di laman web China PHP!

Kandungan artikel ini disumbangkan secara sukarela oleh netizen, dan hak cipta adalah milik pengarang asal. Laman web ini tidak memikul tanggungjawab undang-undang yang sepadan. Jika anda menemui sebarang kandungan yang disyaki plagiarisme atau pelanggaran, sila hubungi