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Penyepaduan JavaScript dan Selenium: Memperkemas Automasi Web Anda

2024-08-24 11:23:02926semak imbas


Dalam dunia digital yang serba pantas hari ini, adalah perlu untuk menjamin bahawa aplikasi web berfungsi dengan kualiti dan kecekapan tertinggi yang mungkin. Ujian Automasi Web memegang peranan penting dalam CI/CD, di mana pembangun mengesahkan prestasi aplikasi dan Ux mereka dengan betul. Walaupun internet menawarkan pelbagai alat automasi web, Selenium kekal sebagai salah satu rangka kerja yang paling berkuasa dan pelbagai guna yang tersedia apabila digunakan dengan JavaScript, ia memberikan bantuan terbaik yang anda boleh dapatkan untuk menulis ujian automatik.

Selenium ialah alat ujian perisian sumber terbuka yang mengautomasikan pelayar web. Ia ditulis dalam bahasa pengaturcaraan generik dan mempunyai sokongan asli untuk kebanyakan bahasa pengaturcaraan popular, walau bagaimanapun, kerana js pada masa kini menguasai hampir semua perkara di internet dengan teknologi web moden, ia telah menjadi pilihan semula jadi bagi banyak pembangun. Dengan JavaScript sebagai satu bahasa popular yang digunakan untuk pembangunan sisi klien dan pelayan, ia menjadikan penulisan skrip automasi dinamik agak lebih mudah dengan kecekapan yang sangat diperlukan menggunakan ekosistem perpustakaan yang komprehensif tersedia.

JavaScript and Selenium Integration: Streamlining Your Web Automation

Maksud utama artikel ini adalah untuk membimbing anda tentang cara Mengintegrasikan JavaScript dengan Selenium yang akan sangat membantu untuk pengalaman automasi anda dalam aplikasi web. Dalam artikel ini, kami akan membincangkan asas Selenium, cara menyediakan persekitaran anda sebagai penguji untuk ujian penyemak imbas web automatik bersama-sama dengan beberapa contoh menggunakan JavaScript yang boleh meningkatkan strategi kami pada ujian.

Sediakan Persekitaran Anda

Sebelum anda mengedit JavaScript dan menggunakan Selenium, perkara pertama yang perlu anda lakukan ialah menyediakan persekitaran pembangunan anda. Ini terdiri daripada memasang utiliti dan konfigurasi yang diperlukan, sistem anda seharusnya dapat berfungsi dengan sempurna dengan Selenium bersama-sama dengan Javascript. Langkah ini akan menyediakan anda untuk menulis dan menjalankan skrip automasi anda.

1. Memasang Node.js dan NPM
Node.js ialah masa jalan JavaScript yang dibina pada enjin V8 Chrome yang membolehkan anda melaksanakan kod javascript di luar penyemak imbas. Node mempunyai NPM (Pengurus Pakej Node) disertakan dengan Node.js dan membolehkan anda memasang serta mengurus perpustakaan dan pakej JavaScript.

  • Muat turun dan Pasang Node.js: Pergi ke Node.js your_os rasmi dan muat turun pemasang dari tapak js Pemasang juga termasuk Node.js dan NPM.
  • Semak Pemasangan: Selepas pemasangan, buka terminal atau command prompt anda dan taipkan arahan berikut untuk menyemak versi nod. Node.js dan NPM itu dipasang dengan betul: nod -v npm -v

2. Memasang Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver ialah alat yang berkomunikasi dengan pelayar web untuk melakukan arahan. Anda boleh memasangnya menggunakan NPM.

  • Buat Direktori Projek Baharu: Navigasi ke lokasi yang anda inginkan dan buat direktori baharu untuk projek anda. mkdir selenium-js-project cd selenium-js-project
  • Memulakan Projek Node.js Baharu: Jalankan arahan berikut untuk mencipta fail package.json, yang akan mengurus kebergantungan projek anda: npm init -y
  • Pasang Selenium WebDriver: Gunakan NPM untuk memasang pakej Selenium WebDriver:npm install selenium-webdriver

3. Menyediakan Rangka Kerja Pengujian JavaScript
Untuk menulis dan melaksanakan skrip ujian anda, anda memerlukan rangka kerja ujian. Mocha dan Jest ialah dua pilihan popular yang berfungsi dengan baik dengan Selenium.

  • Pasang Mocha: Untuk Mocha, jalankan:
    npm pasang mocha --save-dev

  • Pasang Jest: Untuk Jest, jalankan:
    npm install jest --save-dev

  • Konfigurasikan Rangka Kerja Pengujian Anda: Bergantung pada pilihan rangka kerja ujian anda, anda mungkin perlu mengkonfigurasinya. Untuk Mocha, anda boleh menambah skrip ujian pada pakej anda.json:

"scripts": {
  "test": "mocha"

4. Memilih dan Memasang Pemacu Penyemak Imbas
Pemacu penyemak imbas diperlukan untuk Selenium berkomunikasi dengan berbilang pelayar web. Paling banyak digunakan untuk Google Chrome ialah Chromium WebDriver

  • Muat turun ChromeDriver: Muat turun ChromeDriver Lawati halaman ini untuk muat turun dan pilih perkara yang serasi dengan penyemak imbas anda.
  • Pasang ChromeDriver: Nyahzip fail muat turun dan letakkan boleh laku dalam PATH sistem anda. Atau tentukan laluan dalam skrip Selenium anda.

5. Mengesahkan Persediaan Anda
Untuk memastikan semuanya disediakan dengan betul, buat skrip ujian mudah untuk mengesahkan pemasangan.

  • Create a Test File: Create a file named test.js in your project directory with the following content:
const { Builder, By } = require('selenium-webdriver');
(async function example() {
  let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
  try {
    await driver.get('');
    console.log(await driver.getTitle()); // Should print "Google"
  } finally {
    await driver.quit();

  • Run Your Test: Execute the script using Node.js: node test.js

If everything is set up correctly, you should see the title of the Google homepage printed on your console.

Selenium with JavaScript — Basic Concepts

Understanding Selenium WebDriver
The Selenium WebDriver — the heart of our Selenium framework that is used to automate interactions with web browsers. Programming interface to control browser behavior and retrieve data from a web page. WebDriver interacts directly with the browser and it allows you to simulate real user interaction like clicking on buttons, entering text into input boxes, or navigating from one page to another.

JavaScript and Selenium Integration: Streamlining Your Web Automation

Selenium Commands and Functions
Selenium WebDriver provides a rich set of commands and functions to interact with web elements as well as control browser behavior. These methods are useful for locating elements (findElement, findElements), taking actions on those located elements (click, sendKeys), and performing browser navigation tasks(get, navigate). Anybody who wants to automate web testing in a true sense should master these commands so that their scripts are good enough and proper for all scenarios.

Your First Automation Script

Creating a Simple Test Case
Create your First Selenium JavaScript Automation Test Case Which includes initializing the WebDriver, opening a web page, and doing some action. A common initial test may indeed open a web page, and then check that the title of it got printed. This is the foundational step to understanding how Selenium works with browsers.

Interacting with Web Elements

After having a basic test case the next thing you will do is interact with web elements on the page. Selenium has methods to search elements by ID, class name, or other attributes as well. Once an element is found you can operate on it like, by clicking buttons, entering text into form fields, or selecting options from dropdowns. With these interactions, you can create powerful automation scripts so if want to master it go ahead.

Handling Browser Navigation

Most of the time we have to do web automation which will include navigating through multiple pages or performing some actions that change the state of the page. In Selenium browser navigation can be handled using methods such as back(), forward(), and refresh(); Additionally, you can use get() to open a new URL and navigate() to move between pages, ensuring your automation scripts can follow complex user journeys and test various scenarios.

Advanced Selenium Features

Using Explicit and Implicit Waits

One of the keys to reliably working with dynamic web content is active waiting. While implicit waits automatically wait for the given element before throwing an exception, explicit waits allow waiting for a given condition to be true, for example, until the specified element becomes present or visible. With this tool, you can avoid many of the issues related to timing and page loading, making sure your tests always run successfully and consistently.

Managing Cookies and Sessions

Working with automation scripts often requires simulating your end-users authenticating and serving them personalized content in these cases. Selenium offers a broad range of methods to manage your cookies, including adding, deleting, getting, etc. Using cookies and session data, you can simulate logging in as a certain user, keeping the state across requests, and testing different user behavior patterns with more efficiency.

Taking Screenshots and Capturing Logs

Another essential part of both feedback and debugging is obtaining a visual understanding of why a test failed and what the tested application did at this moment. Selenium allows screenshots at any time during the test, including an open browser window screen, which will help you quickly see where things went wrong. Moreover, getting browser logs lets you access console errors, identify active network requests, and optimize your test scripts in the feature.

Effective Web Automation Best Practices

Structuring Your Test Code

To keep the test code clean and consistent, you should organize your tests. Organize your test cases with a clear structure by putting them into separate files or modules depending on their functionality, component/page. Encapsulate page interactions and prevent code duplication with Page Object Models With this method in place, my tests are a lot easier to maintain and work on as I keep updating them while my app continuously grows.

Handling Dynamic Content

Automation can be more difficult when there are dynamic contents like elements that load asynchronously or change regularly. The second step is to use explicit waits for the dynamic element which makes our way of functioning easy halting until the specific element becomes available. Use techniques such as Waiting for Particular Conditions or Expected Conditions to handle dynamic content and help in flaky test avoidance.

Debugging and Getting the Standard Errors

Debugging is a key part of understanding what went wrong and hunting down failures in your tests, so you can improve test reliability. Using the browser developer tools is a very useful way to inspect elements and understand their behavior. Integrate good logs in your tests allowing you to not lose any of the information that might help troubleshoot an issue. If problems do emerge, begin to break down the various components and test them in isolation to identify what is at fault while verifying your automation scripts are functioning as anticipated.

Integrating with CI/CD PIPELINES

Configuring Selenium Tests with Continuous Integration

Putting your Selenium tests into a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline ensures the execution of test cases after codebase changes are entered. The first thing you want is to have your CI tool launch Selenium tests as part of the build process.
This usually requires you to prepare your test environment: + install dependencies (like Selenium WebDriver and browser drivers) + define how tests are being executed in the configuration file of CI a_PIPE() Moreover, Need extra work for parallelization.

Jenkins or GitHub Actions for Automated Test Runs

Jenkins and GitHub Actions are popular CI/CD tools that allow Selenium tests to be run automatically. Jenkins — a pipeline job that includes steps for installing dependencies, executing your Selenium tests, and reporting the results.
Set Jenkins to trigger the job each time a code is committed and pulled. For GitHub Actions, easy to define a workflow YAML file (installs dependencies/ runs tests/reportsresultsannis) With these two tools, you will have the ability to integrate Selenium testing into your CI/CD process, so that you can continuously validate your web application.

Case Studies and Examples

Real-World Use Cases of JavaScript and Selenium Integration

A lot of Web automation and testing packages use this technology nowadays, it is great when used along with Selenium to get the front end automated. Selenium allows integration with JavaScript. For example, e-commerce websites use it to automate checkout processes and validate product searches as well as perform seamless user interactions.
Below are a few use cases where financial services companies rely on Selenium for automated testing of their online banking features and transaction processes. In these real-life scenarios, we can see the use of JavaScript and Selenium to make testing workflows more efficient as well as provide ways how you could improve your manual test runs by obeying the Enhance QAs tool.

Sample Projects and Code Snippets
To illustrate the practical application of JavaScript with Selenium, consider the following sample projects and code snippets:

1. Automated Login Test:

const { Builder, By } = require('selenium-webdriver');

(async function loginTest() {
  let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
  try {
    await driver.get('');
    await driver.findElement('username')).sendKeys('testuser');
    await driver.findElement('password')).sendKeys('password');
    await driver.findElement('loginButton')).click();
    console.log('Login test completed');
  } finally {
    await driver.quit();

2. Form Submission and Validation:

const { Builder, By } = require('selenium-webdriver');

(async function formTest() {
  let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
  try {
    await driver.get('');
    await driver.findElement('firstName')).sendKeys('John');
    await driver.findElement('lastName')).sendKeys('Doe');
    await driver.findElement('submit')).click();
    let message = await driver.findElement('confirmation')).getText();
    console.log('Confirmation message:', message);
  } finally {
    await driver.quit();

These examples demonstrate fundamental automation tasks and how JavaScript can be used to script interactions with web applications using Selenium. They serve as a starting point for developing more complex automation scenarios tailored to specific testing needs.


By combining JavaScript with Selenium you develop a very powerful solution for web automation which allows you to create efficient, reliable, and scalable test scripts. Combine the power of Selenium and the flexibility of JavaScript to automate all your testing, manage dynamic web content, and be in line with CI/CD pipelines.

Melalui panduan ini, kami telah melihat konsep utama Selenium dengan JavaScript dan cara menyediakan segala-galanya pada mesin anda serta cara anda boleh menulis kes ujian secara berstruktur & menggunakan ciri yang lebih maju. Kami telah melihat cara untuk memastikan skrip ujian cekap dan digunakan bersama-sama dengan sistem CI seperti Jenkins+GitHub Actions.

Melaksanakan prinsip ini dalam aplikasi anda memberi anda ujian menyeluruh dan lebih automatik yang membawa kepada apl web yang lebih berkualiti. Mampu mengautomasikan tugasan berulang, mengendalikan interaksi pengguna yang rumit dan mendapat maklum balas pantas tentang perubahan kod boleh meningkatkan operasi pembangunan anda serta meningkatkan tahap kebolehpercayaan aplikasi.

Sambil anda mempelajari lebih lanjut dan menggunakan WebDriver untuk memprogram dalam JavaScript, perhatikan ciri baharu yang ditambah atau dikemas kini supaya keganasan anda mengekalkan kekuatannya sebagai perbezaan web. Rangka kerja ujian anda akan berkesan dan berfungsi sesuai untuk menyelesaikan masalah aplikasi web moden.

Atas ialah kandungan terperinci Penyepaduan JavaScript dan Selenium: Memperkemas Automasi Web Anda. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila ikut artikel berkaitan lain di laman web China PHP!

Kandungan artikel ini disumbangkan secara sukarela oleh netizen, dan hak cipta adalah milik pengarang asal. Laman web ini tidak memikul tanggungjawab undang-undang yang sepadan. Jika anda menemui sebarang kandungan yang disyaki plagiarisme atau pelanggaran, sila hubungi