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Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Hefei, Wuxi dan Yantai akan melancarkan tindakan khas untuk meningkatkan trafik IPv6

2024-08-21 20:38:50692semak imbas

Menurut berita dari laman web ini pada 21 Ogos, Pentadbiran Ruang Siber China dan Kementerian Industri dan Teknologi Maklumat bersama-sama mengeluarkan "Pelan Tindakan Khas untuk Meningkatkan Trafik IPv6 di Bandar Utama di seluruh Negara", yang diumumkan di Beijing, Tianjin , Shanghai, Shenzhen dan Hangzhou Sebanyak 8 bandar termasuk Hefei, Wuxi dan Yantai telah menggunakan tindakan khas untuk meningkatkan trafik IPv6.

北京、天津、上海、深圳、杭州、合肥、无锡、烟台市将开展 IPv6 流量提升专项行动

Tindakan khas ini menumpukan pada peningkatan trafik IPv6 rangkaian tetap, memfokuskan pada meningkatkan kesambungan dan kualiti perkhidmatan IPv6 hujung ke hujung, memfokuskan pada pautan utama seperti aplikasi, terminal, rangkaian dan platform, melalui langkah berikut:
  1. Menggalakkan aplikasi Internet berskala besar mengembangkan skala trafik IPv6;
  2. meningkatkan kadar pengaktifan IPv6 penghala rumah
  3. meningkatkan kadar penggunaan sebenar IPv6 untuk talian khusus kerajaan dan perusahaan dalam unit utama
  4. secara menyeluruh; pusat data untuk menjalankan perniagaan;
  5. meningkatkan kadar sokongan IPv6 produk perkhidmatan awan.

Mencapai peningkatan ketara dalam bahagian trafik IPv6 dalam rangkaian bandar utama dan meningkatkan kuasa endogen pembangunan IPv6 di seluruh negara.

北京、天津、上海、深圳、杭州、合肥、无锡、烟台市将开展 IPv6 流量提升专项行动

Focusing on key work directions and to ensure quantifiable work results, the "Work Plan" sets the fixed network IPv6 traffic proportion, the mobile network IPv6 traffic proportion, the average proportion of IPv6 traffic on the fixed network side of large-scale Internet applications, and the customized version of home router IPv6. 8 indicators, including IPv6 activation rate, IPv6 activation rate of public version of home routers, actual usage rate of IPv6 for government and enterprise dedicated lines in key units, average proportion of IPv6 traffic exported by Internet enterprise data centers, and IPv6 support rate of cloud service products.
Attached to this site is the original text of the "Special Action Plan for Improving IPv6 Traffic in Key Cities across the Country":
The work target will take about one year to further expand the scale of large-scale Internet application IPv6 traffic diversion, the IPv6 activation rate of home routers will increase significantly, and key units of government and enterprises will The actual usage rate of dedicated IPv6 has increased significantly, the data center bearer business has been fully upgraded and transformed and IPv6 services are provided externally, and the IPv6 support rate of cloud service products continues to increase. The proportion of IPv6 traffic in fixed and mobile networks in key cities has increased significantly. The IPv6 upgrades of large Internet companies, terminal equipment companies, cloud service platforms, etc. in key cities have effectively driven the increase in IPv6 traffic in all regions across the country.
Work tasks (1) Carry out in-depth analysis of IPv6 network traffic. Organize local basic telecommunications companies to conduct fixed network traffic analysis, find out the composition of fixed network traffic and the proportion of various business traffic such as home broadband, Internet data center (IDC) business, government and enterprise dedicated lines, sort out the list of TOP20 IDC business users, and deepen the Mobile network IPv6 traffic analysis. Sort out the list of government-enterprise hotlines of no less than 200 key units such as party and government agencies, state-owned enterprises, universities, financial institutions, media, and Internet companies in the jurisdiction. Increase the intensity of data monitoring and analysis, and deeply explore the difficulties and blocking points in increasing IPv6 traffic of various businesses.
(2) Promote the large-scale Internet application IPv6 traffic. Promote the IPv6 in-depth transformation of high-traffic Internet applications such as local video, music, downloads, cloud disks, social networking, e-commerce, games, news, and app stores. The services, modules, domain names, etc. carried by the application service core computer room support IPv6, fixed and mobile networks Priority will be given to IPv6 access throughout the country to promote the large-scale IPv6 traffic diversion nationwide. Deepen the IPv6 upgrade of large commercial websites, and support IPv6 access on the homepage and links at all levels. Comprehensively increase the IPv6 traffic proportion of content distribution network (CDN) nodes at all levels, including core nodes and edge nodes.
(3) Improve the IPv6 connectivity level of home terminals. Promote local basic telecommunications companies to accelerate the replacement of old home gateways (optical modems) and customized home routers that do not support IPv6, formulate an IPv6 upgrade plan for existing customized home routers, promote the full activation of IPv6, and enable IPv6 by default on new customized home routers and other smart terminals. Promote all new home routers produced by local terminal equipment companies to enable IPv6 by default. Promote existing home routers customized by non-basic telecommunications companies to enable IPv6 nationwide through remote upgrades and other methods. Promote smart home products such as smart TVs, smart set-top boxes, and projectors to support and enable IPv6. Actively use relevant policies such as trade-in and encouragement of consumption to guide users to replace old home routers and enable IPv6 functions.
(4) Promote government and enterprise institutions to accelerate the popularization of IPv6. Promote the network equipment and Internet exports of key units such as party and government agencies, state-owned enterprises, universities, financial institutions, media, and Internet companies to enable IPv6, provide an IPv6 network environment for users to access the Internet, and increase the proportion of IPv6 traffic at the export of government and enterprise dedicated lines. Improve the IPv6 service capabilities of basic telecommunications enterprise government and enterprise dedicated line products (including Internet dedicated lines, cloud dedicated lines, business dedicated lines, enterprise broadband, etc.), strengthen IPv6 business promotion, activate IPv6 by default for new users, and actively guide and cooperate with existing users to activate IPv6. Improve IPv6 network access capabilities in large places such as industrial parks, science and technology parks, conference centers, and hotels.
(5) Strengthen the IPv6 upgrade and transformation of data centers. Improve the IPv6 network access capability of the data center, fully enable IPv6 for the data center exit lines, and actively guide and cooperate with data center users to activate IPv6 services. Promote various application services carried by the data center (including but not limited to websites, Internet applications, cloud service products, CDN services, traffic back-to-source, back-end services, etc.) to support and enable IPv6 and increase the proportion of data center export IPv6 traffic.
(6) Improve the IPv6 service capabilities of the cloud service platform. Deepen the IPv6 upgrade of local mainstream cloud service platforms, and make the nationwide cloud resource pool and cloud products of various specifications fully support IPv6. Optimize the business logic of cloud products, improve IPv6 service capabilities, enable IPv6 functions by default for new services, strengthen publicity and promotion for existing users of cloud products, proactively provide IPv6 upgrade guidelines, and guide users to activate IPv6 functions.
The work arrangement special action period is from August 2024 to July 2025, and is divided into three stages.
Phase 1: Mobilization and Deployment (August 2024). Key cities have established working mechanisms, with the participation of relevant departments such as cybersecurity, communications management, industry and information technology, state-owned assets, education, and finance, as well as basic telecommunications companies, key Internet companies, terminal equipment companies, cloud service platform companies, and data center operating companies, etc. Detail work measures and mobilize and deploy special actions.
Phase 2: Task implementation (September 2024-June 2025).Each unit actively promotes and implements the work goals and tasks one by one, and regularly conducts statistical monitoring and reporting on the main indicators of IPv6 traffic to understand the progress of the tasks. In view of difficult problems, carry out timely work scheduling and coordinate to promote solutions.
Phase 3: Summary Assessment (July 2025). Combined with the development of IPv6 traffic indicators in key cities, summarize the completion of various work tasks, comprehensively evaluate the implementation effectiveness of special actions, strengthen the promotion of typical experiences and practices, and report relevant information to the Central Network Information Office and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
Work requirements (1) Strengthen organizational leadership. The Central Cyberspace Affairs Office and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with provincial-level Cyberspace Affairs Offices, communications administrations, industry and information technology departments and other units, have strengthened central-local coordination and increased support and guidance for special actions. Basic Telecommunications Enterprise Group Corporation has increased special guidance, policy preferences and technical support to provincial subsidiaries (branch) companies, and has used the completion of IPv6-related tasks in key cities as an important indicator for annual assessments. All key cities firmly establish the awareness of "one game of chess", strengthen overall planning and coordination, increase policy, financial and talent support, guide all sectors of society to actively invest and participate together, carry out project-based and list-based management, and advance various tasks to ensure that Effective on the ground.
(2) Promote demonstration and leadership. Adhere to the national "one network" work concept, give full play to the technological, industrial and service advantages of key cities, use points to promote coverage, and radiate to drive the growth of IPv6 users and traffic scale in various regions across the country. Actively promote the popularization and application of the outstanding results of the national IPv6 technology innovation and integrated application pilot projects in key cities.
(3) Strengthen monitoring and reporting. Key cities should establish and improve monitoring mechanisms and statistical accounts, strengthen publicity and training on IPv6 traffic indicator monitoring methods, carry out regular monitoring analysis and reporting, and provide data support for special actions. Starting from September 2024, before the 10th of each month, the Basic Telecommunications Enterprise Group Company will provide relevant indicator data such as the proportion of fixed and mobile network IPv6 traffic in each key city, and the provincial Cyberspace Administration of China will provide 8 main indicator data for IPv6 traffic in key cities. , and submit it to the Central Cyberspace Administration of China. The Cyberspace Administration of China regularly reports on the progress of special actions.
(4) Increase publicity and guidance. Key cities should plan and launch IPv6 themed publicity activities to comprehensively demonstrate the technical advantages and development results of IPv6, stimulate the attention and participation of all sectors of society in IPv6, guide enterprises, institutions and the public to actively use IPv6, and create a good development atmosphere.

Atas ialah kandungan terperinci Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Hefei, Wuxi dan Yantai akan melancarkan tindakan khas untuk meningkatkan trafik IPv6. Untuk maklumat lanjut, sila ikut artikel berkaitan lain di laman web China PHP!

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